Fix bugs, close pulls, and update your team with desktop instant replay.
Why double-back when you can capture it the first time? Playback and share exactly what happened with Replayable's desktop replay buffer.
This package allows you to control the Replayable desktop application from the CLI or SDK.
You can easily embed desktop replays within git commits, pull requests, bug reports, jira tickets, and even within log files.
Desktop replays are a great way to share context behind problems and document the application state within logs, tickets and more.
Quick Setup
Install Replayable Desktop
First, install Replayable Desktop. Replayable Desktop runs in the background giving you access to a buffer of video.
Install this package
npm install replayable -g
Create a Replay
$ replayable
Return a rich markdown link
$ replayable --md
[![Replayable - New Replay](](
Watch [Replayable - New Replay]( on Replayable
Set a replay title
$ replayable -t "My New Title"
Attach the last 20 CLI commands to the replay
$ history -20 | replayable
Attach a logfile to the replay
This will attach the mac system log to the replay.
$ cat /var/log/system.log | replayable
GitHub CLI
The following examples depend on having the GitHub CLI installed.
Create a github issue with a replay in the description
$ gh issue create -w -t "Title" -b "`replayable --md`"
This is where it gets really cool. For example, this single command will create a GitHub issue with a video replay and the mac system logs.
gh issue create -w -t "Title" -b "`cat /var/log/system.log | replayable --md`"
Create a github pull request with a replay in the description
$ gh pr create -w -t "Title" -b "`replayable --md`"
Append a 30 second replay to a commit
$ git commit -am "`replayable`"
const replayable = require("replayable");
process.on("uncaughtException", async (err) => {
let replay = await replayable.createReplay({
title: "uncaughtException",
description: err,
console.log("Replayable", replay);
setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error("Throw makes it go boom!");
}, 3000);
Javascript Integration
Note that this example does not require any library to be installed as the app exposes the protocol natively.
window.onerror = function myErrorHandler() {"replayable://replay/create", "_blank");
setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error("Throw makes it go boom!");
}, 3000);
Advanced Usage
Usage: replayable create [options]
Create a replay and output the resulting url or markdown. Will launch desktop app for local editing before publishing.
-t, --title <string> Title of the replay. Automatically generated if not supplied.
-d, --description [text] Replay markdown body. This may also be piped in: `cat | replayable create`
--md Returns code for a rich markdown image link.
-h, --help display help for command
It would be possible to string this along in a git hook to publish with every commit.