React Weekly Day Picker
React Weekly Day Picker
This react component provides weekly view and day picker option like calendly.
This component makes use of moment.js.
To install this Component, run yarn add react-weekly-day-picker
or npm install react-weekly-day-picker
To use the component, In your react application just do
<ReactWeeklyDayPicker />
You can also provide additional configuration like
daysCount={7} //How many days will be shown
classNames={} //Overrides classnames for custom classes (below example)
startDay={new Date()} // First day as Date Object or 22 June 2016
selectedDays={['22 June 2017', new Date()]} // Selected days list
multipleDaySelect={true} //enables multiple day selection
onPrevClick={function(startDay, selectedDays){}} // called with the new startDay
onNextClick={function(startDay, selectedDays){}} // called with the new startDay
unselectable={false} // if true allows to unselect a date once it has been selected. Only works when multipleDaySelect={false}
format={'YYYY-MM-DD'} //format of dates that handled in selectDay and unselectDay functions
firstLineFormat={'ddd'} // format for the first line of the day button
secondLineFormat={'MMM D'} // format for the second line of the day button
firstLineMobileFormat={'dddd'} // format for the first line of the day button mobile
secondLineMobileFormat={'MMMM D, Y'} // format for the second line of the day button mobile
dates:['22 July 2017'], //unavailable dates list
relative:[0,1], //unavailable dates list relative to today (0:today, 1:tomorrow, -1:yesterday)
weekly: [0] //unavailable dates list for each week (0:Sunday, 1:Monday ...)
mobilView={window.innerWidth < 1024} // enables mobil view
beforeToday={false} // all dates before today set as unavailable (default:true)
hiddens={{ // makes dates invisible
dates: ['22 July 2017'], //absolute dates list
relative: [2], // relative to today (0:today, 1:tomorrow, -1:yesterday)
weekly: [1] //each week (0:Sunday, 1:Monday ...)
todayText={"today"} // replacing today text (default : - TODAY -)
unavailableText={"Unavailable"} // replacing unavailable text (default: unavailable )
Responsiveness and Mobil View
When mobilView props is true, mobilView enables:
Styling and Css classes
classNames prop overrides existed css classes
render() {
const classNames = {
container : '',
prevWeekArrow: '',
nextWeekArrow: '',
dayBox: '',
dayCircleContainer: '',
dayCicle: '',
dayCircleTodayText: '',
dayCircleUnavailable: '',
dayCircleUnavailableText: '',
dayCicleSelected: '',
return (