a collection of useful redis utilities
he's going the redistance
he's going for speed
she's all alone (all alone)
all alone in her time of need
Redis-Tance is a wrapper around redis
that's mostly
for the sake of convenience.
It promisifies the entire library, and provides a function that automatically caches functions passed through it.
Basic Usage
Getting Started
Because this is a wrapper around redis, you will need to construct a valid redis client and pass it to Tance.
const redis = require('redis');
const Tance = require('redistance').Tance;
const redisClient = redis.createClient();
const tance = new Tance(redisClient);
Gets & Sets
Every command against Tance is just a redis command (i.e. "set"), but it returns a promise that resolves when the command completes.
async function doThings(){
await tance.set("argle", "bargle");
let margle = await tance.get("argle");
console.log("argle? ", margle); // argle? bargle
Commands that have many arguments just lay out those arguments one at a time.
async function doThings(){
await tance.set("slappy", "pappy", "EX", 180);
let pappy = await tance.get("slappy");
console.log("slappy? ", pappy); // slappy? pappy
Some redis commands call for a long list of arguments. If you have these as an array, you can provide them with the spread operator.
async function getABunchOfIds(){
let ids = ["key1", "key2", "key3"];
return tance.mget(...ids);
Tance provides a cache wrapper that provides a sane-but-not-comprehensive default cache behavior for asynchronous functions.
It might struggle if given a function with very complex inputs.
async function _rng(){
return uuid();
const rng = tance.cache(_rng, 100);
let rng1 = await rng();
let rng2 = await rng();
// rng2 should be the same as rng1, even though the
// function would otherwise produce a random value every time
assert.equal(rng1, rng2);
Caching Functions With Arguments
Tance will only cache functions if their arguments exactly match.
async function _rng({x, y, z}){
return uuid();
let rng = tance.cache(_rng, 100);
let rng1 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
let rng2 = await rng({x: 1, y: 2, z: 2});
let rng3 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
// rng1 and rng3 should be the same, because they share arguments
assert.equal(rng1, rng3);
// rng1 and rng2 should not be the same, because they don't
assert.notEqual(rng1, rng2);
Clearing the Cache
will clear the cache of any cached items
that exactly match the parameters they've been provided.
async function _rng(){
return uuid();
let rng = tance.cache(_rng, 100);
let rng1 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
let rng2 = await rng({x: 2, y: 2, z: 2});
await tance.clearCache({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}, "_rng5");
let rng3 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
let rng4 = await rng({x: 2, y: 2, z: 2});
assert.notEqual(rng1, rng3);
assert.equal(rng2, rng4);
This stuff won't work when caching functions that don't take named parameters - the only way to clear the cache for these functions is to completely clear the cache.
with a null argument will completely clear
the cache.
async function _rng(){
return uuid();
let rng = tance.cache(_rng, 100);
let rng1 = await rng();
await tance.clearCache(null, "_rng2");
let rng2 = await rng();
assert.notEqual(rng1, rng2);
Caching Stuff With a Non-String Return Value
Because everything that gets returned is pushed through Redis, it's hard to cache a function that returns a non-string value, unless you first pass it through a serializer and deserializer.
Here, we create tance.cache with JSON.stringify as the serializer and JSON.parse as the deserializer, which allows us to cache a function that returns an object.
async function _rng({x, y, z}){
return {
'gargle': 'margle',
'bargle': 'fargle',
'targle': 'chargle',
'rng': uuid(),
let rng = tance.cache(_rng, 100, '_rng', JSON.stringify, JSON.parse);
let rng1 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
let rng2 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
assert.deepEqual(rng1, rng2);
Cache Indexing
Normally, clearing the cache only works on sets of arguments that are
an exact match - so, for example, if I wanted to clear
{x: 1, y: 1, z:1}
, I'd have to call clearCache with exactly
{x: 1, y: 1, z:1}
It's not, however, always possible to know exactly which cache entries we want to clear — but clearing the entire cache for the function wouldn't be granular enough.
