ReIterator is a node.js module which helps you avoid errors while accessing json from the big bad internet (and your own apis)
I created this package to simplify iterating across arrays and objects without hitting into errors. The Iterator is chainable, making it possible to access items as $$(obj)._('first')._(0)._('second).value()
Quick Start
yarn add reiterator
const i = require("reiterator");
// This is our object
const json = {
name: { firstName: "Jack", lastName: "Reaper" },
city: "Jakarta",
runs: [
{ run1: { date: "26 March 2020", distance: "5km" } },
{ run2: { date: "20 March 2020", distance: "5km" } },
active: true,
waiting: null,
countries: undefined,
// And this is how you can parse through it
i.$$(json)._("name")._("firstName").string(); // "Jack"
i.$$(json)._("runs")._(0)._("run1")._("distance").string(); // "5km"
i.$$(json)._("runs").keys(); // ["run1", "run2"]
i.$$(json)._("name").value(); // { firstName: "Jack", lastName: "Reaper" }
i.$$(json)._("name"); // { obj: { firstName: "Jack", lastName: "Reaper" } }
i._keys(json.runs); // ["run1", "run2"]
i._len(json.runs); // 2
i.isUndefined(json.countries); // true
The Complete API
and _
are aliases
and new Iterator(json)
are aliases
always returns an array
or []
always returns an string
or ""
const json = { one: "two" };
const Iterator = require("reiterator");
const i = new Iterator(json);
const ii = Iterator.$$(json); // alias
i.$("one"); // { obj: "two" }
i.$("one", true); // "two"
i._("one"); // { obj: "two" } alias
i._("one", true); // "two" alias
i.keys(); // ["one"]
Iterator.keys(json); // ["one"]
i.$("one").string(); // "two"
Iterator._str(; // "two" alias
i.value(); // { "one": "two" }
i.length(); // 1
Iterator._len(json); // 1
Iterator.hasKey(json, "one"); // true
Iterator.hasKey(json, "two"); // false
// Other static functions
Iterator.isArray(json); // false
Iterator.isObject(json); // true
Iterator.isNumber(json); // false
Iterator.isString(json); // false
Iterator.isBoolean(json); // false
Iterator.isNull(json); // false
Iterator.isUndefined(json); // false