The CWDS component library (react-wood-duck) is for all CWDS digital service teams to contribute to and use in order to provide a consistent look, feel, and behavior for the overall CWDS application.
The react-wood-duck component library is a set of re-usable components and styles to be used across all CWS-NS digital services. This library provides a common ‘language’ for CWS-NS designers and developers for front-end assets. It is aimed at improving communication, collaboration, productivity, and reducing coding efforts.
Table of Contents
- List of Components
- Installation
- Usage
- Developmemt
- Contributing
- Add and Modify the Components
- Push to git
- Versioning
- Publish to NPM
- Documentation
- Storybook
List of Components
Global Components (Required by all DS teams)
- GlobalHeader
- PageHeader
- SideBar (Optional)
Page Layout Components
- Layout01 (Level 01 Page Template)
- Layout03 (Level 03 Page Template)
Other Components
- Alerts
- Button
- Cards
- CheckboxRadioGroup
- DropDownField
- DateTimePicker
- EthnicityForm
- InputComponent
- ListItem
- Link
- ModalComponent
- NavLink
- NavLinks
- NavLinksContainer
- PostIcon
- PreIcon
- Select/Multiselect
- TextArea
- Table
- RelationCard
- ErrorMessages
- FormField
- InputField
- SelectField
- CheckboxField
- RaceForm
- AddressesForm
To Install:
npm install react-wood-duck --save --dev
For specific version:
npm install react-wood-duck@version
Now, you can import the components from the library into the application:
@import {component-name} from 'react-wood-duck'
You can also import the corresponding styles from react-wood-duck
from dist/styles
folder where you have compiled styles in both SCSS and CSS format.
(src, dist)
The most important files in this library are index.js and package.json. package.json is a standard NPM configuration file. In the index.js file, we have the main export for the components to be exported. It points to the dist folder which will be created after the publish task has been run. It will basically transpile the code in src to ES5 and place all transpiled code in the dist folder.
You will work mostly in the src folder where you can write your React component code. If you look in the repo, you’ll find some basic re-usable react components, styles folder where all the CSS and images are located that supports styles. Also in the src folder we have the tests folder were you can right your test cases for the components.
NOTE: The library is using a babel plugin "transform-es2015-modules-umd" to transpile the code into ES5.
Contribution and Integration of this pattern library by digital services results in reduced coding efforts for all developers. You can contribute by adding new components and by modifying existing components and styles. Once ready for review, please submit a pull request to the Lead Developers and DevOps product manager.
Add and Modify the Components
Clone the repository from git:
git clone
To get all npm dependencies in react-wood-duck, run command:
npm install
For Specific dependency:
npm install "dependency-name"
Create or Modify the react components by following the Style Guidelines.
Every time when you create the new react components, make sure to export them in the index.js file. For Example:
var Alert = require('./dist/Alert.js').default;
var Button = require('./dist/Button.js').default;
module.exports = {
Alert: Alert,
Button: Button,
After creating or modifying the react components in react-wood-duck/src, run command:
npm run prepublish
NOTE: when you run this, it compiles the "src" code and generates the transpiled CommonJS in “dist” folder within your local machine
Writing test cases Using Enzyme
Add these following imports in your test cases for the components
import React from 'react';
import { shallow, mount, render } from 'enzyme';
import './EnzymeSetup';
import ComponentName from '../Component.js';
Push to git
Commit the changes and push to GitHub:
git status git add . git commit -m “Your Message and specify the updated version number” git push origin master
Use SemVer for versioning:
npm version patch/minor/major
Publish to NPM
npm publish -m “your message/version number”
When you add new component(s), please update the List of Components in this ReadMe file. Any necessary documentation can be added.
After adding a new component, you can write a story for the new component. Create a file inside ./stories/components - NewStory.js and then write your story like this:
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';
import NewComponent from '../../src/NewComponent';
const CenterDecorator = (storyFn) => (
<div className='container'>
const newComponent = withInfo(
#### Title
some info
#### Usage
some info on usage
)(() => (
<NewComponent name="hello world"/>
storiesOf('Components', module)
.add('NewComponent', newComponent);
The addDecorator is a storybook decorator which wraps the components and style the layout like centering the components. The withInfo function accepts an html markup and an object so you can show some documentation on your components. It shows the component's code and prop types.
After writing your story, import your story at index.js
import from './components/NewComponent';
Run your storybook with: yarn run storybook
View your storybook browser http://localhost:6006/
Access storybook here for react-wood-duck
If you have any questions regarding the contents of this repository, please email the Office of Systems Integration at [email protected].