That's why we have cache indexing: a way to define a subset of arguments that we can clear all at once.
async function _rng({x, y, z}){
return uuid();
let rng = tance.cache(_rng, 100);
tance.cacheIndex(['x'], '_rng');
let rng1 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
let rng2 = await rng({x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});
let rng3 = await rng({x: 2, y: 2, z: 3});
// this should clear everything with x=1
await tance.clearCache({'x': 1}, '_rng');
// whereas this would ONLY clear {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}
await tance.clearCache({'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}, '_rng');
let rng4 = await rng({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1});
let rng5 = await rng({x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});
let rng6 = await rng({x: 2, y: 2, z: 3});
assert.notEqual(rng1, rng4);
assert.notEqual(rng2, rng5);
assert.equal(rng3, rng6);
Mock Tables
What's a database got that Redis don't got?
Well, schema validation and secondary indexes, for one.
But there's nothing stopping us from cramming this stuff in, ourselves.
Here's an example of creating a Table with a Schema:
const table = require("redis-tance").Table;
const migratingSchema = require("redis-tance").MigratingSchema;
class WidgetTable extends Table{
constructor({tance, namespace=""}){
let widgetSchemaV1 = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
// these three properties are mandatory for every object
"id": {"type": "string"},
"type": {"type": "string"},
"version": {"type": "integer"},
// these are our real properties:
"widgetName": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
// note that widgetOptional isn't in "required"
"widgetOptional": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
"widgetTags": {"type": "array", "index": "simple"},
"widgetInteger": {"type": "integer", "index": "integer"},
"created_at_timestamp": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "index": "integer"},
"created_at_iso": {"type": "string"},
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["id", "type", "version", "widgetOwnerId", "widgetName", "widgetTags", "widgetInteger", "created_at_timestamp", "created_at_iso"]
let schema = new MigratingSchema({type: "Widget", v1: widgetSchemaV1});
super({tance, schema, namespace});
let table = new WidgetTable({tance});
Every instance of WidgetTable will point to the same database:
// table1 and table2 both refer to the same table; data entered in one will be available in the other
let table1 = new WidgetTable({tance});
let table2 = new WidgetTable({tance});
It's possible to create separate WidgetTables with the namespace
// table1, table2 and table3 now refer to different tables
let table1 = new WidgetTable({tance});
let table2 = new WidgetTable({tance, namespace="spargharg"});
let table3 = new WidgetTable({tance, namespace="daaaaaang"});
let table4 = new WidgetTable({tance, namespace="daaaaaang"});
// table3 and table4 refer to the same table
Schema & MigratingSchema
The Schema used to create the table
is written in the language of json-schema.
Our json schema validating library assures us that it can deal with schema up to draft-v4.
Tance provides both a Schema
and a MigratingSchema
If you're building a table there's a good chance you'll want to use MigratingSchema
it comes with tools for upgrading and modifying the schema against live data.
Migrating with MigratingSchema
Let's imagine we have data that looks like:
class WidgetTable extends Table{
constructor({tance, namespace=""}){
let widgetSchemaV1 = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
// these three properties are mandatory for every object
"id": {"type": "string"},
"type": {"type": "string"},
"version": {"type": "integer"},
// these are our real properties:
"widgetName": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
// note that widgetOptional isn't in "required"
"widgetOptional": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
"widgetTags": {"type": "array", "index": "simple"},
"widgetInteger": {"type": "integer", "index": "integer"},
"created_at_timestamp": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "index": "integer"},
"created_at_iso": {"type": "string"},
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["id", "type", "version", "widgetOwnerId", "widgetName", "widgetTags", "widgetInteger", "created_at_timestamp", "created_at_iso"]
let schema = new MigratingSchema({type: "Widget", v1: widgetSchemaV1});
super({tance, schema, namespace});
we want to upgrade the WidgetTable to have a new mandatory field, widgetNameUppercase
as well as remove the field widgetInteger
We do that by adding another version to the schema, as well as an versionX => versionY
responsible for taking an object of the previous version and updating it to an object of the new version.
