Web-based client for Refl1D webview GUI
Web-based client for Refl1D webview GUI
Setting up development environment
This package depends on the bumps-webview-client
package, which can be installed in a few ways:
Install bumps client from NPM
This will get the most recent version that has been published to (or update an existing version)
npm install bumps-webview-client@latest
Use current git version
This gives you the most up-to-date version, but requires a little setup
N.B. For the example below, bumps
and refl1d
have been cloned to the ~/dev/
folder. Your
install location will be different...
Create a conda environment
conda create -n refl1d-dev python nodejs conda activate refl1d-dev
Clone the bumps repository (only need to do once)
cd ~/dev git clone cd bumps git checkout webview
library in development modepip install -e . pip install -r webview-requirements
Navigate to the webview client folder
cd ~/dev/bumps/bumps/webview/client
Install dependencies
npm install
to npm linksnpm link
Clone the refl1d repository
cd ~/dev git clone cd refl1d git checkout webview
python librarypip install -e .
Navigate to webview client folder
cd ~/dev/refl1d/refl1d/webview/client
Install dependencies
npm install
Link to local
folder (this overwrites the bumps-webview-client installation fromnpm install
with a hard link to the local folder)npm link bumps-webview-client
Build the client
npm run build
Rebuilding after changes
Now you can run the server, and it will use this locally built client. After changes to the source code (to incorporate new client features):
cd ~/dev/bumps
git pull
cd ~/dev/refl1d
git pull
cd ~/dev/refl1d/refl1d/webview/client
npm run build
Hot-reloading client preview
This mode is useful for rapid prototyping (esp. trying to fix styling in the client)
cd ~/dev/refl1d/refl1d/webview/client
npx vite
... this will start a local server for the rendered client at something like http://localhost:5173 (a link will appear in the console).
In a different terminal, you have to also start the python server, which will be listening on a different port, e.g.
python -m refl1d.webview.server --port 8888
Then, in your browser, you would navigate to the server that is rendering the client code, but also passing information on where the API server is located, e.g.
Changes made to the client code, e.g. the .vue files, will be immediately reflected in the running client.
(When using a pre-built client, the python API server will also serve the static client files, but for hot-reloading we want those two services separated.)
Recommended IDE Setup
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
Customize configuration
See Vite Configuration Reference.
Project Setup
npm install
Compile and Hot-Reload for Development
npm run dev
Compile and Minify for Production
npm run build
Publishing new client versions:
(...after checking to make sure there aren't extraneous files in this folder)
npm version patch
npm publish
and then
git commit package.json -m "webview client version bump"
git pull
git push