An i18n solution with plural forms support for React Native apps on Redux
An i18n solution with plural forms support for React Native apps on Redux.
This package provides functionality of redux-react-i18n to React Native.
The difference between this package and redux-react-i18n is in presentational component and its container. <Loc/>
from this package uses <Text>
from 'react-native'
instead of <span>
This package provides functionality of redux-react-i18n to React Native.
The difference between this package and redux-react-i18n is in presentational component. It uses <Text>
from 'react-native' instead of <span>
Workers of all countries, unite!
Supported languages list with expected codes for pluralize mechanics switching
- Russian ( ru, ru-RU )
- English ( en, en-US, en-UK )
- French ( fr )
- German ( de )
- Polish ( pl )
- Czech ( cs )
- Portuguese ( pt )
- Brazilian Portuguese ( pt-BR, br )
- Arabic ( ar-AR, ar )
- Turkish ( tr )
- Occitan ( oc )
- Belarusian ( be )
- Bosnian ( bs )
- Croatian ( hr )
- Serbian ( sr )
- Ukrainian ( uk )
- ...
Example Web Demo
Short code demo
Write ( jsx ):
<Loc locKey="your_key_1"/>
<Loc locKey="your_key_2" number={1}/>
<Loc locKey="your_key_2" number={2}/>
<Loc locKey="your_key_2" number={5}/>
Result ( html ):
<Text>Перевод вашего первого ключа из словаря для текущего языка</Text>
<Text>Пришла 1 кошечка</Text>
<Text>Пришли 2 кошечки</Text>
<Text>Пришло 5 кошечек</Text>
What am I using:
redux-react-i18n: ( github or npm )
You need react-native to be installed!
npm i redux-react-native-i18n
What's in the box
- Loc ( Container Component )
- LocPresentational ( Presentational Component )
- setCurrent( languageCode )
- setLanguages( languageCode )
- addDictionary( languageCode, dictionary )
- setDictionaries( dictionaries )
- i18n
Full code demo ( complete solution ):
import { i18nReducer, i18nActions, Loc } from 'redux-react-native-i18n'
// "reducers" contains your reducers
reducers.i18n = i18nReducer
const store = createStore( combineReducers( reducers ) )
// Set dictionaries (simpliest exapmple) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This dictionaries can be supported by Localization team without need to know somth about interface or project,
// and you just can fetch it to your project
const dictionaries = {
'ru-RU': {
'key_1': 'Первый дефолтный ключ',
'key_2': [ '$Count', ' ', ['штучка','штучки','штучек']], // 1 штучка, 3 штучки, пять штучек
'key_3': {
'nested_1': 'Первый вложенный ключ',
'nested_2': 'Второй вложенный ключ',
/* ... */
/* Other keys */
'en-US': {
'key_1': 'First default key',
'key_2': [ '$Count', ' ', ['thing','things']], // 1 thing, 2 things, 153 things
'key_3': {
'nested_1': 'First nested key',
'nested_2': 'Second nested key',
/* ... */
/* Other dictionaries */
store.dispatch( i18nActions.setDictionaries( dictionaries ) )
// / Set dictionaries (simpliest exapmple) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set languages (simpliest exapmple) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const languages = [
code: 'ru-RU',
name: 'Русский'
code: 'en-US',
name: 'English (USA)'
/* ... */
/* Other languages */
store.dispatch( i18nActions.setLanguages( languages ) )
// / Set languages (simpliest exapmple) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set current language code (you can map this action to select component or somth like this)
store.dispatch( i18nActions.setCurrentLanguage( 'ru-RU' ) )
And now you can use "Loc" container component
import { Loc } from 'redux-react-native-i18n'
<Loc locKey="key_1"/> // => Первый дефолтный ключ
<Loc locKey="key_2" number={7}/> // => 7 штучек
<Loc locKey="key_3.nested_1"/> // => Первый вложенный ключ
<Loc locKey="key_3.nested_2"/> // => Второй вложенный ключ
If you don't want to use a complete solution:
Just use a dumb component and you can design store/actions/reducers by yourself like you want
// Just import presentational component LocPresentational
import { LocPresentational } from 'redux-react-native-i18n'
// Then map data to props => currentLanguage, dictionary (See more in src/Loc.js):
const mapStateToProps = ( { /*getting data from the state*/ }, ownProps ) => ({
currentLanguage: yourCurrentLanguageFromState,
dictionary: yourDictionaryFromState
Loc = connect( mapStateToProps )( LocPresentational )
<Loc locKey="YOUR_KEY_1"/>
<Loc locKey="YOUR_KEY_2" number={42}/>
See more in src/*.js