a react based front end design system that enforces glitch-free responsive apps.
Rectangles.js Framework
Node Package
rectangles-npm :
Demo 1 :
(The following demo is inpired by the UI of The PlainPad project)
Demo 2 :
(The following demo is a copy of the UI of The PlainPad project)
Demo 3 :
(The following demo is a copy of the UI of The PlainPad project)
Summary :
Rectangles is a system for designing responsive layouts for front ends. it enforces glitch-free, responsive apps.
The Rectangles framework aims to decrease the number of ways to make the same layout in by enforcing strict constraints / design rules.
For two people to make the same front end layout in rectangles, it is likely that they wrote the same exact code.
Ingredients :
Rectangles provides the ingredients to run apps as Babel in browser transpiled react, so npm is not a requirement.
Local Hosting Advice For New Developers :
If you are new to web development, I recommend installing python.
To get started, navigate to the "plainpad_static" demo
Run the static webserver server built inside of python to host locally via http:// :
cd demos/plainpad_browser_transpile
python -m http.server
Then, go to localhost:8000 in your browser to view the project.
Use (Ctrl + Shift + R) to refresh the browser on code changes.
Static Rectangles vs. npm built Rectangles
npm built (via. npx create-react-app) [demos/plainpad-npm] :
- JSX components are imported the standard way as is done in a react project.
static [demos/plainpad-static] :
Rectangles.css is attached to the index.html file as a link tag.
loadComp.js is attached to the index.html as a script tag.
JSX components are loaded in at the bottom of the index.html file with the loadComp function.
Explaining Rectangles
The root rectangle
The main rectangle (root rectangle) is a viewport sized Rectangle with the root attribute. There should be only one root rectangle, The root rectangle is the only rectangle that has no free dimensions.
relationships of rectangles
rectangles can have 1 parent [meaning they are the child of that parent]
rectangles can have multiple siblings.
rectangles can have at most one telescopic sibling.
Example [dummy demo]
/* index.js */
import { pass, R, C, T, startRectangles } from 'Rectangles.js'
function App() {
return (
<R bb bt bl br root t theme={"dark"}>
<R bb l s={"70px"} theme={"brick"}>
{/* A */}
<R br s={"40px"}>
<b> B </b>
<R br tel>
<b> C </b>
<R s={"60px"}>
<b> D </b>
<b> E </b>
ReactDOM.render(<R><App /></R>, document.getElementById("root"));
startRectangles(document.getElementById("root")); // rectangles must be started after the render!
In the above example, A and E are children of the root rectangle.
A and E are siblings.
in the above example, B, C, and D are children of A.
B, C, and D are siblings.
C is a telescopic sibling.
parent rectangle influence on children
- child rectangles automatically inherits the theme of the parent rectangle.
- child rectangles float in the direction of their parent's float attribute {t,l,b or r}
- children inherit the size of the parent rectangles locking dimension.
- if the float is t or b, the locking dimension is width
- if the float is l or r, the locking dimension is height
- the telescopic sibling fills the space in the free dimension that its other siblings fail to occupy.
in the above example root has a float of t, which means its locking dimension is width.
A and E inherit width from the root rectangle, and float to the top.
A and E inherit the dark theme from root.
- in the above example A has a float of l, which means its locking dimension is height.
- in the above example B, C and D inherit the height of A which is {"70px"}
- B, C, and D inherit the dark theme from A.
- C is the telescopic sibling of B and D.
- since the locking dimension is height, the free dimension is width
- C stretches to fills the width of parent A that B and D fail to occupy
The ...pass(props) Pattern.
//The Credits Component is used in another rectangles component.
//You want it to inherit the themes and locked dimensions in its interior rectangles.
/* Custom Rectangles Based Component. */
function Credits(props){
<R t {...pass(props)}>
<C s={"70px"}>
<div style={{fontFamily:"monospace"}}>
<a href = "">Plain Pad</a> UI Copy in Rectangles.js
Rectangles Inheritance
- Routinely, developers will want to make custom rectangles components.
- These components need to be able to pass through inheritance of :
- Themes
- Locked Dimensions
- Developers must pass inheritance manually through the ...pass(props) pattern.
- A single break in the nesting without the ...pass(props) pattern breaks the inheritance.
Things You Shouldn't Do
// Do NOT do this...
<div></div> //sibling 1
<R> </R> //sibling 2
Rectangles based components should NOT be siblings with regular components.
Good Work Around
// This is a good work around.
<R> //sibling 1
<div></div> //only child
<R> </R> //sibling 2
Here, the problem is solved by encapsulating the div element in a R component.
- the div is made an only child.
- Rectangles based components are siblings with each other.
- There are no Rectangles based components that are siblings with regular components.
Attributes special to the Rectangle(R) Component.
| Attributes | Effect | | :--------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | root | The root attribute is given to the Rectangle that everything is nested inside of within in the App component. The root rectangle always fills the whole viewport. | | t | Children float top in their parent. | | l | Children float left in their parent. | | r | Children float right in their parent. | | b | Children float bottom in their parent. | | bt | Border top. | | bb | Border bottom. | | br | Border right. | | bl | Border left. | | h | Rectangle changes color on hover. | | c = {bool} | Collapse the rectangle if bool hook is true, otherwise show. | | s = {size} | Size of the rectangles free dimension. (Any valid css size format) | | ns | Prevent scrolling for the given rectangle. | | mc | Collapse on mobile. | | msc | Collapse on landscape mobile. | | nottel | set to rectangles with a set size. (default) | | tel | Telescopic rectangles accommodate siblings to meet the full size of the parent. | | theme = {cssClass} | A css class assigned to the given rectangle and inherited by all children. |
Built-In Components
| Component | Uses | | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | Content(C) | Rectangle sub class with easy to position internal content. | | Input(T) | Content sub class that is a Minimalist text entry field. |
| Content (C) Attributes | Effect | | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | ha = {Left,Center,or Right} | Horizontal Alignment in content rectangle. | | va = {Top, Bottom, or Center} | Vertical alignment of content in rectangle | | p = {tp rp bp lp} | Change the padding |