renderhook is a macro that allows hooks to transform or wrap what your component returns
renderhook is a macro that allows hooks to transform or wrap what your component returns.
For example, this can be used flatten React's Context.Provider, add hidden elements to query or style elements, add a class name, and more.
You can then pull this logic out into reusable hooks, and keep your components very clean.
First, ensure you have [babel-plugin-macros installed and configured][1]. If you're using create-react-app v2, it'll already be set up for you. Then install this plugin.
npm install --save renderhook
# or
yarn add renderhook
If we want to provide some Context to the children, we can easily create a reusable function for this, and make use of it in our components.
The value you pass to renderhook
should be a two-item array, with the first value
being what renderhook
should directly return, and the second being a function that
transforms the function component's return value.
import * as React from 'react';
import renderhook from 'renderhook/macro';
const useProvide = (Provider, value) => {
return [
// We don't need to give the caller of `useProvide` a value, so return renderHook(useProvide(...))
// should return `null`
// If something is returned from the function component, we can wrap it in a Provider to
// allow the children to receive the value in context.
// If our component has `return <Foo />` then `element` will be `<Foo />`
(element) => element && <Provider value={value}>{element}</Provider>,
const Ctx = React.createContext(null);
function MyComponent() {
renderhook(useProvide(Ctx.Provider, { x: 1 }));
return <Foo />;
function Foo() {
const { x } = React.useContext(Ctx);
return <div>x is {x}</div>; // displays "x is 1"