A redux saga test helper with support for cloning, forking and mocks using effect middlewares. Inspired by [redux-saga-testing]( and [@redux-saga/testing-utils](
A redux saga test helper with support for cloning, forking and mocks using effect middlewares. Inspired by redux-saga-testing and @redux-saga/testing-utils' cloneableGenerator
Initialize the default export from this package to configure a
The sagaTest
is an it
object which runs one test per iteration on a given
saga generator.
import {call, put} from 'redux-saga/effects'
import sagaTestFactory from 'redux-saga-test-factory'
const successAction = (response) => ({type: 'SUCCESS', response})
function* mySaga(url) {
const response = yield call(fetch, url)
yield put(successAction(response))
sagaTest = sagaTestFactory()
describe('mySaga', () => {
const it = sagaTest(mySaga, '')
it('calls an effect', (effect) => {
effect.should.deep.equal(call(fetch, ''))
return 'response'
it('puts successAction', (effect) => {
branches the sagaTest
into another instance of itself with
the same sate, which runs without affecting the state of the original one.
It may take a value to override the value resolved from the previous test before resuming.
clone(value?): SagaTestIt<Ctx>
can be used as a block function by passing a description and callback.
The first parameter of the callback is the cloned saga test.
clone(desc: string, fn: SagaTestForkBlock<Ctx>): SagaTestIt<Ctx>
clone(desc: string, value: any, fn: SagaTestForkBlock<Ctx>): SagaTestIt<Ctx>
Example usage:
// ...
function* mySaga(url) {
try {
const response = yield call(fetch, url)
yield put(successAction(response))
} catch(error) {
yield put(errorAction(error))
const sagaTest = sagaTestFactory()
describe('mySaga', () => {
const mySagaTest = sagaTest(mySaga, '')
const it = mySagaTest
it('calls fetch')
describe('successful response', () => {
const it = mySagaTest.clone('some result')
it('puts successAction', (effect) => {
effect.should.deep.equal(put(successAction('some result')))
describe('error response', () => {
const error = new Error()
const it = mySagaTest.clone(error)
it('puts errorAction', (effect) => {
Callable effects such as call
and fork
can be branched into and tested
with sagaTest.forks
tests that some callable effect is yielded by checking the saga
generator's next result against a matcher, and then replaces the sagaTest
generator with one instantiated from that effect's function, and tests resume
with values yielded from it.
An effect matcher may be an effect object or a function of signature type
(e: Effect) => boolean
When a callback is provided to forks
the sagaTest
first is cloned and
branches into a context block, so the state of the original one is preserved.
forks<T, RT>(
desc: string,
expectedEffect: EffectExpectation<T, RT>,
fn?: SagaTestForkBlock<Ctx>
): this
forks<T, RT>(
expectedEffect: EffectExpectation<T, RT>,
fn?: SagaTestForkBlock<Ctx>
): this
Example usage:
// ...
const response = value => ({type: RESPONSE, value})
function* aSaga(_: Action) {
yield put(response('A'))
function* mainSaga() {
yield all([
takeEvery(ACTION_A, aSaga),
// other forks ...
describe('context', () => {
const sagaTest = sagaTestFactory()
describe('mainSaga', () => {
const it = sagaTest(mainSaga)
// asserts that this takeEvery runs and branches into it's context
it.forks(takeEvery(ACTION_A, aSaga), it => {
it('just yields ACTION_A to takeEvery', () => ({type: ACTION_A}))
it.forks('enters the context of aSaga', fork(aSaga, {type: ACTION_A}))
it('yields a response of A', ({payload}) => {
it.forks(/* another fork ... */)
Async tests
The saga test runner handles plain, async and generator test functions. Async
and plain functions get handled as usual by the test runner's it
generators get some special treatment.
When a saga test's it
block is a generator function, it iterates over the saga
and receives its yielded effects, and then yields something back in response.
// ...
function* mySaga(url: string) {
const response = yield call(fetch, url)
yield put(successAction(response))
describe('generator', () => {
const sagaTest = sagaTestFactory()
sagaTest(mySaga, '').do(it => {
it('yields values between test and saga', function* _(effect) {
expect(effect).to.deep.equal(call(fetch, ''))
expect(yield 'response').to.deep.equal(put(successAction('response')))
If present, getContext
& setContext
effects get resolved with values from the context object.
// ...
function* mySaga(url) {
const apiClient = yield getContext('apiClient')
yield call(apiClient.fetch, url)
const apiClient = {
fetch() {return null}
const sagaTest = sagaTestFactory({
context: {apiClient}
describe('mySaga', () => {
const it = sagaTest(mySaga, '')
// GET_CONTEXT is intercepted by contextEffectMiddleware
// it('gets apiClient from context')
it('calls apiClient.fetch', (effect, {context}) => {
effect.should.deep.equal(call(apiClient.fetch, ''))
Effect middlewares are called once for each iteration of a saga generator before running a test.
Effects can be intercepted by resolving to a value. When an effect is resolved, the result is yielded back and the saga generator, which resumes to the next iteration.
Middlewares have the same signature as a redux-saga EffectMiddleware
, and must run synchronously.
This can be used to mock effects such as selecting a value from the store:
Object with hooks from test runner's environment, falls back to get values from global
Required properties are { it, describe, before }
// Resolves select effect with values from a state object
const mockStoreMiddleware = (state) => (next) => (effect) => {
if (effect && effect[IO] && effect.type == 'SELECT') {
const {selector, args} = effect.payload
next(selector(state, ...args))
else next(effect)
const sagaTest = sagaTestFactory({
middleware: [
mockStoreMiddleware({ /* ... redux state */ })