With reaxiom you have backends boilerplates, built-in components and a file generator to fasten your work.
Reaxiom is a library to help react projects to communicate with backends. With reaxiom you have boilerplates, built-in components and a file generator to fasten your work. The current version is only a beta and focuses on firebase basic integration.
First you need to use create-react-app :
npx create-react-app <project>
From the project folder, install reaxiom :
npm install reaxiom
You can then launch the reaxiom init tool ;
npx reaxiom init
You have 3 options to initialize a project :
Vanilla : minimal project structure and dependencies
Redux : just like a vanilla project but with redux preset
Firebase : complete project with every backend tools available
Reaxiom initialize projects with a certain folder structure in ./src
The following structure is given for a firebase project :
/components : UI and Entities components
/UI : pure UI components you build
/Entities : entity item, entity list and entity form
/helpers :
/Aux.js : wrapper component for JSX validity
/ObjectUpdater.js : merge old object with updated properties
/layout : main layout of your app
/pages : components used as page with react-router
/repositories : CRUD methods to use with your entities
/routes : routes of your app
/rxmconfig : reaxiom configuration
/backend :
/fbconfig.js : firebase configuration (credentials, roles, auth and misc...)
/ : exemple of rules to add in firebase
/styles : css modules used by reaxiom built-in components
/translations : translations of built-in components texts
/store : redux folder with actions and reducer preset
/actions : index of actions, action types and actions files
/reducers : redux reducers
Reaxiom add in the root folder a jsconfig.json file to shorten imports statements:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "src"
"include": ["src"]
Reaxiom also modify those files :
A set of dependencies is automatically installed with project initialization
Vanilla :
Redux :
Firebase :
Set up the app :
First you need to create a new project on firebase
Configure authentification with email (more provider will be added in the futur)
Initialize the firestore database (reaxiom doesn't work with realtime db)
Initialize the cloud storage
Add a new application in firebase and copy the given configuration in
src/rxmconfig/backend/fbconfig.js => fbconfig.sdkConfig.firebase
Set up rules and create an admin user
Go to your database and add the rules given in
Launch your app with "npm start" and go to SIGN UP
Create a new account, it will be the admin account
Back to your database copy the new user id in your clipboard
Create a new collection called : roles
Past the copied ID to the doc ID instead of the auto generated one
Add an ADMIN field with a bool value of true
Go back to your app and refresh
If everything is well setup you must see the DASHBOARD button in the navbar
Launch the file generator with :
npx reaxiom gen
Options to select in the GUI :
> Stateless Component or Stateful Component
> Give a name to the component like 'CompName'
> Choose a kind of component : UI or Page
UI : the component will be created in src/components/UI/CompName
Page : the component will be created in src/pages/CompName
A new route is automatically created in src/routes/routes.js
A route is automatically added in App.js with path '/compname'
Select options for the component :
With router
: add imports for router connexion as well as withRouter exportWith redux map
: add redux imports and mapStateToProps / mapDispatchToProps methodsWith firebase map
: add redux imports and specific firebase mapStateToPropsWith auth protection
: add reaxiom imports and withAuthorization exportsNo option selected : you can press enter to generate component with no options
Options to select in the GUI :
> Entity & Repository
> Give a name to the entity like 'EntityName'
> Choose the first property name like 'property'
> Choose a type of field to use as input in the entity form
> Add another property if needed
- You will have to add rules to firestore to enable access to the entity
Note about file type :
Reaxiom can currently handle only one file type property
The file can currently only be images
The file type property will be enhanced in the futur to offer more flexibility
You have to manage cloud storage rules in firebase to secure your data
- Generate a stateful component with at least firebase option
Get all entities in real time and display a list
Imports in the component your EntityRepository
- "import EntityRepository from "repositories/EntityRepository";"
Create a property in the component state and initializes it as null
Create a listener in componentDidMount with the getAllInRealTime() method from the repo
The getAllInRealTime method needs two arguments :
this.props.firebase (from the mapStateToProps method)
A callback method (exemple : this.setEntities) to update the state
Then in componentWillUnmount() unsubscribe to the listener to prevent memory leaks
Finally Create the setEntities method to update the state with datas
Example :
state = {
news : null
this.newsListener = NewsRepository.getAllInRealTime(
setNews = news => {
news : news
Imports the EntityList from components/Entities/Entity/EntityList
If needed you can import the EntityForm from components/Entities/Entity/EntityForm
Create a conditional rendering on the state property and pass datas as props to the List
Example :
<div className={styles.Container}>
{ &&
<NewsList datas={}/>
- You can then use to display the wanted property in the main Entity file
Example :
import React from 'react';
import styles from './News.module.css';
const News = (props) => {
<div className={styles.Container} key={props.datas.newsId}>
<img src={props.datas.fileUrl} alt={props.datas.title}/>
export default News;
Get all entities and display a list
- Follow the same guidelines as real time but use getAll method instead
Get one entity with its ID
Follow the same guidelines as real time but use getOne method instead
getOne needs three arguments :
this.props.firebase (from the mapStateToProps method)
The unique ID of the entity (avalaible as entitynameId field)
A callback method (exemple : this.setEntity) to update the state
You then need to imports the Entity main file and pass datas as props
Create an entity
Use the create method from the repository
It needs three arguments :
this.props.firebase (from the mapStateToProps method)
this.props.session (from the mapStateToProps method)
Datas as an object to create the entity
Update an entity
Use the update method from the repository
It needs three arguments :
this.props.firebase (from the mapStateToProps method)
The unique ID of the entity (avalaible as entitynameId field)
Datas as an object to update the entity
Delete an entity
Use the delete method from the repository
It needs two arguments :
this.props.firebase (from the mapStateToProps method)
The unique ID of the entity (avalaible as entitynameId field)
Create custom repository methods :
You can create your custom repository methods in the EntityRepository file
It is useful if you need to order or limit the datas in read operations
Reaxiom offers a set of specials built-in components
The content passed as children will only be visible to anonymous users
import { AnonContent } from "reaxiom";
<span>Only visible for anonymous users</span>
It's a wrapper of the react router component. The link will only be visible for the anonymous users. It uses the "to" props as a path
import { AnonLink } from "reaxiom";
<AnonLink to={ROUTES.signin}>
The content passed as children will only be visible to auth user. You can specify roles as a props to authorize only certains users
import { AuthContent } from "reaxiom";
import { roles } from "reaxiom";
<AuthContent roles={roles.ADMIN}>
It's a wrapper of the react router component. The link will only be visible for the auth user You can specify roles as a props to authorize only certains user. It uses the "to" props as a path
import { AuthLink } from "reaxiom";
import { roles } from "reaxiom";
<AuthLink to={ROUTES.signin} roles={roles.ADMIN}>
<SigninForm> | <SignupForm> | <PasswordForgetForm>
A set of forms to signin, signup and password reset
Those forms can be customize in rxmconfig/styles
Experimental translation available in rxmconfig/translations
<EmailVerify> - experimental
A component displayed as a placeholder for unverified users
It allows the user to send another confirmation email
Custom roles can be added in rxmconfig/backend
Follow the existing pattern and add roles in your roles collection
Reaxiom is in an early beta state, it will be heavily updated in the futur.
Upcoming features :
- Multiple file types and file fields in forms
- Role generator and firebase rules generator
- Plugins manager
- Multiples auth providers for Firebase
- AWS cloud support
- Custom Node.js server support
Reaxiom is an open source library under GPL-3.0 license. Please make sure to let the sources available if you reuse the project.