Node module for read specific line from a file
Node.js module for read specific line from a file. You just need to define your files' path and line number to read (line started from 1).
Install it with npm install readline-specific
Just require var rl = require('readline-specific')
How to use
Read one line
It will read specific line, if not exist it will emit empty string. You need to define your path, then define line that you want to read.
rl.oneline('./testfile', 1, function(err, res) {
if (err) console.error(err) //handling error
console.log(res) //print content
Read multi lines
It will read specific lines, and emit an array, if not exist it will contain empty object. You need to define your path, then define lines that you want to read in array (sorted or unsorted).
rl.multilines('./testfile', [1,4], function(err, res) {
if (err) console.error(err) //handling error
console.log(res) //print content
Read all lines
It will read all lines, and emit an object consists of all lines in single string and array of string in rows, if not exist it will contain empty object. You only need to define your path.
rl.alllines('./testfile', function(err, res) {
if (err) console.error(err) //handling error
console.log(res) //print content
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