Convert your JavaScript library to a remote service.
Convert your JavaScript library to a remote service 💫.
Using only a Duplex stream such as TCP soocket, WebSocket or even WebRTC DataChannel with this library you can just share your code with other peers without worrying for API interfaces or RPC integration. Your users will be able to use your code remotely exactly as you write it. Including calling functions with callbacks, Promises, class inheritance and more.
This library is based on the remote-context module.
npm install remote-lib
On the server
const net = require('net');
const { Library } = require('remote-lib');
// You can put any object, class or instance under the context and it will be proxied to the
// remote peer automatically
const library = new Library({
// Static vars
foo: 'bar',
// Dynamic functions
getRandom: () => Math.random(),
// Async functions
getData: () =>
new Promise(resolve =>
setTimeout(() => resolve({ data: 'Tada!' }), 100),
// Classes and objects
myThings: new Set(['car', 'keys', 'pizza']),
// Functions that return functions
multiFunc: () => () => 'Yes!',
// Create a server and serve each client the context remotely
const server = net.createServer(socket => {
// Bind on port 3000
On the client
const net = require('net');
const { RemoteLibrary } = require('remote-lib');
// Connect to the server and get a stream
const socket = net.createConnection(3000);
// Create the remote library
const remoteLibrary = new RemoteLibrary(socket);
// Get the remote "foo" => {
// value === 'bar'
// Run the remote function "getRandom"
remoteLibrary.getRandom().then(value => {
// `value` is random number
// Run the remote async function "getData"
remoteLibrary.getData().then(value => {
// value === { data: 'Tada!' }
// Get remote instance set "myThings"
remoteLibrary.myThings.then(async set => {
set instanceof Set; // true
// Access getters and data properties instantly
set.size; // 3
// Call methods with async promises
await set.has('keys'); // true
await set.has('cat'); // false
// Change the remote instance
await set.add('dog');
await set.has('dog'); // true
// Use RemotePromise virtual path:
remoteLibrary.multiFunc()().then(value => {
// value === 'Yes!'
API Reference
This module is a part of the remote-lib
Here is the relevant documentation for this module:
© 2017 Moshe Simantov
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.