Rolling Rate Limiter is a module for Node.js which provides a basic, but a solid rate limiter using sliding windows stored in Redis.
Rolling Rate Limiter with Redis
Rolling Rate Limiter is a module for Node.js which provides a basic, but a solid rate limiter using sliding windows stored in Redis. It was inspired from ClassDojo Rate Limiter, but several issues has been fixed like :
- Removing closure to fix a memory leak if a lot of users request the limit
- Instead of fetching the whole range (with ZRANGE(key, 0, -1)) and then count the number of elements, we use ZCARD, and only fetch the first timestamp and the last timestamp, so we avoid a large operation in Redis and save a lot of memory if we use a large limit (like 3000 request / min).
- Fixing a bug with interval in microseconds instead of milliseconds
- Avoid a race condition with ZREM and ZADD
- NodeJS >= 0.10.x
- Redis >= 2.6.12
var RateLimiter = require("redis-ratelimit");
var redis = require('ioredis'); // or node_redis or any Redis Client
var client = redis.createClient({
port: 6379,
host: ''
var limiter = RateLimiter({
redis: client,
namespace: "my-limiter", // optional
interval: 1000, // in miliseconds (= 1s)
maxInInterval: 10, // 10 actions max
minDifference: 100 // optional: the minimum time (in miliseconds) between any two actions
client.on('ready', function() {
limiter('my-limit', function(err, timeLeft) {
if(err) {
throw err;
// timeLeft is in ms
if(timeLeft > 0) {
console.log('Rate limit exceeded, Please wait %s secs', timeLeft/1000);
} else {
// Do your stuff