A generator for React Component skeletons, to be used with Accio.
React Component Generator
An Accio generator that creates a skeleton of a React component using CommonJS imports.
Setting Up
npm install accio
npm install react_generator
Example of an accio.config.js
that will allow calling the react_generator
module.exports = {
aliases: {
rc: 'react_component'
generators: {
react_component: {
path: '/node_modules/react_generator/react_component.js',
output: function(name) {
return ('/src/components/' + name + '.js.jsx');
This will allow calling the generator under the name 'react_component' or 'rc' with Accio and will generate component skeletons in the directory 'src/components/' with the extension '.js.jsx'.
Within the root of your project directory, you should be able to run the either of the following commands to generate a 'to_do_list' component skeleton:
> accio react_component to_do_list
> accio rc to_do_list
What it does
The generator will use the command line argument as the name of the generated file, and it will create a component using the camel-cased version of the filename. Given the argument 'to_do_list', it will output the following code into the generated file:
var React = require('react/react');
var ToDoList = React.createClass({
* @return {Object}
render: function() {
return (
<p>ToDoList CONTENT HERE</p>
module.exports = ToDoList;
Generating multiple components
You may pass multiple component names at the same time:
> accio rc to_do_list to_do_item to_do_form to_do_app
This will generate four separate component skeletons.