Generate TypeScript meta with `reactive-vscode` info for VS Code extension from package.json
Generate TypeScript
meta info with 'reactive-vscode' and Markdown tables for VS Code extension from package.json
This was inspired by vscode-ext-gen. I planed to submit a PR for this change, but after thought carefull, duo to the huge changes, I created a new cli tool for these features. Any way this idea is base on
npx reactive-meta-gen
Under the VS Code extension project root
Continuous Update
- Add following to
"scripts": {
"prepare": "pnpm run update",
"update": "vscode-ext-gen ./package.json --readme ./ --output ./src/generated-meta.ts"
- We recommend using the Run on Save extension with the following config in your
to always generate the meta file on save:
"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
"commands": [
"match": "package.json",
"isAsync": true,
"cmd": "npm run update"
Generates src/generated-meta.ts
file with the following content which syncs with your package.json
// This file is generated by `reactive-meta-gen`. Do not modify manually.
// @see
// Meta info
import { defineConfigObject, defineConfigs } from 'reactive-vscode'
export const publisher = "calmripple"
export const name = "sample"
export const version = "0.8.1"
export const displayName = "sample IntelliSense"
export const description = "Intelligent sample previewing and searching for VS Code"
export const extensionId = `${publisher}.${name}`
* Type union of all commands
export type CommandKey =
| "sample.toggle-annotations"
| "sample.toggle-inplace"
| "sample.clear-cache"
* Commands map registed by `calmripple.sample`
export const commands = {
* Toggle Annotations
* @value `sample.toggle-annotations`
* @example
* useCommand(commands.toggleAnnotations, async () => {
* //do actions or update config
* })
toggleAnnotations: "sample.toggle-annotations",
* Toggle In-place Mode
* @value `sample.toggle-inplace`
* @example
* useCommand(commands.toggleInplace, async () => {
* //do actions or update config
* })
toggleInplace: "sample.toggle-inplace",
* Clear icon cache
* @value `sample.clear-cache`
* @example
* useCommand(commands.clearCache, async () => {
* //do actions or update config
* })
clearCache: "sample.clear-cache",
} satisfies Record<string, CommandKey>
* Type union of all configs
* Config keys of `sample`
export interface Sample {
* Use icon graph to replace the icon name.
* @key `sample.inplace`
* @default `true`
* @type `boolean`
"inplace": boolean,
* Enabled sample inline annotations
* @key `sample.annotations`
* @default `true`
* @type `boolean`
"annotations": boolean,
* Position the icon before or after the icon name
* @key `sample.position`
* @default `"before"`
* @type `string`
"position": ("before" | "after"),
* Icon color hex for inline displaying
* @key `sample.color`
* @default `"auto"`
* @type `string`
"color": string,
* Delimiters for separating between collection id and icon id
* @key `sample.delimiters`
* @default `[":","--","-","/"]`
* @type `array`
"delimiters": string[],
* Prefixes for matching
* @key `sample.prefixes`
* @default `["","i-","~icons/"]`
* @type `array`
"prefixes": string[],
* Suffixes for matching
* @key `sample.suffixes`
* @default `["","i-"]`
* @type `array`
"suffixes": string[],
* Array of language IDs to enable annotations
* @key `sample.languageIds`
* @default `["javascript","javascriptreact","typescript","typescriptreact","vue","svelte","html","pug","json","yaml"]`
* @type `array`
"languageIds": string[],
* Collection IDs to be included for detection
* @key `sample.includes`
* @default `null`
* @type `array`
