Create Rental Applications offline on your own computer.
Rental Application
Create/save/print Rental Applications (Node.js version)
This is a port of my Mozilla Firefox Extension rentap to npm. You must install npm.
Rental Application can easily be run from your user's home folder by following these steps:
For Windows instructions, click here
Linux Terminal (ordinary user, no root privilages needed)
mkdir ~/nodejs
cd ~/nodejs
npm install rentap
(Optional) Import store.json From the Firefox (or Icecat) rentap extension
- Find
in a hidden subdirectory of your home directory:find ~/.mozilla -name store.json
- Copy or link it to
Example:ln -s ~/.mozilla/icecat/vytcev6r.default-1510880606244/jetpack/jid1-E1afJi6vbTfsRg@jetpack/simple-storage/store.json ~/nodejs/node_modules/rentap/import_storejson/store.json
cd ~/nodejs/node_modules/rentap/import_storejson
node import_storejson
and follow any prompts if it needs input from youmv store.db ..
cd ~/nodejs/node_modules/rentap
npm start
- Open any browser to http://localhost:3000 or
- To stop the www server, run
npm stop
(Optional) Google Appifying it and using a script to automatically run npm start
Run as above and open in Google Chrome
Click the 3-vertical-dot Google Chrome menu and choose More Tools -> Create Shortcut...
Checkmark "Open As Window" if you want it to look like a separate ap instead of a tab
Find the desktop file created by Google Chrome:
grep "Rental Application" ~/.local/share/applications/*desktop
Find the Exec command in the desktop file just found. For example,
grep Exec ~/.local/share/applications/chrome-onobjhkphejolhnnbkgckmkjhpoelkgh-Default.desktop
with the following code in it where the last line is the Exec command found in the previous step.#!/bin/sh if test ! -f /tmp/rentap-server-running then rentap-server & fi /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --profile-directory=Default --app-id=onobjhkphejolhnnbkgckmkjhpoelkgh
chmod +x rentap
sudo mv rentap /usr/local/bin
with the following code in it.#!/bin/sh cd ~/nodejs/node_modules/rentap npm start > /tmp/rentap-server-running rm /tmp/rentap-server-running
chmod +x rentap-server
sudo mv rentap-server /usr/local/bin
Edit the desktop file found previously and set
Now you can launch Rental Application like any other on your linux desktop.
If the page displays an error, then press F5 to refresh, and maybe ad a sleep 4
or whatever length of time works after npm start ...
in rentap-server
To stop the www server, run npm stop
in ~/nodejs/node_modules/rentap
Since the file /tmp/rentap-server-running
is in /tmp
(which is in memory only), it will be deleted on reboot even if rentap
didn't get to delete it.
Windows Powershell (ordinary user, no Adminstrator privilages needed)
mkdir ~\nodejs
cd ~\nodejs
npm install rentap
(Optional) Import store.json From the Firefox (or Icecat) rentap extension
- Find
in a hidden subdirectory of your home directory:dir ~\AppData -recurse -ea 0 | % FullName | sls "store.json"
- Copy it to
Example:cp ~\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\4wvnz10q.default\jetpack\jid1-E1afJi6vbTfsRg@jetpack\simple-storage\store.json ~\nodejs\node_modules\rentap\import_storejson
cd ~\nodejs\node_modules\rentap\import_storejson
node import_storejson
and follow any prompts if it needs input from youmv store.db ..
cd ~\nodejs\node_modules\rentap
npm start
- Open any browser to http://localhost:3000 or
- To stop the www server, run
npm stop
(Optional) Google Appifying it and using a script to automatically run npm start
Run as above and open in Google Chrome
Click the 3-vertical-dot Google Chrome menu and choose More Tools -> Create Shortcut...
Checkmark "Open As Window" if you want it to look like a separate ap instead of a tab
Get the command that launches the ap:
- Windows Menu -> All apps -> Recently added -> Rental Application, right click it and choose More...-> Open file location
- In the window that pops up, find the Rental Application shortcut and right click it, choosing Properties
- The "Target" will already be highlighted, so press Ctrl+c to copy it.
Cancel the Properties window but keep the window showing the shortcut.
with the following code in it where the last line is a modified version of the "Target" that was copied in step 4. That last line splits the "Target" into a FilePath and an ArgumentList. Looking at the example in this script should make it clear how to do it.if (!(Test-Path "~\AppData\Local\Temp\rentap-server-running")) { Start-Job -FilePath "~\rentap-server.ps1" sleep 5 } Start -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -ArgumentList "--profile-directory=Default --app-id=onobjhkphejolhnnbkgckmkjhpoelkgh" cd ~\nodejs\node_modules\rentap
My Windows computer is slow, so I added a
sleep 5
. This line may not be necessary, or 5 may be too long or too short - experiment.Create
with the following code in it:cd ~\nodejs\node_modules\rentap npm start > "~\AppData\Local\Temp\rentap-server-running" rm "~\AppData\Local\Temp\rentap-server-running"
file won't be deleted until the server is stopped withnpm stop
in the window showing the server is running.Go back to the window showing the
Rental Application
shortcut, right click it, and choose Properties.Delete the highlighted "Target" and insert the following:
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoExit -File C:\Users\Colin\rentap.ps1
Of course, replace "Colin" with your username.
Turns out Windows doesn't delete the contents of
on reboot, so it's necessary to create a script to deleterentap-server-running
and put it in the startup folder (in case the computer reboots beforerentap-server.ps1
has the chance to delete the file).- Create
with just one line:
rm "~\AppData\Local\Temp\rentap-server-running"
- Open Windows startup folder: Right-click on the start menu, choose Run, and type
Shell:common startup
. This should bring up"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
. - Open your home folder, Right-click on
and create a shortcut. - Drag the shortcut to the Startup folder (and allow administrative privilages to do it).
- Right-click the shortcut just moved to the Startup folder and change the Target, inserting the following at the beginning:
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File
(and allow administrative privilages to do it). - For example, my Target looks like this:
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\Users\Colin\rentap-not-running.ps1
- Create
Now you can launch Rental Application like any other. If on first launch, the page displays an error, press F5 to refresh the page because it tried to display the page before the server was up. You may need to play around with the line that says sleep 5
in the example script above.
To stop the www server, run npm stop
in the PowerShell window showing that it is running.