Using Swagger UI Try It Out function on Redoc
Live Demo | Installation | How to use | Available Options | Credits | Changelog | TODO
Live Demo
Online preview Pet Store live demo.
Script tag
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
How to use
After importing the script bundle, just configure and init it.
<div id="redoc_container"></div>
{ title: "Pet Store" },
Available options
RedocTryItOut Init Options
| Option | Description | Type | Note | | ----------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | docUrl | URL swagger's spec file | string | | | cfg | Redoc try it out config options | RedocTryItOutOptions | See options table | | element (optional) | Redoc wrapper container | HTMLElement | If not set, a wrapper will be created |
Redoc Try It Out Options
RedocTryItOutOptions extends RedocOptions, documented on Redoc documentation
| Option | Description | Type | Default |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| tryItOutEnabled | Enable/Disable Try Out feature | boolean | false
| tryItBoxContainerId | Id of the element created dynamically as Try Out container | string | 'try-out-wrapper'
| containerId | Redoc wrapper container id (used when no element is provided) | string | 'redoc-container'
| operationBoxSelector | Redoc operation box selector | string | '[data-section-id]'
| selectedOperationClass | Class name added into selected operation | string | 'try'
| redocVersion | Redoc version | string | '2.0.0-rc.56'
| authBtn | Auth Button Options | AuthBtnOptions | See the table |
| tryBtn | Try Out Button Options | TryBtnOptions | See the table |
| stylerMatcher | Styler Matcher Options | StyleMatcherOptions | See the table |
| swaggerOptions | Swagger Options | SwaggerOptions | See the table |
| dependenciesVersions | Set of dependencies version | DependenciesVersions | See the table |
Auth Button Options
| Option | Description | Type | Default |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------- |
| posSelector | Selector where the button will be added after of | string | 'h1:eq(0)'
| text | The button text | string | 'AUTHORIZE'
| className | The button class name used tracking the element | string | '_auth-btn'
Try Button Options
| Option | Description | Type | Default |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------- |
| siblingSelector | Selector where the button will be added as sibling of | string | '.http-verb'
| text | The button text | string | 'TRY OUT'
| className | The button class name used tracking the element | string | 'tryBtn'
| selectedClassName | The button class name used tracking the selected element | string | 'selected'
Style Matcher Options
Style matcher is a utility used to clone Redoc style into Swagger, avoiding layout discrepancies
| Option | Type | Default |
| ----------------------------------------- | ------ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| informationContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .information-container'
| schemeContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .scheme-container'
| modelsContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .models'
| inputTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui input[type=text]'
| selectTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock select'
| textAreaTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock textarea'
| paragraphTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock p'
| executeBtnTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .btn.execute'
| responseContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .opblock-body .responses-inner'
| responseTitleTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner > div > h4'
| responseHeaderTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner h4'
| responseTableTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner > .responses-table'
| responseWrapperTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-wrapper'
| responseWrapperResultTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .btn-group + .responses-wrapper'
| responseMicrolightTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .microlight'
| responseCodeTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .microlight code'
| responseClipboardTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .copy-to-clipboard'
| responseClipboardBtnTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .copy-to-clipboard button'
| responseCurlClipboardTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .curl-command .copy-to-clipboard'
| responseDownloadTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .download-contents'
| serverResponseHeaderTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .responses-header td.col_header'
| serverResponseStatusTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .response .response-col_status'
| serverResponseDescriptionTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .response .response-col_description'
| serverResponseSubHeaderTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .responses-inner .response h5'
| clearBtnTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .btn-group .btn-clear'
| operationTagTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock-tag[data-tag]'
| operationHeaderContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .opblock-section-header'
| operationHeaderTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .opblock-section-header h4'
| operationHeaderDecorationTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .opblock-section-header h4 span::after'
| operationTryOutTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .operation-tag-content div.try-out'
| descriptionContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .opblock-body .opblock-description-wrapper'
| summaryTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .operation-tag-content div.opblock .opblock-summary'
| modalHeaderContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .dialog-ux .modal-ux-header'
| modalHeaderTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .dialog-ux .modal-ux-header h3'
| modalTitleTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .dialog-ux .modal-ux-content h4'
| modalTitleCodeTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .dialog-ux .modal-ux-content .wrapper code'
| modalLabelTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .modal-ux label'
| modalCodeTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .modal-ux code'
| modalBtnTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .modal-ux button'
| parametersTableContainerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container'
| parametersHeadTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container table.parameters thead'
| parameterNameFieldTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container table.parameters .parameter__name'
| parameterTypeFieldTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container table.parameters .parameter__type'
| parameterDeprecatedTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container table.parameters .parameter__deprecated'
| parameterSourceTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container table.parameters .parameter__in'
| parameterRequiredMarkerTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container table.parameters .parameter__name.required span'
| parameterRequiredTargetSelector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .table-container table.parameters .parameter__name.required::after'
| apiContentSourceSelector | string | '.api-content'
| inputSourceSelector | string | '[kind=field] ~ td'
| codeSourceSelector | string | 'code'
| codeBoxSourceSelector | string | '[data-section-id] [role=tabpanel]'
| dataSectionSourceSelector | string | '[data-section-id] > div > div'
| fieldSourceSelector | string | '[kind=field]'
| requiredFieldSourceSelector | string | '[kind=field] div'
| fieldMarkerSourceSelector | string | '[kind=field]:first span:first-child'
| sanSerifFontSourceSelector | string | 'h2'
| alternativeMonospaceFontSourceSelector | string | '[kind=field] span'
| alternativeSansSerifSourceSelector | string | 'h5'
| h2SourceSelector | string | 'h2'
| h3SourceSelector | string | 'h3'
| h5SourceSelector | string | 'h5'
| labelSourceSelector | string | '[kind=field] ~ td'
| typeSourceSelector | string | '[kind=field] ~ td span'
| btnSourceSelector | string | '[role=tabpanel] button'
| defaultBorderColorSelector | string | 'h5'
| authBtnSourceSelector | string | 'a[href*="swagger.json"]:eq(0)'
| httpVerbSourceSelector | string | '[data-section-id] .http-verb'
Swagger Options
| Option | Description | Type | Default |
| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| url | URL swagger's spec file | string | RedocTryItOut.docUrl
| dom_id | Swagger wrapper container id | string | '#swagger-ui'
| authorizeBtnSelector | The authorize button selector | string | '.swagger-ui .auth-wrapper .authorize'
| authorizeModalSelector | The authorize modal selector | string | '.swagger-ui .dialog-ux .modal-ux'
| authorizeDoneBtnSelector | The authorize modal done button selector | string | '.swagger-ui .auth-btn-wrapper .btn-done'
| authorizeModalCloseBtnSelector | The authorize modal close button selector | string | '.swagger-ui .dialog-ux .modal-ux-header .close-modal'
| operationContainerSelector | The operation container selector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock'
| operationSectionContainerSelector | The operation section container selector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock-tag-section'
| operationSummaryPatternSelector | The operation summary pattern selector | string | '.swagger-ui .opblock .opblock-summary-{method} [data-path="{api}"]'
| wrapperSelector | The wrapper selector | string | '.swagger-ui .wrapper'
| hideClass | The hide class name added to hide swagger | string | 'hide'
| showClass | The show class name added to show swagger | string | 'show'
| authModalClass | The modal class name added to show auth modal | string | 'auth-modal'
| selectedOperationContainerClass | The class name added mark an operation box as selected | string | 'opened-shadow'
| onComplete | The function called when swagger load is completed | Function | CallbackFunction
| version | The swagger version | string | '3.48.0'
Dependencies Versions
| Option | Description | Type | Default |
| ----------------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------- |
| jquery | JQuery version | string | '3.6.0'
| jqueryScrollTo | JQuery ScrollTo version | string | '2.1.2'
It's based on work.
Bellow are a list of changes, some might go undocumented
- 1.0.0 - First release
- 1.0.1 - Remove png from package
- 1.0.2 - Fix main file
- 1.0.3 - Add live demo and fix README
- 1.0.4 - Fix live demo page url
- 1.0.5 - Export interfaces
- 1.0.6 - Fix configuration
- 1.0.7 - Fix exports
- 1.0.8 - Fix redoc options
- 1.0.9 - Export JS name files constants
- Finish up the documentation
- Add Unittests