Improve redux-form api to give your connected form all of the state it needs!
Improve redux-form api to give your connected form all of the state it needs! :penguin:
the redux-form API has some quirks. your reduxForm(...)
'ed component isn't passed all of the form state you need.
For example:
- by default, you can't see all of your validation errors, or form values in the root component (see #2299)
- when you want to get extra props into your reduxForm'd component, you end up doing some double wrapping/connecting of your exports. it's a little wonky!
this package makes setting up your form easier to get all the rich form state you need!
npm install --save reduxify-form
consider the example of how redux-form recommends getting extra state into your form.
// redux-form provided example, simplified/condensed
// boring old imports
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form'
// boring old form component
let MyForm = (props) => {
const { firstName, handleSubmit } = props
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name="firstName" component="input" type="text" placeholder="First Name"/>
<input value={`You've typed: ${firstName}`} />
<Field name="lastName" component="input" type="text" placeholder="Last Name"/>
// connect redux-form to our component for the first time...
MyForm = reduxForm({
form: 'myForm'
// connect our component again to get some additional state
MyForm = connect(
state => {
const firstName = formValueSelector('myForm')(state, 'firstName')
return { firstName }
export default MyForm
ok, that's not too bad! unforunately, not all selectors work. see #2299. further, this could be a little bit friendlier! let's examine how reduxify-form
// reduxify-form example
// one extra import!
import React from 'react'
import { Field } from 'redux-form'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { reduxifyForm } from 'reduxify-form' // <== this guy :)
let MyForm = (props) => {
// note where we get our additional state from now
const { formState: { firstName }, handleSubmit } = props
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name="firstName" component="input" type="text" placeholder="First Name"/>
<input value={`You've typed: ${firstName.value}`} />
<Field name="lastName" component="input" type="text" placeholder="Last Name"/>
// wait, and this is it?
// yup! just one call to get all of that additional state (like field values, such as firstName)
export default reduxifyForm({
component: MyForm,
formName: 'myform',
reduxifyForm({ component: Component, formName, [connect], [getState] }) : Component
export default reduxifyForm({
component: MyForm,
formName: 'myform'
by default, behaves similarly to reduxForm whilst applying additional form state to your props
addtional props
come through as props.formState
. what is exactly in formState
, you ask? content from redux-form state selectors.
// selectors are from
props.formState = {
values: getFormValues(formName)(state),
syncErrors: getFormSyncErrors(formName)(state),
submitErrors: getFormSubmitErrors(formName)(state)
want different content in formState
? no problem. pass a custom function via getState
export default reduxifyForm({
component: MyForm,
formName: 'myform'
getState: function (formName, state) {
// return any selectors from redux form
return {
dirty: isDirty(formName)(state),
pristine: isPristine(formName)(state),
invalid: isInvalid(formName)(state),
myFieldValue: formValueSelector(formName)(state, 'myField'),
fruit: 'bananas'
init(connect) : undefined
rather than passing connect
on every form call, you can bind reduxify-form
to connect
just once, so it works with all of your forms.
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { reduxifyForm, init } from 'reduxify-form'
// now you don't need to provided `connect` to any reduxifyForm calls
export default reduxifyForm({
component: MyForm,
formName: 'myform',