"includes": (("academicons" | "akar-icons" | "ant-design" | "arcticons" | "basil" | "bi" | "bitcoin-icons" | "bpmn" | "brandico" | "bx" | "bxl" | "bxs" | "bytesize" | "carbon" | "cbi" | "charm" | "ci" | "cib" | "cif" | "cil" | "circle-flags" | "circum" | "clarity" | "codicon" | "covid" | "cryptocurrency" | "cryptocurrency-color" | "dashicons" | "devicon" | "devicon-plain" | "ei" | "el" | "emojione" | "emojione-monotone" | "emojione-v1" | "entypo" | "entypo-social" | "eos-icons" | "ep" | "et" | "eva" | "f7" | "fa" | "fa-brands" | "fa-regular" | "fa-solid" | "fa6-brands" | "fa6-regular" | "fa6-solid" | "fad" | "fe" | "feather" | "file-icons" | "flag" | "flagpack" | "flat-color-icons" | "flat-ui" | "flowbite" | "fluent" | "fluent-emoji" | "fluent-emoji-flat" | "fluent-emoji-high-contrast" | "fluent-mdl2" | "fontelico" | "fontisto" | "formkit" | "foundation" | "fxemoji" | "gala" | "game-icons" | "geo" | "gg" | "gis" | "gravity-ui" | "gridicons" | "grommet-icons" | "guidance" | "healthicons" | "heroicons" | "heroicons-outline" | "heroicons-solid" | "humbleicons" | "ic" | "icomoon-free" | "icon-park" | "icon-park-outline" | "icon-park-solid" | "icon-park-twotone" | "iconamoon" | "iconoir" | "icons8" | "il" | "ion" | "iwwa" | "jam" | "la" | "lets-icons" | "line-md" | "logos" | "ls" | "lucide" | "mage" | "majesticons" | "maki" | "map" | "marketeq" | "material-symbols" | "material-symbols-light" | "mdi" | "mdi-light" | "medical-icon" | "memory" | "meteocons" | "mi" | "mingcute" | "mono-icons" | "mynaui" | "nimbus" | "nonicons" | "noto" | "noto-v1" | "octicon" | "oi" | "ooui" | "openmoji" | "oui" | "pajamas" | "pepicons" | "pepicons-pencil" | "pepicons-pop" | "pepicons-print" | "ph" | "pixelarticons" | "prime" | "ps" | "quill" | "radix-icons" | "raphael" | "ri" | "si-glyph" | "simple-icons" | "simple-line-icons" | "skill-icons" | "solar" | "streamline" | "streamline-emojis" | "subway" | "svg-spinners" | "system-uicons" | "tabler" | "tdesign" | "teenyicons" | "token" | "token-branded" | "topcoat" | "twemoji" | "typcn" | "uil" | "uim" | "uis" | "uit" | "uiw" | "unjs" | "vaadin" | "vs" | "vscode-icons" | "websymbol" | "whh" | "wi" | "wpf" | "zmdi" | "zondicons")[] | null),
* Collection IDs to be excluded for detection
* @key `sample.excludes`
* @default `null`
* @type `array`
"excludes": (("academicons" | "akar-icons" | "ant-design" | "arcticons" | "basil" | "bi" | "bitcoin-icons" | "bpmn" | "brandico" | "bx" | "bxl" | "bxs" | "bytesize" | "carbon" | "cbi" | "charm" | "ci" | "cib" | "cif" | "cil" | "circle-flags" | "circum" | "clarity" | "codicon" | "covid" | "cryptocurrency" | "cryptocurrency-color" | "dashicons" | "devicon" | "devicon-plain" | "ei" | "el" | "emojione" | "emojione-monotone" | "emojione-v1" | "entypo" | "entypo-social" | "eos-icons" | "ep" | "et" | "eva" | "f7" | "fa" | "fa-brands" | "fa-regular" | "fa-solid" | "fa6-brands" | "fa6-regular" | "fa6-solid" | "fad" | "fe" | "feather" | "file-icons" | "flag" | "flagpack" | "flat-color-icons" | "flat-ui" | "flowbite" | "fluent" | "fluent-emoji" | "fluent-emoji-flat" | "fluent-emoji-high-contrast" | "fluent-mdl2" | "fontelico" | "fontisto" | "formkit" | "foundation" | "fxemoji" | "gala" | "game-icons" | "geo" | "gg" | "gis" | "gravity-ui" | "gridicons" | "grommet-icons" | "guidance" | "healthicons" | "heroicons" | "heroicons-outline" | "heroicons-solid" | "humbleicons" | "ic" | "icomoon-free" | "icon-park" | "icon-park-outline" | "icon-park-solid" | "icon-park-twotone" | "iconamoon" | "iconoir" | "icons8" | "il" | "ion" | "iwwa" | "jam" | "la" | "lets-icons" | "line-md" | "logos" | "ls" | "lucide" | "mage" | "majesticons" | "maki" | "map" | "marketeq" | "material-symbols" | "material-symbols-light" | "mdi" | "mdi-light" | "medical-icon" | "memory" | "meteocons" | "mi" | "mingcute" | "mono-icons" | "mynaui" | "nimbus" | "nonicons" | "noto" | "noto-v1" | "octicon" | "oi" | "ooui" | "openmoji" | "oui" | "pajamas" | "pepicons" | "pepicons-pencil" | "pepicons-pop" | "pepicons-print" | "ph" | "pixelarticons" | "prime" | "ps" | "quill" | "radix-icons" | "raphael" | "ri" | "si-glyph" | "simple-icons" | "simple-line-icons" | "skill-icons" | "solar" | "streamline" | "streamline-emojis" | "subway" | "svg-spinners" | "system-uicons" | "tabler" | "tdesign" | "teenyicons" | "token" | "token-branded" | "topcoat" | "twemoji" | "typcn" | "uil" | "uim" | "uis" | "uit" | "uiw" | "unjs" | "vaadin" | "vs" | "vscode-icons" | "websymbol" | "whh" | "wi" | "wpf" | "zmdi" | "zondicons")[] | null),
* CDN entry of sample icon-sets
* @key `sample.cdnEntry`
* @default `""`
* @type `string`
"cdnEntry": string,
* JSON paths for custom collection
* @key `sample.customCollectionJsonPaths`
* @default `[]`
* @type `array`
"customCollectionJsonPaths": string[],
* Collection IDs Map for collection name alias, e.g. { 'mc': 'mingcute' }
* @key `sample.customCollectionIdsMap`
* @default `{}`
* @type `object`
"customCollectionIdsMap": Record<string, unknown>,
* JSON paths for custom aliases
* @key `sample.customAliasesJsonPaths`
* @default `[]`
* @type `array`
"customAliasesJsonPaths": string[],
* Only use the icon aliases. Non aliased icons will be ignored.
* @key `sample.customAliasesOnly`
* @default `false`
* @type `boolean`
"customAliasesOnly": boolean,
* Scoped defaults of `sample`
const _sample = {
* scope: `sample`
scope: "sample",
* Keys' defaults of `sample`
defaults: {
"inplace": true,
"annotations": true,
"position": "before",
"color": "auto",
"delimiters": [":","--","-","/"],
"prefixes": ["","i-","~icons/"],
"suffixes": ["","i-"],
"languageIds": ["javascript","javascriptreact","typescript","typescriptreact","vue","svelte","html","pug","json","yaml"],
"includes": null,
"excludes": null,
"cdnEntry": "",
"customCollectionJsonPaths": [],
"customCollectionIdsMap": {},
"customAliasesJsonPaths": [],
"customAliasesOnly": false,
} satisfies Sample,
* Reactive ConfigObject of `sample`
* @example
* let configValue = sampleConfigObject.inplace //get value
* sampleConfigObject.inplace = true // set value
* sampleConfigObject.$update("inplace", !configValue, ConfigurationTarget.Workspace, true)
export const sampleConfigObject = defineConfigObject<Sample>(
* Reactive ToConfigRefs of `sample`
* @example
* let configValue:boolean =sampleConfigs.inplace.value //get value
* sampleConfigs.inplace.value = true // set value
* //update value to ConfigurationTarget.Workspace/ConfigurationTarget.Global/ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder
* sampleConfigs.inplace.update(true, ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder, true)
export const sampleConfigs = defineConfigs<Sample>(
On usage:
import { commands, sampleConfigObject, sampleConfigs } from './output/sample'
import { defineExtension, useCommands, watchEffect } from 'reactive-vscode'
import { window } from 'vscode'
const { activate, deactivate } = defineExtension(() => {
watchEffect(() => {
//watch value change
[commands.toggleAnnotations]: async () => {
//update value to ConfigurationTarget.Workspace/ConfigurationTarget.Global/ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder
export { activate, deactivate }
For a full example, check this file
Generate Docs
Add comments <!-- commands -->
and <!-- configs -->
as the slots in your
# Your Extension
## Commands
<!-- commands -->
<!-- commands -->
## Configurations
<!-- configs -->
<!-- configs -->
They will be replaced with the generated tables when you run npx reactive-meta-gen
Waiting for your support!
MIT License © 2023-PRESENT Calm Ripple