Utility for connecting to a remote node application with a node js REPL
#REPL Jack
Utility for connecting to a remote node application utilizing one or more node js REPLs.
Essentially you run a Jack server, giving it a context for your REPLs. Then any client connecting to the jack will be given its own node js REPL. This allows you to run a node js application on a remote server, run this Jack alongside it, and have multiple REPLs jack into the running applicatio.
You can use npm to install : npm install repl-jack
Running a jack
Command Line
A command line script, jack-make is included that can host the jack and create a context. Here's an example:
# make a jack, and run FooModule and insert it into the REPL context
jack-make -c FooModule
To see its usage use --help
$ jack-make --help 1 ↵
Usage: run-jack-make [options]
-s, --start starting port, this is the port that clients will need to use to connect [9001]
-e, --end ending port, the server will utilize the range of ports from start to end for handshaking and REPLs [9006]
-c, --context comma seperated list of modules to require and add to the context []
Node API
Here's the node jS API
var FooModule = require('FooModule');
var Jack = require('Jack');
var jack = new Jack({
context : { FooModule : FooModule},
ports : [9001,9002,9003]
Connecting to a jack
A command line script, jack-connect, is included that can connect to the REPL jack. Example:
#connect to a jack at running on port 9001
jack-connect -h -p 9001
To its usage use --help
$ run-jack-connect --help
Usage: jack-connect [options]
-h, --host
-p, --port the port of the jack to connect to (should be the start port) [9001]
This is written in es6. There are a few build tasks that utilize gulp that allow you to test and run the applications in node. `gulp run-jack-connect' and 'gulp run-jack-make' should get you started when making changes.