A simple state management library revolving around immutable records
Recordize ·
a state management library revolving around simplicity amd immutable records
This library is a big work-in-progress! There are no released versions yet. Check back soon.
Recordize is a Redux-alternative library for state management in React applications that revolve around immutable records. The main goal of this library is provide simple way to structure React applications that utilize all the optimizations possible from using immutable data..
The basic development flow goes like this:
- Create immutable record classes that will hold global/shared app state.
- Add methods that return copies of the records as "actions"
- Use
to create components that use the store.
The counter example
import * as React from 'react';
import * as Record from 'recordize';
class CounterRecord extends Record.define({
count: 0,
}) {
// add methods to create "actions"
// these methods uses the method of immutable.js to return an immutable copy of itself
increment() { return this.update('count', count => count + 1); }
decrement() { return this.update('count', count => count - 1); }
const store = Record.createStore(new CounterRecord());
class App extends store.connect() {
handlePlusClick = () => {
// `store.increment()` returns a new store
this.setStore(store => store.increment());
handleMinusClick = () => {
// you can also use the immutable.js methods to mutate the store
// the only requirement is that you have to return a copy of the store
this.setStore(store => store.update('count', count => count - 1));
render() {
return <div>
<h1>Count: {}</h1>
<button onClick={this.handleMinusClick}>-</button>
<button onClick={this.handlePlusClick}>+</button>
export default App;
Todo Example
Planned features
- serialization/deserialization
- fast JSON merge-patch for efficient network requests
- server side endpoint factory
- calculated property hashing
- compatibility with Redux middleware
Check back soon for more development news. Drop an issue if you'd like to see a feature or if you want to help out.