(Yet another) Redux action creators, a reducer and middleware for resource-based APIs
Redux API Resource creator (redux-resx)
Yet another Redux action creators, a reducer and middleware for resource-based APIs.
resx = shortening for resource
Based on the async actions pattern in redux (
npm install --save redux-resx
Resource Definition
A resource is a grouping of redux reducers, actions and selectors for your api endpoint. You define a unique name for it and the url. You can also add your own reducer to augment the state at the "mountpoint" on the state store.
// somewhere like src/resources/user.js
import createResource from 'redux-resx';
export default createResource({
// Required:
name: '@resx/USER', // Unique namespace for actions and reducer
url: '/users',
// Optional (defaults shown)
// This function should return the root object of where you mount your state
baseSelector: s => s.resources,
// Use this to add extra reducers which receive the state after the built-in reducer
// has done it's thing - this can perhaps be used in conjunction with custom middleware
// It only receives resource actions, not every action
reducer: (state, _action) => state,
// src/resources/index.js
export default as user from './user';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import * as resources from '../resources';
import { reducer as resourceReducer } from 'redux-resx';
export default combineReducers({
resources: combineReducers(resourceReducer(resources)),
Lets break this down a bit:
export default combineReducers({
// 'resources' can be anywhere, you just need to specify a base selector that selects it in
// create resource
resources: combineReducers(
// resourceReducer is really just transforms the object to something that combineReducers can use
// Give it { users: [result of createResource] } and it will return { users: reducerFn } - simple
// Another way you could do this
import userResource from '../resources/users';
resources: combineReducers({
myUser: userResource.reducer,
Please see the NB comments
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { user as userResx } from '../resources';
// NB: New in 1.0.0+
// *************************************************************************
// You need to provide a namespace for your 'instance' (any string) that you want to use.
// This is so you can call a resource in multiple components without interferance.
const myUserResx = userResx.create('@HOME');
// If you omit the namespace, a default one will be used (essentially the same behaviour prior to 1.0.0)
// const myUserResx = userResx.create();
// Using the default method, returns a singleton instance for reuse
// const myUserResx = userResx.default();
const Home = React.createClass({
componentWillMount() {
const { getUser, findUsers, resetUsers } = this.props;
// XXX: Optional, you'll get old results before new ones are loaded if you don't do this.
// New in 1.0.0: If your resource is only used in this component and you destroy on unmount,
// you definitely/obviously won't need to use reset.
findUsers({ status: 'active' }); // params of request
getUser(123).then(...); // id=123 NB: only if middleware returns a promise
// NB: New in 1.0.0 - will remove the namespaced data entirely
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const { users, user } = this.props;
return (
{users ? JSON.stringify(users) : null}
{user ? JSON.stringify(user) : null}
function mapStateToProps(state) {
// Select the resource state
const {
hasLoaded, // true when find has been loaded before
isBusy, // true when any of the following are true
// Result for find - always an array (initial value: [])
// Last result for create, get, update, patch, remove
entity, // (initial value: undefined)
} = userResx.selector(state);
return {
users: items,
user: entity,
const { find: findUsers, get: getUser, reset: resetUsers, destroy: destroyResx } = myUserResx.actions;
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {
Each resx
has a selector function which can be used to select the resource from the state store.
A resx
has the following structure:
// Initial structure of resx
hasLoaded: false, // Has the resource loaded before (has find returned a result and items populated)
isBusy: false, // true if any operation is running on this resx, otherwise false
isFinding: false, // true if find call is busy, otherwise false
isGetting: false, // true if get call is busy, otherwise false
isCreating: false, // true if create call is busy, otherwise false
isUpdating: false, // true if update call is busy, otherwise false
isPatching: false, // true if patch call is busy, otherwise false
isRemoving: false, // true if remove call is busy, otherwise false
items: [], // The result of a find call
entity: undefined, // The result of the last get, create, patch, update and remove call
lastError: undefined, // The result of the call if it was an error
The middleware's job is to "handle" the actions coming in from resource action creators. This is where the side-effects are. A middleware is included which calls endpoints like you would expect, but you can implement your own or use e.g. sagas.
Builtin middleware
Add middleware to store in the normal way
// NB: Only bundled if you are using it
import middleware from 'redux-resx/middleware';
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';
//... other imports
const resxMiddleware = middleware({
baseUrl: '/api',
provider: fetch, // could write adapter to convert fetch params to e.g. request/jquery
export default function createApplicationStore() {
return createStore(
Other middleware
- redux-resx-feathers-middleware - uses
to make requests - redux-resx-saga - sagas to handle resource actions (TODO)
- Example
Future Ideas
- Middleware (separate package) that implements a decoupled cache using state