Undo/Redo on steroids 💊 for real applications.
Undo/Redo on steroids 💊 for real applications.
Will be useful for
- Undo/Redo
- Optimistic UI
- Transactions
- Jumping between states inside application
npm install redux-saves
yarn add redux-saves
Add middleware
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { createSavesMiddleware } from 'redux-saves';
export const store = createStore(
Wrap Reducers
Wrap each reducer that you want control with redux-saves
import { savesReducerWrapper } from 'redux-saves';
export const reducer = savesReducerWrapper((state, action) => {
switch (action) {
return state;
Also you can pin reducer to some group for joint control
import { savesReducerWrapper } from 'redux-saves';
export const reducer = savesReducerWrapper('Group 1', (state, action) => {
switch (action) {
return state;
Group key can be number or string;
If Group key don't specified, reducer will be added to default group;
Add Reducer with meta information from redux-saves (optional step)
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { createSavesMiddleware } from 'redux-saves';
export const store = createStore(
savesMetadata: savesReducer
Add Save
// or
type Payload = {
groupKeys?: Array<string | number>
saveKey?: string | number,
store.dispatch(createAddSaveAction(payload as Payload));
- if payload === undefined || groupKeys === undefined - groupKeys will equal for all existed groups
- if payload === undefined || saveKey === undefined - saveKey will generated automatically
Clear saves
Remove saves
Try to remove current save for all groups
type Payload = {
groupKeys?: TGroupKey[],
saveKeys?: TGroupSaveKey[],
exceptSaveKeys?: TGroupSaveKey[],
store.dispatch(createRemoveSavesAction(payload as Payload));
if groupKeys === undefined - groupKeys will equal for all existed groups
if isArray(saveKeys) - redux-saves remove only this saves
if isArray(exceptSaveKeys) - redux-saves all saves except this saves
Removing saves don't change reducers state! However if you remove current save (last save / save that you just load), redux-saves update current save key. (Try get previous save) You should remember about this, when you remove current save and try load next save.
Don't use saveKeys and exceptSaveKeys at the same time
Redux-saves create AutoSaves if you try to load some save and at the same time you have unsaved changes in reducers;
Load save
type Payload = {
groupKeys?: TGroupKey[],
saveKey: TGroupSaveKey
store.dispatch(createLoadSaveAction(payload as Payload));
If groupKeys === undefined
groupKeys will equal for all existed groups
Load previous save
type Payload = {
groupKeys?: TGroupKey[],
count?: number // Count of back steps
store.dispatch(createLoadPrevSaveAction(payload as Payload));
- if groupKeys === undefined - groupKeys will equal for all existed groups
- if count === undefined - count will equal 1
Load next save
type Payload = {
groupKeys?: TGroupKey[],
count?: number // Count of forward steps
store.dispatch(createLoadNextSaveAction(payload as Payload));
- if groupKeys === undefined - groupKeys will equal for all existed groups
- if count === undefined - count will equal 1
Few words how work Load prev and next: Underhood saves it's two-linked list, every save have link to prev and next save, that give possibilities to implemet logic like undo/redo.
Actions that generate redux-saves
If load previous or next save will change state in some groups You can catch actions like:
- On success load previous saves
type LoadPrevSaveDoneAction = {
type: ActionType.LoadPrevSaveDone,
payload: { groupKeys: Array<string | number> }
- On success load next saves
type LoadNextSaveDoneAction = {
type: ActionType.LoadPrevSaveDone,
payload: { groupKeys: Array<string | number> }
groupKeys will include all group that was changed
State for redux-saves reducer
type TGroupKey = string | number;
type TGroupSaveKey = string | number;
type SavesReducerState = {
groupSaves: Record<TGroupKey, TGroupSaveKey[] | void>;
currentBranchSaves: Record<TGroupKey, TGroupSaveKey[] | void>; // Look description bellow
currentGroupSaves: Record<TGroupKey, TGroupSaveKey | void>;
When you load some previous save and begin change state you are creating a new branch of saves, that will be used for load previous and next saves.