A remote nodejs Cached sqlite Database Server, for you to have your perfect MAP Cache Saved and useable remotely. Easy Server and Client Creations, fast, stores the Cache before stopping and restores it again! it uses ENMAP
- A remote nodejs Database using sqlite
- It has auto-restore features
- It is fast
- It uses enmap aka sqlite
- The clients are cached
- Supports SHARDED Applications (like Discord Bots, which used enmap before)
npm install
npm install remote-sqlite-database
- Create the DB - Create a File-Folder-Project, at your CACHE-SERVER (it's a cache and db at the same time) and put in this Code:
const { remoteCacheServer } = require("remote-sqlite-database");
const Server = new remoteCacheServer({
username: "TheUserNameForTheCacheServer",
password: "ThePasswordForTheCacheServer",
name: "databaseName",
dataDir: "./path/to/database/",
port: 4040, // Any port
tls: true,
debug: false // if enabled u see all the actions ;)
// Following Events are optional
.on("serverReady", () => {
console.log("DatabaseCacheServer ready and waiting for connections");
.on("serverError", (error) => {
console.error("DatabaseCacheServer error, ERROR:\n", error, "\n---\n");
.on("serverClose", (reason) => {
console.log("DatabaseCacheServer closed");
.on("serverConnect", (connection, payload) => {
console.log("DatabaseCacheServer a Client Connected");
.on("serverDisconnect", (connection, reason) => {
console.log("DatabaseCacheServer a Client Disconnected");
.on("serverMessage", (message) => {
// console.log("DatabaseCacheServer, received a Message", message);
.on("serverRequest", async (request, response, client) => {
// console.log("DatabaseCacheRequest, received a Request", request);
- To connect the cache do this:
const { remoteCacheClient } = require("remote-sqlite-database");
const client = new remoteCacheClient({
username: "db_cache",
password: "db_cache",
host: "localhost",
port: 5000,
tls: true,
keyPathing: true, // true|false ... enables if the key contains a "." that it's splitted to a path, e.g.: "" --> key = "hello", path = "world.hi", db.get("hello") --> {world: {hi: "value"}}
//keyPathing should be set to false, if you want to do "key.hello" as a key
// following events are optional
.on("cacheReady", () => {
console.log("DATABASECACHECLIENT ready and connected");
.on("cacheError", (error) => {
console.error("DATABASECACHECLIENT error, ERROR:\n", error, "\n---\n");
.on("cacheClose", (reason) => {
console.log("DATABASECACHECLIENT closed, REASON?:\n", reason, "\n---\n");
.on("cacheMessage", (message) => {
console.log("message", message);
.on("cacheRequest", async (request, response, client) => {
console.log("REQUEST", request);
// example usage
async function yourProgram(){
await client.set("hi", "bye").then(console.log).catch(console.error);
await client.get("hi").then(console.log).catch(console.error);
await client.set("array", []).then(console.log).catch(console.error);
await client.push("array", "element").then(console.log).catch(console.error);
await client.push("array", "element2").then(console.log).catch(console.error);
await client.size().then(console.log).catch(console.error);
await client.get("array").then(console.log).catch(console.error);
await client.all().then(console.log).catch(console.error);
Methods (Functions) for the CACHE-CLIENT(s)
- all "path"'s are optional
- get(key, path) get any value from a key
- set(key, path) set any value in a key
- add(key, amount, path) add a number to a key/path
- substract(key, amount, path) removes a number from a key/path
- math(key, operator, amount, path) make a mathematical operation like adding, substracting multiplying etc.
- push(key, element, path) add an element in an array
- remove(key, element, path) remove an element out of an array
- has(key, path) check if the key / key-path exists
- delete(key, path) delete something
- clear() clears the whole cache Map
- all() / values() array of all values
- entries() array of [key, value]
- keys() array of all keys
- ping() shows the ping
- size() shows the cache-map-size
- ensure(key, data, path) ensures data in the db
Events for the CACHE-SERVER
- serverReady shows when the server is ready, you don't need to listen to it!
- serverError shows when the server errors, you don't need to listen to it!
- serverClose shows when the server closes, you don't need to listen to it!
- serverConnect shows when a client connects, you don't need to listen to it!
- serverDisconnect shows when a client disconnects, you don't need to listen to it!
- serverMessage receives messages from a cache-client, you don't need to listen to it!
- serverRequest received requets from a cache-client, used for sending the cache datas, you don't need to listen to it!
Events for the CACHE-Client(s)
- cacheReady shows when the server is ready, you don't need to listen to it!
- cacheError shows when the server errors, you don't need to listen to it!
- cacheClose shows when the server closes, you don't need to listen to it!
- cacheMessage receives messages from the cache-server, you don't need to listen to it!
- cacheRequest receives requets from the cache-server, you don't need to listen to it!