class WidgetTable extends Table{
constructor({tance, namespace=""}){
let widgetSchemaV1 = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
// these three properties are mandatory for every object
"id": {"type": "string"},
"type": {"type": "string"},
"version": {"type": "integer"},
// these are our real properties:
"widgetName": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
// note that widgetOptional isn't in "required"
"widgetOptional": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
"widgetTags": {"type": "array", "index": "simple"},
"widgetInteger": {"type": "integer", "index": "integer"},
"created_at_timestamp": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "index": "integer"},
"created_at_iso": {"type": "string"},
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["id", "type", "version", "widgetOwnerId", "widgetName", "widgetTags", "widgetInteger", "created_at_timestamp", "created_at_iso"]
// added widgetNameUppercase, removed widgetInteger
let widgetSchemaV2 = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {"type": "string"},
"type": {"type": "string"},
"version": {"type": "integer"},
"widgetName": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
"widgetNameUppercase": {"type": "string"},
"widgetOptional": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
"widgetTags": {"type": "array", "index": "simple"},
"created_at_timestamp": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "index": "integer"},
"created_at_iso": {"type": "string"},
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["id", "type", "version", "widgetOwnerId", "widgetName", "widgetNameUppercase", "widgetTags", "created_at_timestamp", "created_at_iso"]
let v1ToV2 = (object) =>{
object.widgetNameUppercase = object.widgetName.toUpperCase();
delete object.widgetInteger;
return object;
let schema = new MigratingSchema({type: "Widget", v1: widgetSchemaV1});
schema.addVersion(widgetSchemaV2, v1ToV2);
super({tance, schema, namespace});
This schema now contains both types of Widget, v1
widgets and v2
Any time the codebase encounters a v1
widget in the database, it will upgrade it to a v2
using the v1ToV2
function before returning it.
We can addVersion
as many times as we update the object.
For situations where migration is not likely to be an issue, we can also create a regular Schema.
class WidgetTable extends Table{
constructor({tance, namespace=""}){
let widgetSchemaV1 = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
// these three properties are mandatory for every object
"id": {"type": "string"},
"type": {"type": "string"},
"version": {"type": "integer"},
// these are our real properties:
"widgetName": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
// note that widgetOptional isn't in "required"
"widgetOptional": {"type": "string", "index": "simple"},
"widgetTags": {"type": "array", "index": "simple"},
"widgetInteger": {"type": "integer", "index": "integer"},
"created_at_timestamp": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "index": "integer"},
"created_at_iso": {"type": "string"},
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["id", "type", "version", "widgetOwnerId", "widgetName", "widgetTags", "widgetInteger", "created_at_timestamp", "created_at_iso"]
let schema = new Schema({type: "Widget", schema: widgetSchemaV1});
super({tance, schema, namespace});
Schema Expiry
Passing the expirySeconds
argument to Schema creates a Schema for an object that will expire.
Any objects, tables, and indexes created for this Schema will also expire in that many seconds.
class ExpiringWidgetTable extends Table{
constructor({tance, namespace=""}){
let widgetSchemaV1 = {
let schema = new Schema({type: "Widget", schema: widgetSchemaV1, expirySeconds: 10});
super({tance, schema, namespace});
Static Schema
The Schema class also comes with a bunch of Schema baked in for really common data types:
let schemaForJustIds = Schema.Id();
let schemaForJustNumbers = Schema.Number();
let schemaForJustInts = Schema.Int();
These aren't that useful in a table (they don't represent objects, which we store) — they're useful when we're working with RedisSet, which we haven't talked about yet.
Schema automatic indexes
The JSON Schema format doesn't have any mention of these crazy index
"widgetTags": {"type": "array", "index": "simple"},
"widgetInteger": {"type": "integer", "index": "integer"},
These are special instructions that instruct the Table to automatically create Indexes for these fields.
