This is project create support reactstrap on react native web
This is project create support library bootstrap on react native and react native web
Table of contents
- Installation
- Global Style
- Setup
- Document Structure Dynamic Theme
- Text Color
- Background Color
- Border Color
- Border Width
- Padding
- Margin
- Width and Height
- Display
- Overflow
- Position
- ZIndex
- Font Size
- Font Weight
- Letter Spacing
- Line Height
- Text Align
- Text Decoration
- Text Transform
- Flex Direction
- Flex Wrap
- Align Items
- Align Content
- Align Self
- Justify Content
- Flex
- Flex Grow
- Flex Shrink
- Container Component
- Row Component
- Col Component
- Image Component
- TextShadow Component
- Inspired by
- Contributing
- Author
- License
If using yarn:
yarn add reactstrap-native-web@beta
If using npm:
npm i reactstrap-native-web@beta
Global Style
- Create file styles any (recommended use name: or if you use the typescript in a folder style)
- Load theme
ordynamic theme
you want.
And then you can import global style anywhereimport {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web'; import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native' const themes = buildTheme({ lightTheme: { spacer: 30, colors: { primary: 'red', }, }, }); export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet); export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
: when we definecolors
variable for any theme will auto-generate text color, background color, and border color equivalent Beside aboutspacer
variable will auto-generate margin and padding equivalent please reference spacing - Theme defaults similar :root of bootstrap
export default { spacer: 16, colors: { blue: '#007bff', indigo: '#6610f2', purple: '#6f42c1', pink: '#e83e8c', red: '#dc3545', orange: '#fd7e14', yellow: '#ffc107', green: '#28a745', teal: '#20c997', cyan: '#17a2b8', white: '#fff', gray: '#6c757d', grayDark: '#343a40', primary: '#007bff', secondary: '#6c757d', success: '#28a745', info: '#17a2b8', warning: '#ffc107', danger: '#dc3545', light: '#f8f9fa', dark: '#343a40', }, };
Document Structure Dynamic Theme
| Name | Description | Default | Type | Required | |:-----|:------------|:--------|:-----|:---------| | colors | Define color for your dynamic theme or override theme default | None | Object | false | | spacer | Number present size please reference spacing | 16 | Number | false |
Text Color
- Generate when we setting
- Example:
import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'
const themes = buildTheme({
lightTheme: {
spacer: 30,
colors: {
primary: 'red',
export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
- Auto generate
text color
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
textPrimary: {
color: 'red'
- we can access style in code the following:
export const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
<View style={lightTheme.textPrimary}/>
Background Color
- Generate when we setting
- Example:
import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'
const themes = buildTheme({
lightTheme: {
spacer: 30,
colors: {
primary: 'red',
export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
- Auto generate
background color
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
bgPrimary: {
backgroundColor: 'red'
- we can access style in code the following:
export const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
<View style={lightTheme.bgPrimary}/>
Border Color
- Generate when we setting
- Example:
import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'
const themes = buildTheme({
lightTheme: {
spacer: 30,
colors: {
primary: 'red',
export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
- Auto generate
border color
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
borderPrimary: {
borderColor: 'red',
borderFullPrimary: {
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'red',
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderBottomPrimary: {
borderBottomColor: 'red',
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderLeftPrimary: {
borderLeftColor: 'red',
borderLeftWidth: 1,
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderRightPrimary: {
borderRightColor: 'red',
borderRightWidth: 1,
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderTopPrimary: {
borderTopColor: 'red',
borderTopWidth: 1,
borderStyle: 'solid',
- we can access style in code the following:
export const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
<View style={lightTheme.borderFullPrimary}/>
Border Width
- Generate when we setting
- Example:
import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'
const themes = buildTheme({
lightTheme: {
spacer: 30,
colors: {
primary: 'red',
export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
- Auto generate
border width
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
border0: {
borderWidth: 0,
borderB0: {
borderBottomWidth: 0,
borderE0: {
borderEndWidth: 0,
borderL0: {
borderLeftWidth: 0,
borderR0: {
borderRightWidth: 0,
borderS0: {
borderStartWidth: 0,
borderT0: {
borderTopWidth: 0,
borderX0: {
borderRightWidth: 0,
borderLeftWidth: 0,
borderY0: {
borderBottomWidth: 0,
borderTopWidth: 0,
... generate => spacer / 2 ,
border15: {
borderWidth: 15,
