A high-performance Typescript client for RedisAI
A high performance node.js RedisAI client
You can use this client to query RedisAI using plain Javascript, or in a type-safe manner using Typescript, since redisai-js comes with its own type definitions built-in.
Installation is done using the
npm install
npm install --save redisai-js
Vanilla JS:
var redis = require('redis');
var redisai = require('redisai-js');
(async () => {
const nativeClient = redis.createClient();
const aiclient = new redisai.Client(nativeClient);
const tensorA = new redisai.Tensor(redisai.Dtype.float32, [1, 2], [3, 5]);
const result = await aiclient.tensorset("tensorA", tensorA);
// AI.TENSORSET result: OK
console.log(`AI.TENSORSET result: ${result}`)
const tensorGetReply = await aiclient.tensorget("tensorA");
// AI.TENSORGET reply: datatype FLOAT shape [1,2] , data [3,5]
console.log(`AI.TENSORGET reply: datatype ${tensorGetReply.dtype} shape [${tensorGetReply.shape}] , data [${}]`);
await aiclient.end();
var redis = require('redis');
var redisai = require('redisai-js');
var fs = require("fs");
(async () => {
const nativeClient = redis.createClient();
const aiclient = new redisai.Client(nativeClient);
const tensorA = new redisai.Tensor(redisai.Dtype.float32, [1, 2], [2, 3]);
const tensorB = new redisai.Tensor(redisai.Dtype.float32, [1, 2], [3, 5]);
const result_tA = await aiclient.tensorset("tA", tensorA);
const result_tB = await aiclient.tensorset("tB", tensorB);
const model_blob = fs.readFileSync("./test_data/graph.pb");
// AI.TENSORSET tA result: OK
console.log(`AI.TENSORSET tA result: ${result_tA}`)
// AI.TENSORSET tB result: OK
console.log(`AI.TENSORSET tB result: ${result_tB}`)
const mymodel = new redisai.Model(redisai.Backend.TF, "CPU", ["a", "b"], ["c"], model_blob);
const result_modelSet = await aiclient.modelset("mymodel", mymodel);
// AI.MODELSET result: OK
console.log(`AI.MODELSET result: ${result_modelSet}`)
const result_modelRun = await aiclient.modelrun("mymodel", ["tA", "tB"], ["tC"]);
console.log(`AI.MODELRUN result: ${result_modelRun}`)
const tensorC = await aiclient.tensorget("tC");
// AI.TENSORGET tC reply: datatype FLOAT shape [1,2] , data [6,15]
console.log(`AI.TENSORGET tC reply: datatype ${tensorC.dtype} shape [${tensorC.shape}] , data [${}]`);
await aiclient.end();
(async () => {
const nativeClient = redis.createClient();
const aiclient = new redisai.Client(nativeClient);
const tensorA = new redisai.Tensor(redisai.Dtype.float32, [1, 2], [2, 3]);
const tensorB = new redisai.Tensor(redisai.Dtype.float32, [1, 2], [3, 5]);
const script_str = 'def bar(a, b):\n return a + b\n';
const result_tA = await aiclient.tensorset("tA", tensorA);
const result_tB = await aiclient.tensorset("tB", tensorB);
// AI.TENSORSET tA result: OK
console.log(`AI.TENSORSET tA result: ${result_tA}`)
// AI.TENSORSET tB result: OK
console.log(`AI.TENSORSET tB result: ${result_tB}`)
const myscript = new redisai.Script("CPU", script_str);
const result_scriptSet = await aiclient.scriptset("myscript", myscript);
// AI.SCRIPTSET result: OK
console.log(`AI.SCRIPTSET result: ${result_scriptSet}`)
const result_scriptRun = await aiclient.scriptrun("myscript", "bar",["tA", "tB"], ["tD"]);
console.log(`AI.SCRIPTRUN result: ${result_scriptRun}`)
const tensorD = await aiclient.tensorget("tD");
// AI.TENSORGET tD reply: datatype FLOAT shape [1,2] , data [5,8]
console.log(`AI.TENSORGET tD reply: datatype ${tensorD.dtype} shape [${tensorD.shape}] , data [${}]`);
await aiclient.end();
Example of AI.DAGRUN enqueuing multiple SCRIPTRUN and MODELRUN commands
A common pattern is enqueuing multiple SCRIPTRUN and MODELRUN commands within a DAG. The following example uses ResNet-50,to classify images into 1000 object categories.