The two available types of index are simple
and integer
(for now).
More details on that when we get to find
Now that we have a table
, we can put stuff in it!
const luxon = require('luxon').DateTime;
let createdObject = await table.insert({
"widgetName": "Widgeotto",
"widgetTags": ["bippity", "boppity", "boo"],
"widgetInteger": 7,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
console.log(; // each object is automatically given an id, if we don't create it with one already
It will fail if we try to put stuff in that doesn't match the Schema that we created earlier.
// this will throw an error!
let createdObject = await table.insert({
"widgetName": "Widgeotto",
"widgetTags": ["bippity", "boppity", "boo"],
"widgetInteger": 7,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
The object created by the insert
operation will have an id
automatically generated for it.
It's possible to choose your own ID:
let createdObject = await table.insert({
"id": "7",
"widgetName": "Widgeotto",
"widgetTags": ["bippity", "boppity", "boo"],
"widgetInteger": 7,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
This insert
is an UPSERT — that means it'll insert if the ID doesn't already exist, and UPDATE if the ID does already exist.
Table objects will be automatically serialized to JSON.
Use table.get(id)
to get stuff.
Table objects will automatically be deserialized from JSON.
let createdObject = await table.insert({
"widgetName": "Widgeotto",
"widgetTags": ["bippity", "boppity", "boo"],
"widgetInteger": 7,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
let id =;
let widgeotto = await table.get(id);
// poof, widgeotto is (deep) equal to createdObject
Use table.delete(id)
to delete stuff.
await table.delete(id);
While it's entirely possible to modify an object by get
-ing it, then insert
-ing it again, this can cause a problem
where data is read-then-written out of order, causing data inconsistency.
The table.modify(id, changeFn)
function wraps this operation in a lock — only one operation can
modify this document at a time.
The changeFn
expected by this is an async object=>object
— it expects to receive an object
and produce a modified version of that object.
If the changeFn
takes more than 500ms
to resolve (an eternity!) the lock will expire and the write
will fail. If you have something really complicated to calculate, it might be best to do it outside
of this critical path.
let widgey = await table.modify(, (object)=>{
object.widgetName = "bestWidget";
return object;
Wanna be incredibly destructive? Of course you do!
// this empties the entire table
Now it's time to find some things in the table!
Getting everything in the entire table is as easy as:
let everythingInTheWholeDamnTable = find({});
We probably, uh, don't want to do that so often.
While it's possible to limit the results of this query with .find({'$n': 10})
that will start by loading every single ID in the entire table — it's a bad idea.
The $n
and $offset
parameters are best when working with an already restricted set size (under 1000).
One important note about Tance Tables is that they just don't support full table searches.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Full Table Search is something to work on for the future!
In Mongo you can search on an unindexed field — it'll just take a really long time.
In Tance, if you search on an unindexed field, it'll just treat that like an empty search.
and the SimpleSetIndex
On any fields with index: 'simple'
, we can perform a search for exact matches only.
let createdObject = await table.insert({
"widgetName": "Widgeotto",
"widgetTags": ["bippity", "boppity", "boo"],
"widgetInteger": 7,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
let results = await table.find({widgetName: "Widgeotto"})
// results is now an array containing the one object we just created.
Arrays are configured to match if the search matches anything in the array, so:
let createdObject = await table.insert({
"widgetName": "Widgeotto",
"widgetTags": ["bippity", "boppity", "boo"],
"widgetInteger": 7,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
let results = await table.find({widgetTags: "bippity"})
// results is still an array containing the one object we just created.
It's possible to combine these search parameters to create compound AND searches:
let createdObject = await table.insert({
"widgetName": "Widgeotto",
"widgetTags": ["bippity", "boppity", "boo"],
"widgetInteger": 7,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
let results = await table.find({widgetTags: "bippity", widgetName: "Widgeotto"});
// results is *still* an array containing the one object we just created.