- we can access style in code the following:
export const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
<View style={lightTheme.border3}/>
- Generate when we setting
- Example:
import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'
const themes = buildTheme({
lightTheme: {
spacer: 30,
colors: {
primary: 'red',
export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
- Auto generate
according to the rate of spacing of the bootstrap
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
p0: {
padding: 0,
pb0: {
paddingBottom: 0,
pl0: {
paddingLeft: 0,
pt0: {
paddingTop: 0,
pr0: {
paddingRight: 0,
px0: {
paddingHorizontal: 0,
py0: {
paddingVertical: 0,
... generate => 5,
p5: {
padding: spacer * 3,
- we can access style in code the following:
export const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
<View style={lightTheme.p3}/>
- Generate when we setting
- Example:
import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'
const themes = buildTheme({
lightTheme: {
spacer: 30,
colors: {
primary: 'red',
export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
- Auto generate
according to the rate of spacing of the bootstrap
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
m0: {
margin: 0,
mb0: {
marginBottom: 0,
ml0: {
marginLeft: 0,
mt0: {
marginTop: 0,
mr0: {
marginRight: 0,
mx0: {
marginHorizontal: 0,
my0: {
marginVertical: 0,
... generate => 5,
m5: {
margin: spacer * 3,
- we can access style in code the following:
export const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
<View style={lightTheme.m3}/>
Width and Height
- Inspiration from library react-native-tailwindcss
| Class | Properties |
| flex | display: 'flex' |
| hidden | display: 'none' |
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:----------------------| | overflowVisible | overflow: 'visible' | | overflowHidden | overflow: 'hidden' |
| Class | Properties | |:----------|:------------------------------------------| | relative | position: 'relative' | | absolute | position: 'absolute' | | inset0 | top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 | | insetY0 | top: 0, bottom: 0 | | insetX0 | left: 0, right: 0 | | top0 | top: 0 | | right0 | right: 0 | | bottom0 | bottom: 0 | | left0 | left: 0 |
| Class | Properties | |:------|:--------------| | z0 | zIndex: 0 | | z10 | zIndex: 10 | | z20 | zIndex: 20 | | z30 | zIndex: 30 | | z40 | zIndex: 50 | | z50 | zIndex: 50 |
Font Size
| Class | Properties | |:----------|:--------------| | textXs | fontSize: 12 | | textSm | fontSize: 14 | | textBase | fontSize: 16 | | textLg | fontSize: 18 | | textXl | fontSize: 20 | | text2xl | fontSize: 24 | | text3xl | fontSize: 30 | | text4xl | fontSize: 36 | | text5xl | fontSize: 48 | | text6xl | fontSize: 64 |
Font Weight
| Class | Properties | |:--------------|:----------------------| | fontHairline | fontWeight: 100 | | fontThin | fontWeight: 200 | | fontLight | fontWeight: 300 | | fontNormal | fontWeight: 'normal' | | fontMedium | fontWeight: 500 | | fontSemibold | fontWeight: 600 | | fontBold | fontWeight: 'bold' | | fontExtrabold | fontWeight: 800 | | fontBlack | fontWeight: 900 |
Letter Spacing
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:----------------------| | trackingTighter | letterSpacing: -0.8 | | trackingTight | letterSpacing: -0.4 | | trackingNormal | letterSpacing: 0 | | trackingWide | letterSpacing: 0.4 | | trackingWider | letterSpacing: 0.8 | | trackingWidest | letterSpacing: 1.6 |
Line Height
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:------------------| | leadingNone | lineHeight: 1 | | leadingTight | lineHeight: 1.25 | | leadingSnug | lineHeight: 1.375 | | leadingNormal | lineHeight: 1.5 | | leadingRelaxed | lineHeight: 1.625 | | leadingLoose | lineHeight: 2 |
Text Align
| Class | Properties | |:--------------|:----------------------| | textAuto | textAlign: auto | | textLeft | textAlign: left | | textRight | textAlign: right | | textCenter | textAlign: center | | textJustify | textAlign: justify |
Text Decoration
| Class | Properties | |:----------------------|:----------------------------------------------| | noUnderline | textDecorationLine: 'none' | | underline | textDecorationLine: 'underline' | | lineThrough | textDecorationLine: 'line-through' | | underlineLineThrough | textDecorationLine: 'underline line-through' |
Text Transform
| Class | Properties | |:--------------|:------------------------------| | normalCase | textTransform: 'none' | | uppercase | textTransform: 'uppercase' | | lowercase | textTransform: 'lowercase' | | capitalize | textTransform: 'capitalize' |
Flex Direction
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:----------------------------------| | flexRow | flexDirection: 'row' | | flexRowReverse | flexDirection: 'row-reverse' | | flexCol | flexDirection: 'column' | | flexColReverse | flexDirection: 'column-reverse' |
Flex Wrap
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:--------------------------| | flexWrap | flexWrap: 'wrap' | | flexWrapReverse | flexWrap: 'wrap-reverse' | | flexNoWrap | flexWrap: 'nowrap' |
Align Items
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:--------------------------| | itemsStart | alignItems: 'flex-start' | | itemsEnd | alignItems: 'flex-end' | | itemsCenter | alignItems: 'center' | | itemsStretch | alignItems: 'stretch' | | itemsBaseline | alignItems: 'baseline' |
