A simple read more / read less feature in vanilla js
(cause read-more was already taken 😉)
A customizable, lightweight vanilla JS plugin for truncating content with a Read more / Read less move, whilst preserving the original markup. Able to truncate by max word or character count.
📌 Features
- Super lightweight, no dependencies, vanilla js, es6.
- Supports truncating content by max word or character count.
- Define max word or characters via data attribute or option
- Adds ellipse after truncated content.
- Preserves existing markup (nice).
- Read more / Read less text is customizable, via option or data-attribute.
- Block level class name is customizable.
- Read More link can be inlined with truncated content, or as block level element below.
- No CSS deps, lib is 100% js.
- Hybrid NPM Module, supporting
🎯 Quickstart
1. Install from NPM
npm i read-smore
2. Create markup with defined max words
<p>Stuff and words and stuff and words.</p>
<p>Words and stuff and words and stuff.</p>
<!-- more HTML content -->
3. Add JS and init
import ReadSmore from 'read-smore'
// target all read more elements
const readMores = document.querySelectorAll('.js-read-smore')
// Init
Or, by require
const ReadSmore = require("read-smore");
const readMores = document.querySelectorAll(".js-read-smore");
Or, by CDN
To include via CDN, find the latest UMD version at and inlcude via script tag, like so:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
Then, initialize
const ReadSmore = window.readSmore
// target all read more elements
const readMoreEls = document.querySelectorAll('.js-read-smore')
// Init
🧬 Options
accepts a single options param, which supports the following properties:
| Option | Type | Description | Default |
| -------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| blockClassName | String | BEM style block name for injected link template | read-smore
| lessText | String | 'Read Less' closer link text (if no data attribute) | Read more
| moreText | String | 'Read More' expander link text (if no data attribute) | Read less
| wordsCount | Number | Default max words (if no data attribute) | 30
| charsCount | Number | Default max characters (if no data attribute) | null
| isInline | Boolean | Styles link text inline with content | false
| linkElement | String | Change expander element | a
🤖 Project Commands
Install Project Deps
npm i
npm run build
Builds src
with microbundle
to the various common js patterns.
Run Dev
npm run dev
Dev has microbundle begin watching / building the files, while also running the demo project via Parcel, which imports from the local src directory.
Run Demo
npm run demo:start
npm run lint
🕹️ Usage
Init JS
import ReadSmore from 'read-smore'
// target all read more elements with `js-read-smore` class
const readMores = document.querySelectorAll('.js-read-smore')
// Init
Example by max word count
To truncate content by max word count, use the data attribute data-read-smore-words=""
with desired value.
<p>Stuff and words and stuff and words.</p>
<p>Words and stuff and words and stuff.</p>
<!-- more HTML content -->
Example by max character count
To truncate content by max character count, use the data attribute data-read-smore-chars=""
with desired value.
<p>Stuff and words and stuff and words.</p>
<p>Words and stuff and words and stuff.</p>
<!-- more HTML content -->
Example defining read more/less text via data attribute
To truncate content by max character count, use the data attribute data-read-smore-chars=""
with desired value.
data-read-smore-more-text="Read Schmore"
data-read-smore-less-text="Read Schless"
<p>Stuff and words and stuff and words.</p>
<p>Words and stuff and words and stuff.</p>
<!-- more HTML content -->
Provide Options
ReadSmore supports a few options, such as editing the more/less text. See Options table below for more.
import ReadSmore from 'read-smore'
const readMores = document.querySelectorAll('.js-read-smore')
const options = {
blockClassName: 'read-more',
moreText: 'Peep more',
lessText: 'Peep less'
// Pass in options param
ReadSmore(readMores, options).init()
Inline Read More link
You can have the Read More link appear inline with the ellipsed content, as opposed to below it.
Note: As of v2.2.0, required css dep was removed in favor of a pure js approach that simply applied inline styles.
1: Via data-read-smore-inline
<p>Stuff and words and stuff and words.</p>
<p>Words and stuff and words and stuff.</p>
<!-- more HTML content -->
2: Via Option (effects all readSmore instances
const readMores = document.querySelectorAll('.js-read-smore')
const options = {
isInline: true
const RMs = ReadSmore(readMores, options)
📓 Notes
- Need to figure out how to handle ReadMore instances with ajaxed/Fetched in content, since the word count on existing instances will be already truncated.
- Thinking the solution is to destroy and rebuild via a click event. Or, at least open all and rebuild on click.
📅 To Dos
- ~~Overhaul and simplfiy API to be more plugin / module like~~
- ~~Rename everything to 'ReadSmore'~~
- ~~Add docs / demo pages via gh-pages~~
- ~~Bundle as Hybrid NPM Module to support
~~ - ~~Remove CSS needed for inline option~~
- Provide callbacks on open/close
- Provide a destroy method
- Provide a solution for content injected after page load
- Add some tests