Create branched graphs in ReactJS
ReactJS Graphs
A simple react component to draw branched graphs consisting of vertices and edges.
How To Use?
- Install using
npm install reactjs-graphs --save
- Import in your react project:
import Graph from 'reactjs-graphs'
- Use directly in render function. Here's an example explaining all possible props you can pass:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import Graph from 'reactjs-graphs'
const onClick = (label, index, extras) => {
console.log(label, index, extras)
const vertices = [
{ label: "A", onClick },
{ label: "B", onClick },
{ label: "C", onClick },
{ label: "D", onClick },
{ label: "E", onClick },
{ label: "F", onClick },
{ label: "G", onClick },
{ label: "H", },
{ label: "I", },
{ label: "J", },
{ label: "K", },
{ label: "L", },
{ label: "M", },
{ label: "N", },
const edges = [
["A", "B"],
["B", "C"],
["C", "D"],
["C", "E"],
["C", "F"],
["C", "G"],
["F", "H"],
["E", "H"],
["G", "H"],
["H", "I"],
["H", "J"],
["H", "K"],
["K", "L"],
["J", "L"],
["I", "L"],
["L", "M"],
["L", "N"]
vertices={vertices} // vertices array
edges={edges} // edges array
width={window.innerWidth} // width of canvas
height={500} // height of canvas
autoWidth={true} // automatically sets width of canvas using width of graph
vertexStroke="#df6766" // color of vertex border
edgeStroke="#ebb2b2" // color of edge
edgeWidth={2} // thickness of edge
vertexRadius={15} // radius of vertex
vertexGap={200} // gap between vertices
labelFontSize={20} // font size of labels
activeVertexFill="blue" // color of vertex when hovered
inactiveVertexFill="white" // color of vertex when not hovered
fontFamily="Airbnb Cereal" // name of font
labelColor="black" // color of label
className="className" // class name given to canvas parent
centerInCanvas={true} // centers the whole graph horizontally and vertically
/>, document.getElementById('root'))
- The example above would render the following graph: