Reactinity is a small React library designed to simplify your styling process. It includes a variety of SCSS mixins and a custom hooks, making it easier to create responsive and consistent designs.
Reactinity is a small React library designed to simplify your styling process. It includes a variety of SCSS mixins and a custom hooks, making it easier to create responsive and consistent designs.
Table of contents
Install with npm:
$ npm install reactinity
Import the index.css library file into your main index.js or index.css
import 'reactinity/dist/index.css'
Screen info hook
import { useScreenInfo } from 'reactinity'
function App() {
const screen = useScreenInfo()
return (
<div>{screen.isMobile ? 'Mobile' : 'Desktop'}</div>
export default App
An example of what the object contains
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
type: 'landscape'
isMobile: false,
browserName: 'Chrome',
browserVersion: 125.0
Set className hook
import { useClassName } from 'reactinity'
function App() {
const [setClassName] = useClassName()
return (
<div className={setClassName({ 'class-isActive' : isActive }, 'class-one class-two')}></div>
Mixin Borders
border widths:
- thin: 1px
- medium: 2px
- thick: 3px
border styles:
- solid
- dashed
- dotted
border colors: check in the color section bellow
An example of a border (1px solid #000)
<div className="border-thin-solid-black"></div>
An example of a border-radius (5px)
<div className="radius-5"></div>
Mixin Colors
Library colors:
- white:
- black:
- red-light:
- red:
- red-dark:
- blue-light:
- blue:
- blue-dark:
- purple-light:
- purple:
- purple-dark:
- yellow-light:
- yellow:
- yellow-dark:
- gray-light:
- gray:
- gray-dark:
- orange-light:
- orange:
- orange-dark:
- green-light:
- green:
- green-dark:
- cyan-light:
- cyan:
- cyan-dark:
- brown-light:
- brown:
- brown-dark:
- teal-light:
- teal:
- teal-dark:
An example of a color (brown-light)
<div className="brown-light"></div>
An example of a background color (brown-light)
<div className="bg-brown-light"></div>
Mixin Flex
justify-content props
- start
- end
- center
- between
- around
- evenly
align-items props
- start
- end
- center
- stretch
- baseline
wrap props:
- wrap
- nowrap
- wrap-reverse
direction props:
- row
- row-reverse
- column
- column-reverse
An example of a flex
<div className="flex justify-center align-center wrap row"></div>
Mixin Grid
- Columns: 12
- Column classes: xSmall, small, mid, large, xLarge
An example of a grid
<div className="grid">
<div className="grid-row">
<div className='xSmall-12 small-6 mid-4 large-2'>Column 1</div>
<div className='xSmall-12 small-6 mid-4 large-2'>Column 2</div>
<div className='xSmall-12 small-6 mid-4 large-2'>Column 3</div>
<div className='xSmall-12 small-6 mid-4 large-2'>Column 4</div>
<div className='xSmall-12 small-6 mid-4 large-2'>Column 5</div>
<div className='xSmall-12 small-6 mid-4 large-2'>Column 6</div>
Mixin Position
position props:
- static
- relative
- absolute
- sticky
- fixed
An example of a position (position: absolute, top: 20px, left: 20px)
<div className="absolute top-20 left-20"></div>
Mixin Spacing
An example of a margin (margin: 50px)
<div className="m-50"></div>
An example of a margin (margin-top: 50px, margin-right: 50px, margin-bottom: 50px, margin-left: 50px)
<div className="mt-50 mr-50 mb-50 ml-50"></div>
An example of a padding (padding: 50px)
<div className="p-50"></div>
An example of a padding (padding-top: 50px, padding-right: 50px, padding-bottom: 50px, padding-left: 50px)
<div className="pt-50 pr-50 pb-50 pl-50"></div>
An example of a line height (line-height: 50px)
<div className="lh-50"></div>
Mixin Text
An example of a font size (font-size: 24px)
<div className="font-24"></div>
An example of a font weight (font-weight: 900)
<div className="weight-900"></div>
Released under the MIT License.