Simplified fork of node-perforce with vulnerable dependencies removed and fixed commands
A simplified fork of node-perforce with vulnerable dependencies removed and fixed commands.
npm install reckless-node-perforce
Examples using callback syntax:
var p4 = require('reckless-node-perforce');
// create a new changelist
p4.changelist.create({description: 'hello world'}, function (err, changelist)
if (err) return console.log(err);
console.log('changelist:', changelist);
// revert files
p4.revert({files: ['*.bin']}, function(err)
if (err) return console.log(err);
Now also supporting simpler await syntax - more examples:
var p4 = require('reckless-node-perforce');
// create a new changelist
let changelist = await p4.awaitCommand('changelist.create', {description: 'Hello world!'});
console.log(`Changelist is ${changelist}.`);
// view changelist info
let info = await p4.awaitCommand('changelist.view', {changelist: changelist});
// edit changelist 1234
let editResult = await p4.awaitCommand('changelist.edit', {changelist: 1234, description: 'Hi'});
// delete changelist 1234
let deleteResult = await p4.awaitCommand('changelist.delete', {changelist: 1234});
// add files to changelist 1234
let addResult = await p4.awaitCommand('add', {
changelist: 1234, filetype: 'binary', files: ['*.bin']});
// check out files
let editResult = await p4.awaitCommand('edit', {files: ['*.js']});
catch (err)
return console.log(err);
Important note on how to use Perforce command options
To understand how to construct standard Perforce commands using this library's syntax, look at the option translations listed in the p4options.js file. Below is a list of those Perforce options followed by the options object format needed to use them in this library as parameters for your Perforce commands.
Unary options (no value needed) should simply have a value of true when you pass them. Other options show the value type that is expected, e.g. changelists are expected to be provided as Numbers, not Strings.
-am: {acceptmerged: true}
-d: {delete: true}
-c: {changelist: NumberValue}
-s: {shelved: NumberValue}
-S: {stream: StringValue}
-t: {filetype: StringValue}
-f: {force: true}
-s: {switch: true}
-a: {unchanged: true}
-m: {max: NumberValue}
-c: {client: StringValue}
-l: {long: true}
-L: {trunk: true}
-s: {status: StringValue}
-t: {time: true}
-u: {user: StringValue}
'': {custom: StringValue} (any provided string will be appended to the initial command)
{files: [StringValues]} (provided array of file paths as strings will be used)
{description: StringValue} (description is inserted for the new/edited changelist with stdin)
A debug option has been added to make it easier to see what commands are being run. Its output looks like this:
[P4 DEBUG] p4.exe edit -c 109 -t text //depot/MyFileName.json
To use it, simply call p4.setDebugMode(true)
after requiring the library:
var p4 = require('reckless-node-perforce');