Given that our input tensor contains each color represented as a 8-bit integer and that neural networks usually work with floating-point tensors as their input we need to cast a tensor to floating-point and normalize the values of the pixels - for that we will use pre_process_4ch
To optimize the classification process we can use a post process script to return only the category position with the maximum classification - for that we will use post_process
Using the DAG capabilities we've removed the necessity of storing the intermediate tensors in the keyspace. You can even run the entire process without storing the output tensor, as follows:
var redis = require('redis');
var redisai = require('redisai-js');
var fs = require("fs");
(async () => {
const nativeClient = redis.createClient();
const aiclient = new redisai.Client(nativeClient);
const scriptFileStr = fs.readFileSync('./tests/test_data/imagenet/data_processing_script.txt').toString();
const jsonLabels = fs.readFileSync('./tests/test_data/imagenet/imagenet_class_index.json');
const labels = JSON.parse(jsonLabels);
const dataProcessingScript = new redisai.Script('CPU', scriptFileStr);
const resultScriptSet = await aiclient.scriptset('data_processing_script', dataProcessingScript);
// AI.SCRIPTSET result: OK
console.log(`AI.SCRIPTSET result: ${resultScriptSet}`)
const modelBlob = fs.readFileSync('./tests/test_data/imagenet/resnet50.pb');
const imagenetModel = new redisai.Model(Backend.TF, 'CPU', ['images'], ['output'], modelBlob);
const resultModelSet = await aiclient.modelset('imagenet_model', imagenetModel);
// AI.MODELSET result: OK
console.log(`AI.MODELSET result: ${resultModelSet}`)
const inputImage = await'./tests/test_data/imagenet/cat.jpg');
const imageWidth = 224;
const imageHeight = 224;
const image = inputImage.cover(imageWidth, imageHeight);
const tensor = new redisai.Tensor(Dtype.uint8, [imageWidth, imageHeight, 4], Buffer.from(;
// Prepare the DAG enqueuing multiple SCRIPTRUN and MODELRUN commands
const dag = new redisai.Dag();
dag.tensorset('tensor-image', tensor);
dag.scriptrun('data_processing_script', 'pre_process_4ch', ['tensor-image'], ['temp_key1']);
dag.modelrun('imagenet_model', ['temp_key1'], ['temp_key2']);
dag.scriptrun('data_processing_script', 'post_process', ['temp_key2'], ['classification']);
// Send the AI.DAGRUN command to RedisAI server
const resultDagRun = await aiclient.dagrun_ro(null, dag);
// The 5th element of the reply will be the `classification` tensor
const classTensor = resultDagRun[4];
// Print the category in the position with the max classification
const idx =[0];
// 281 [ 'n02123045', 'tabby' ]
console.log(idx, labels[idx.toString()]);
await aiclient.end();
Further examples
The RedisAI examples repo shows more advanced examples made using redisai-js under js_client folder.
Supported RedisAI Commands
| Command | Recommended API and JSDoc |
| :--- | ----: |
AI.TENSORSET | tensorset
AI.TENSORGET | tensorget
AI.MODELSET | modelset
AI.MODELGET | modelget
AI.MODELDEL | modeldet
AI.MODELRUN | modelrun
AI.SCRIPTSET | scriptset
AI.SCRIPTGET | scriptget
AI.SCRIPTDEL | scriptdel
AI.SCRIPTRUN | scriptrun
AI.DAGRUN | dagrun
AI.DAGRUN_RO | dagrun_ro
AI.INFO | info and infoResetStat (for resetting stats)
AI.CONFIG * | configLoadBackend and configBackendsPath
Running tests
A simple test suite is provided, and can be run with:
$ npm test
The tests expect a Redis server with the RedisAI module loaded to be available at localhost:6379
redisai-js is distributed under the BSD3 license - see LICENSE