Count the code in your repo(s)
Repo Counts
Tool for reporting amount of a code in repositories, with an option of generating counts over time.
This tool can generate very, very large amounts of data. Be careful when using chronicle
together with detail
npx repo-counts -h
- lists available options with description
npx repo-counts
- counts current dir
npx repo-counts -r <dir1> <dir2>
- counts selected dirs
Not supported yet - this tool uses node.js api that isn't available in std/node
library. That said, I'm testing the tool by running:
deno run --unstable --compat --allow-env --import-map=./import_map.json .\src\index.mjs
- Allow skipping first n commits. This is helpful when initial commits are more of a POS or setting up stuff.
- Allow specifying a time period instead of a whole timeline, specific date in time.
- ~Display more data in html output (on hover?).~ - done
- Allow configuring colors.
- Allow defyining config file, that can hold repeatable congfiguration - implemented, not tested.
- ~Implement option for ignoring extensions and folder names.~ - done
- Allow probing repositories not on disk - using github API or other services.
- Check quantity queries and media queries to move more logic to CSS.
- All errors should be reported to a separate file
- CSV output should not use ids for authors and dates, but labels.
- Series/periods descriptions under the chart should adapt to their amount and sreen size.
- Allow details to specify author, date, extension or fileName instead of always being extension.
- Improve tooltips to show values always, consider rounding them.