ReactronBase is a boilerplate for building desktop applications using Electron and Vite. This template sets up a development environment with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Electron, providing essential configurations for building and packaging your applic
ReactronBase is a boilerplate for building desktop applications using Electron and Vite. This template sets up a development environment with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Electron, providing essential configurations for building and packaging your application. It is designed to accelerate development by offering a streamlined setup, rapid build processes, and powerful tooling for both the main and renderer processes.
📁 Project Structure
├── db/ # Directory containing database files
│ └── dev.db # SQLite database file
├── dist/ # Compiled output directory for main process
├── libs/ # Directory for native libraries (e.g., SQLite)
│ └── sqlite3.dll # SQLite library for Windows
├── node_modules/ # Node.js dependencies
├── public/ # Static assets (e.g., icons, images)
├── reactron-base-win32-x64 # Packaged application for Windows (x64)
├── src/ # Source files
│ ├── assets/ # Assets like fonts and images
│ ├── libs/ # Source files for additional libraries
│ ├── main/ # Main process TypeScript files
│ ├── renderer/ # Renderer process TypeScript files
│ ├── types/ # TypeScript type definitions
│ └── styles.css # Global styles
├── electron-windows-store-config.json # Configuration for Windows Store packaging
├── # License information
├── package.json # Project metadata and scripts
├── package-lock.json # Dependency lock file
├── postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration
├── # Project overview and documentation
├── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
└── vite.config.ts # Vite configuration
🚀 Getting Started
To get started with ReactronBase, follow these steps:
1. Create a New Application
To quickly set up a new ReactronBase application, use the command-line tool:
npx create-reactronbase <app-name>
Replace <app-name>
with your desired application name. This will:
- Create a new directory with the specified name.
- Set up the project with the necessary dependencies and configuration.
2. Clone the Repository (Alternative Method)
If you prefer to clone the repository and set up manually:
git clone
cd ReactronBase
3. Install Dependencies
npm install
4. Development Mode
To start the development server and Electron application simultaneously:
npm run dev
This will:
- Start the Vite development server for the renderer process.
- Launch Electron with the main process.
5. Build the Application
To build the application for production:
npm run build
This command will:
- Compile TypeScript files for the main process into the
directory. - Bundle and minify renderer process files using Vite.
6. Package the Application
To package the application for Windows (x64):
npm run package
This will create a packaged application in the reactron-base-win32-x64
directory. It includes:
- The built renderer and main processes.
- The SQLite library (
). - The SQLite database file (
7. Rebuild SQLite Library
If you need to rebuild the SQLite library for a different version or configuration:
npm run rebuild-sql
🛠️ Development Tools
- Vite: Fast build tool and development server for the renderer process, providing a modern and efficient development experience.
- Electron: Framework for building cross-platform desktop applications with web technologies, enabling seamless integration between web and native functionalities.
- TypeScript: Adds static types to JavaScript for improved developer experience and robust code quality.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for building modern UIs, allowing rapid design and customization.
💡 Tips and Tricks
Database Location: On Windows, you can find your application's database file in
. Navigate to the folder named after your application to locatedev.db
.Debugging: Use Chrome DevTools for debugging the renderer process by launching Electron with
.Better Development Environment: Use
to run multiple scripts simultaneously (e.g., Vite and Electron). Install them using:npm install concurrently
scripts:"scripts": { "start": "concurrently \"npm run dev:renderer\" \"npm run dev:main\"", "dev:renderer": "vite", "dev:main": "electron .", "build": "vite build && tsc", "package": "electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=x64", "rebuild-sql": "node rebuild-sql.js" }
🎨 Customizing the Application
- Styles: Modify
to adjust the appearance of your application. Utilize Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling. - Configuration: Update
for custom Windows Store packaging settings.
📦 Creating Components and Pages
Creating Components
To create a new component, run:
npm run create:component <component-name>
Replace <component-name>
with the desired name for your component. This command will:
- Generate a new component file in
. - Create a corresponding SCSS file for styling.
Creating Pages
To create a new page, run:
npm run create:page <page-name>
Replace <page-name>
with the desired name for your page. This command will:
- Create a new folder in
with the page name. - Generate a TypeScript file and SCSS file for the page.
- Automatically update your routing configuration to include the new page.
Q: What is ReactronBase?
A: ReactronBase is a boilerplate for creating desktop applications using Electron and Vite. It provides a ready-to-use setup with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.
Q: How do I add new features to my application?
A: You can add new features by modifying the files in the src/
directory. For example, update src/renderer
for UI changes or src/main
for backend logic.
Q: How can I update the SQLite library?
A: To update the SQLite library, modify the libs/
directory with the new library version and rebuild it using npm run rebuild-sql
Q: How do I seed or reset the database?
A: Use the provided seeding and resetting methods in src/main
or dedicated scripts. Refer to the Seeding and Resetting the Database section for detailed instructions.
Q: Where can I find more information about Electron and Vite?
A: Refer to the Electron Documentation and the Vite Documentation for more information.
🛠️ Seeding and Resetting the Database
Seeding the Database
To seed your database with initial data, create a seeding script. You can add this script to the src/main
directory or as a standalone script in your project.
Example seeding script (seed.ts
import { Database } from 'sqlite3';
const db = new Database('db/dev.db');
db.serialize(() => {'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, email TEXT)');
const stmt = db.prepare('INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)');'John Doe', '[email protected]');
Run the seeding script:
npx ts-node src/main/seed.ts
Resetting the Database
To reset your database, you can drop existing tables and re-run the seeding script. Modify your seeding script to include table dropping commands:
db.serialize(() => {'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users');'CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, email TEXT)');
// Re-run seeding
Run the script to reset the database:
npx ts-node src/main/seed.ts
🚀 Upcoming Features
Enhanced ORM Integration: Research and integrate an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library for improved database interactions. Options include TypeORM, Sequelize, or creating a custom base model for better data management.
Advanced Seeding and Migration: Develop advanced seeding capabilities and migration scripts for managing database changes and updates.
Improved Development Environment: Implement features to streamline development workflows, such as automated testing setups, enhanced build processes, and integrated debugging tools.
Additional Configuration Options: Enhance configuration flexibility, including support for additional database engines and deployment platforms.
For updates on these upcoming features, follow the project on GitHub and participate in discussions and feature requests.
💬 Discussions
For discussions, feature requests, and community support, please visit the GitHub Discussions page. Here, you can engage with other users and contributors, share ideas, and get help with any issues you encounter.
📄 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the file for details.
📚 Documentation
For more details about the technologies used in this project, refer to the following resources:
📞 Contact
For support or questions, please open an issue on GitHub or contact the project maintainers directly.