Infrastructure boilerplate template
Infrastructure boilerplate template
{Explain the package, its purpose etc}
This repository is the base reference template for a standard package
- Configuration for Visual Studio Code/build/
- Build scripts and other assets needed for building./dist/
- Distributable files - static and generated by the build process./doc/
- Documentation; technical details and the output of any generated documentation/samples/
- Samples that demonstrate the use of the package/spec/
- Specifications; feature files, specialised specs such as load testing. Also any scripts needed for executing the specs./src/
- The source code, including unit tests/temp/
- Temporary files that are discardable. (Not checked in to source control)/tools/
- Executable binaries and other scripts/vendor/
- Third-party executable binaries and other scripts
- Standardised IDE configuration using EditorConfig/.gitignore
- Filename patterns for Git to ignore/bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- Configuration for BitBucket pipelines CI/
- Log of significant changes per release/mocha.opts
- Configuration for the Mocha test runner/package.json
- NPM package configuration/
- Entry point to the repository’s documentation (this file)/tslint.json
- Typescript Lint configuration
Getting set up
{Include here, any extra dependencies and external set-up steps that are required.}
The standard process is to install any required package dependencies by running the command:
npm install
The primary mechanism for runtime configuration is to use predetermined environment variables. These can be set in operating system prior to execution, or injected at runtime using the commands cross-env and/or env-cmd.
Configurable variables
| Name | Default | Description | |------------|-------------|---------------------------| | SAMPLE_VAR | sample | This is a sample variable |