Hook RxJS Observers to respond directly to changes in your Redux store
Hook RxJS Observers to respond directly to changes in your Redux store
Reactive programming is a really good match for Redux. With the great redux-observables
library you can turn your stream of actions into declarative rules to handle the side-effects of your app. Nevertheless, there are some cases where it's much easier to trigger side-effects observing the already "reduced" state, instead of having to handle several different actions to compute your rule's logic.
Example use cases:
- maintain FIFO list of values in the global state with a maximum of 20 items
- try to reconnect to the server once we have been offline for 5 minutes
- buffer server-side calls and trigger them all at once when the app is idle
- any complex state-machine workflow which requires to handle several different events (actions)
We already have middleware to process the actions before they reach the reducer, lets also have a store enhancer to respond to changes after the reducer has applied the actions into the global state.