Align Content
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:------------------------------| | contentStart | alignContent: 'flex-start' | | contentEnd | alignContent: 'flex-end' | | contentCenter | alignContent: 'center' | | contentStretch | alignContent: 'stretch' | | contentBetween | alignContent: 'space-between' | | contentAround | alignContent: 'space-around' |
Align Self
| Class | Properties | |:--------------|:--------------------------| | selfAuto | alignSelf: 'auto' | | selfStart | alignSelf: 'flex-start' | | selfEnd | alignSelf: 'flex-end' | | selfCenter | alignSelf: 'center' | | selfStretch | alignSelf: 'stretch' | | selfBaseline | lignSelf: 'baseline' |
Justify Content
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:----------------------------------| | justifyStart | justifyContent: 'flex-start' | | justifyEnd | justifyContent: 'flex-end' | | justifyCenter | justifyContent: 'center' | | justifyBetween | justifyContent: 'space-between' | | justifyAround | justifyContent: 'space-around' | | justifyEvenly | justifyContent: 'space-evenly' |
| Class | Properties | |:---------|:-----------| | flexNone | flex: 0 | | flexAuto | flex: 1 |
Flex Grow
| Class | Properties | |:--------------|:------------------| | flexGrow | flexGrow: 1 | | flexGrowNone | flexGrow: 0 |
Flex Shrink
| Class | Properties | |:------------------|:------------------| | flexShrink | flexShrink: 1 | | flexShrinkNone | flexShrink: 0 |
import {Container} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
| Name | Description | Default | Type | Required | |:----------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------|:--------|:---------| | fluid | Type container you want: "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", true You can reference link Container bootstrap to know use them | false | String or Boolean | false | | debug | Support debug for container component ( add border around container component ) | false | Boolean | false |
Example with default container and enable debug
import React from 'react';
import {View, Text} from 'react-native';
import {Container} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
export const ContainerWithDebug = () => {
return (
<Container debug>
| On Web | On IOS | On Android | |:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | containerWithDebug.js | containerWithDebug.js | containerWithDebug.js |
import {Row} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
import {Col} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
| Name | Description | Default | Type | Required | |:--------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------|:--------|:---------| | col | Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number} You can reference link Column Reactstrap | None | String or Number or Object | true | | sm | Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number} You can reference link Column Reactstrap | None | String or Number or Object | false | | md | Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number} You can reference link Column Reactstrap | None | String or Number or Object | false | | xl | Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number} You can reference link Column Reactstrap | None | String or Number or Object | false | | lg | Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number} You can reference link Column Reactstrap | None | String or Number or Object | false | | debug | Support debug | false | Boolean | false |
import React from 'react';
import {Text} from 'react-native';
import {Container, Row, Col} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
export const TestColumn = () => {
return (
<Container fluid>
col={{size: '3', offset: '1'}}
sm={{size: '6', offset: '0'}}
md={{size: '4', offset: '0'}}
<Text>Col 6</Text>
col={{size: 7, offset: '1'}}
sm={{size: 6, offset: '0'}}
md={{size: 7, offset: '1'}}
<Text>Col 6</Text>
| On Web | On IOS | On Android | |:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | demo.js | demo.js | demo.js |
import {Image} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
Use library react-native-fit-image
Please reference link react-native-fit-image
TextShadow Component
import {TextShadow} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
| Name | Description | Default | Type | Required | |:----------|:----------------------|:--------------|:-------|:---------| | children | string text shadow | Text Shadow | String | false | | style | style for text Text Style | None | TextStyleProps | false | | textShadow| string shadow as css text shadow | None | String | true |
import {TextShadow} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
export const TextShadowDemo = () => {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#232323"}}>
<TextShadow textShadow={'0 0 5px #FFF, 0 0 10px #FFF, 0 0 15px #FFF, 0 0 20px #49ff18, 0 0 30px #49FF18, 0 0 40px #49FF18, 0 0 55px #49FF18, 0 0 75px #49ff18'} style={{color: "#FFFFFF"}} />
| On Android | On IOS | |:-----------|:-------| | | |
Inspired by
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Pham Minh Hai Au