Access redux state anywhere in your code through named reducers
Access redux state anywhere in your code through reducers, and optionally split your reducers into smaller 'reduce' functions that operate per action
npm install redux-named-reducers --save
Create a named reducer
import { createNamedReducer } from "redux-named-reducers";
//define all the state you will access in initial state
const initialState = {
state1: "default1",
state2: "default2"
function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
//reducer logic goes here
export const moduleA = createNamedReducer({
moduleName: "moduleA",
reducer: reducer
Add the enhancer
import { createStore, compose } from "redux";
import { namedReducerEnhancer } from "redux-named-reducers";
import { moduleA } from "./moduleA";
const store = createStore(moduleA, compose(namedReducerEnhancer(moduleA.reducer), ...otherEnhancersOrMiddleware));
Access the state from anywhere in your code
import { getState } from "redux-named-reducers";
import { moduleA } from "./moduleA";
function someFunction() {
const moduleName = moduleA.moduleName;
const state1 = getState(moduleA.state1);
const state2 = getState(moduleA.state2);
Use it to directly access state in mapDispatchToProps()
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
onClick: () => {
Alternate method of declaring reducers
Create a named reducer passing an initial state option
import { createNamedReducer } from "redux-named-reducers";
export const moduleA = createNamedReducer({
initialState: initialState
Create a reducer for each action or group of actions using 'reduce' function
//notice no need for '...state' just return the states which changed
moduleA.reduce(actions.ACTION1, action => {
state1: action.param1,
state2: action.param2
//if you are just changing state to a constant you can return an object directly
moduleA.reduce(actions.ACTION2, { state1: "nextState"} )
//multiple actions supported
moduleA.reduce([actions.ACTION3, actions.ACTION4], { state2: "nextState"} )
// well as 'redux-actions' like action creators that have a toString() method
moduleA.reduce(myActionCreator1, { state1: "nextState"} )
//'state' is not given because you can access it using the getState() method
moduleA.reduce(toggleState1, () => ({
state1: !getState(moduleA.state1)
Usage with combineReducers
Just pass the root reducer to the enhancer
import { combineReducers, createStore, compose } from "redux";
import { namedReducerEnhancer } from "redux-named-reducers";
import { moduleA } from "./moduleA";
import { moduleB } from "./moduleB";
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
[moduleA.moduleName]: moduleA.reducer,
[moduleB.moduleName]: moduleB.reducer
const store = createStore(rootReducer, compose(namedReducerEnhancer(rootReducer), ...otherEnhancersOrMiddleware));
Access external state from other reducers
Add an externalState option with a list of external state with default values
export const moduleA = createNamedReducer({
moduleName: "moduleA",
reducer: reducer,
externalState: { extState1: null, extState2: "" }
In the main app link the external state to other modules (Note: Since version v1.0.7 you must use linkState() to link states, old method is no longer supported)
import { linkState } from "redux-named-reducers";
linkState(moduleA.extState1, moduleB.state1);
linkState(moduleA.extState2, moduleC.state1);
You can then access the external state from the local module
const extState1 = getState(moduleA.extState1);
const extState2 = getState(moduleA.extState2);
Usage with reselect
Each named reducer state is just a selector so you can use it in reselect (since version 1.0.7 only)
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { moduleA } from "./moduleA";
import { moduleB } from "./moduleB";
const mySelector = createSelector(
[ moduleA.state1, moduleA.extState1, moduleB.state2 ],
(state1, extState1, state2) => {
//selector logic goes here
You can then use the selector as normal, or if you link it to your state then you can access it anywhere in your code
linkState(moduleA.extState1, mySelector);
const derivedState = getState(moduleA.extState1);
getState() currently works for first level state properties only. To access nested state you must do: