Utilities to write Event Driven & Serverless architectures on AWS
What's ReBased?
Is a library forked from Ebased and enhanced by several colaborators, then forked again too keep maintenance
What's EBased?
Ebased (comes from event-based) is a library that simplifies the input/output as well as the downstream calls of your lambda functions. The idea behind it is that, no matter what event triggers your lambda, you should be able to write your logic in a generic way.
Another foundational feature of ebased is the ability to manage an structured logs that allow us to trace the events/messages flow in their path through the different resources.
What is not?
Ebased is not a framework. We wont tell you where to put your code, or how to do it. We just give you the tools to do it in a painless way and you can use every or just a few things.