A Simple and code-style Customizable web code editor with React
🧑💻 React Web Code-editor
A Simple and code-style Customizable web code editor with ⚛ React
you can Try this on now! in CodeSandBox!
support React version >= 17
⚙️ Features
🎉 Type the code just like VSCode
- 🎨 Automatic Syntax highlighting
- 🌃 Dark-mode & You can create your own Theme and syntax hightlight colors!
- 🗜 Indent line automatically, and also customizable!
- 🔒 Automatic parenthesis closing
- 🗞 Wrap selected text in parens
🏃 Let's get it Started!
$ npm i react-web-code-editor
implement & use
import React from 'react';
import CodeEditor from 'react-web-code-editor';
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
export default App;
🙏 Contribute!
If there are some problems you want to solve in this project,
If you have some ideas of new feature you want to add in this project,
feel free to issue, PR or mail anytime you want.
It would be grateful! 🎉
Run this project in dev mode.
$ npm start
🎢 Plans to Development! v2
I think this Light Editor is just like sticky note. 📑
so, i have plan to develop this code-editor to control easily and to share the code easily.
Float mode 🛫
Set this editor can float around page display. also, user can drag & drop this editor anywhere in display.
Screeshot 🏞
User can capture this code editor! also can download captured editor screenshot.
Share the codes more easily by using screenshot.
🏋️ Version up log
version | details --- | --- v.1.0.5 | Fix '|' key input bug v.1.1.0 | Change Bundler to rollup to make bundle lighter & support tree-shaking for user
🗂 Document
- Component props
- How to create custom theme
CodeEditor Component props
interface CodeEditorProps {
indent?: number
theme?: themeList
language?: lang
width?: string
height?: string
fontSize?: string
fontWeight?: FontWeight
className?: string
interpolation?: FlattenSimpleInterpolation
set indent count.
it affects when auto indented (like bracket and enter to new line) or 'tab' to indent some line.
set the code editor theme.
you can use 'light', 'dark' theme in default.
also! you can add your own theme! check below to how to add it!
set the programming language.
syntax hightlight will follow the language you setted.
width, height
set the code editor's width & height
fontSize, fontWeight
set the code editor's fontSize & fontWeight
set the code editor's className
you can inject your css style by className!
inject your css created by "styled-componens"
injected styles appllied to code editor Wrapper and override a styles.
Create you Own Theme!
you can create your own theme!
and you can customize syntax hightlight colors!
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import CodeEditor, { addTheme } from 'react-web-code-editor';
/* this custom theme name is "customeTheme" */
addTheme('customTheme', {
backgroundColor: 'Black',
caretColor: 'White',
textColor: "LightGreen",
keywords: {
boolean: 'Pink',
number: 'Yellow',
string: 'Green',
comment: 'Violet',
function: 'White',
keyword: 'Blue',
['class-name']: 'LightCoral',
property: 'MediumSeaGreen',
operator: 'Cyan',
punctuation: 'Red',
/* in Example, you can see upper style from this line has been applied */
prolog: 'AliceBlue',
doctype: 'Beige',
variable: 'Wheat',
cdata: 'Brown',
tag: 'Olive',
constant: 'DeepPink',
symbol: 'Indigo',
deleted: 'Blue',
selector: 'DarkGreen',
['attr-name']: 'ForestGreen',
char: 'Ivory',
builtin: 'Linen',
inserted: 'MediumSpringGreen',
entity: 'BurlyWood',
url: 'RoyalBlue',
['language-css']: 'AliceBlue',
style: 'Chocolate',
/* you can use "Hex color code" */
atrule: '#a74a4a',
['attr-value']: '#000000',
/* you can use "rgb" or "rgba" code */
regex: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
important: 'rgba(167,74,74,0.6)',
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
{ /* now, you can use "customTheme" */ }
export default App;
type CssColorLiterals = 'Blue' | 'White' | 'Black' | 'Red' | ... ;
type HexColorCode = `#${string}`;
type RGBColorCode = `rgb(${number},${number},${number})` | `rgba(${number},${number},${number},${number})`;
interface ThemeProperties {
backgroundColor: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
caretColor: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
textColor: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
* Set the syntax highlight colors
keywords: {
comment: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
prolog: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
doctype: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
cdata: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
punctuation: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
property: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
tag: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
constant: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
symbol: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
deleted: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
boolean: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
number: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
selector: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
['attr-name']: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
string: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
char: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
builtin: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
inserted: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
operator: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
entity: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
url: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
['language-css']: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
style: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
variable: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
atrule: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
['attr-value']: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
function: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
['class-name']: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
keyword: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
regex: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals
important: HexColorCode | RGBColorCode | CssColorLiterals