On fields with index: 'integer'
we have more options for searching!
We can search for any values $gt
(greater than), $gte
(greater than or equal),
(less than), or $lte
(less than or equal) an integer value.
let table = new WidgetTable({tance});
await table.insert({
"widgetName": "three",
"widgetNumber": 3,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
await table.insert({
"widgetName": "four",
"widgetNumber": 4,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
await table.insert({
"widgetName": "five",
"widgetNumber": 5,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
await table.insert({
"widgetName": "six",
"widgetNumber": 6,
"created_at_timestamp": luxon.local().valueOf(),
"created_at_iso": luxon.local().toString(),
let fiveAndSix = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$gte": 5}});
let justSix = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$gt": 5}});
let threeFourFive = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$lte": 5}});
let threeFour = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$lt": 5}});
let justFive = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$gt": 4, "$lt": 6}});
let alsoJustFive = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$gt": 4, "$lt": 6}, widgetName: "five"});
We can also use $top
and $bottom
to get the top and bottom-ranked values against a table.
let fiveAndSix = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$top": 2}});
let threeAndFour = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$bottom": 2}});
let justFour = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$gt": 0, "$n": 1, "$offset": 1}});
let justThree = await table.find({widgetNumber: {"$bottom": 2, "$n": 1}});
If we only want to get a few items from a table, creating a created_timestamp
integer parameter and then querying $top
on it
is one way to reliably and efficiently get a few objects.
If we, as the result of a Migration (above) add indexes to a Table, new objects will be created according to the new indexes, but old objects will not be in the newly-created indexes.
takes the nuclear step of deleting and recreating all indexes. Yikes!
IMPORTANT NOTE: More granular index recalculation is something to work on for the future!
The RedisSet
object works a lot like a Table
- it allows for objects to have a Schema and handles automatic serialization and deserialization,
but it doesn't have indexes — it's just a plain ol' Redis Set.
let set = tance.redisSet({id: "12345", schema: Schema.Integer()});
// "set" and "add" are interchangeable operations for putting things in the set
await set.set(1);
await set.add(2);
await set.set(3);
await set.add(4);
await set.set(5);
let getThreeItemsFromTheSet = await set.randmember(3);
let thisShouldBeTrue = await set.has(3);
let thisShouldBeFalse = await set.has(9);
// "get" and "members" are interchangeable operations for getting things from the set
let everythingFromTheSet = await set.get();
let alsoEverything = await set.members();
let probablyAboutFive = await set.count();
// remove an item from the set
await set.rem(2);
let probablyAboutFour = await set.count();
// clear the whole set
await set.delete()
let probablyAboutZero = await set.count();
assert.equal(response.length, 3);
Intersect, Diff, and Union
can perform Intersections, Diffs, and Unions.
Here's an example using union
and unionStore
but it works the same way for intersect
and intersectStore
, as well as diff
and diffStore
let set = tance.redisSet({id: "12345", schema: Schema.Integer()});
await set.set(1);
await set.set(2);
await set.set(3);
await set.set(4);
await set.set(5);
let set2 = tance.redisSet({id: "34567", schema: Schema.Integer()});
await set2.set(3);
await set2.set(4);
await set2.set(5);
await set2.set(6);
await set2.set(7);
let oneToSeven = await set.union(set2);
assert.deepEqual(oneToSeven, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]);
let oneToSevenButAsARedisSet = await set.unionStore(set2);
assert.deepEqual(await unionObj.members(), [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]);
Working on Redis-Tance
Running Redis
This library includes tools for setting up a local redis for testing using docker.
In order for this to work, you'll need docker installed.
You can test that everything's working with a
jake redis.start
Or, if you need sudo to docker,
sudo jake redis.start
Running Tests
In order for the tests to work, Redis must be running, locally (see above).
mocha test
Holy Debug Output Batman
Set the environment variable TANCE_VERBOSE=true
to spit out
every single Redis command run by Tance, no matter how inconsequential