Table realisation based on [react-window]( library.
Table realisation based on react-window library.
- Efficiently rendering large tables.
- Allow custom renderers for row, cell, and header.
- Built-in resize columns.
- Built-in auto-scrolling.
- Easy to add your own sorting and selecting mechanisms (see examples).
- Works with Immutable.Iterable data lists or native arrays of objects.
npm install react-vt-table
Here are some live examples.
Check out ./src/stories
folder to find some code examples.
You can use built-in CSS style:
import 'react-vt-table/dist/style.css';
or create your own using existing one
<Table />
| Property | Type | Required? | Description |
| :-------------------- | :----------------- | :-------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| width | Number | ✓ | Table width. |
| height | Number | ✓ | Table height. |
| headerHeight | Number or Func | | Table header height (Default: 30). |
| rowHeight | Number or Func | | Table row height (Default: 30). Function params: (rowIndex)
. |
| data | Immutable.Iterable | ✓ | Data list for table content. |
| rowClassName | Func | | Row className determine function. Function params: (rowIndex)
. |
| rowRenderer | Func | | Personal row renderer function. Function params: see <Row />
props. |
| sortIndicatorRenderer | Func | | Sort indicator render function. Function params: ({ dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onHeaderClick | Func | | Click Mouse action on header row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onHeaderDoubleClick | Func | | Double Click Mouse action on header row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onHeaderMouseOver | Func | | Mouse Over action on header row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onHeaderMouseOut | Func | | Mouse Out action on header row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onHeaderRightClick | Func | | Right Click Mouse action on header row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRowClick | Func | | Click Mouse action on table row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRowDoubleClick | Func | | Double Click Mouse action on table row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRowMouseOver | Func | | Mouse Over action on table row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRowMouseOut | Func | | Mouse Out action on table row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRowMouseDown | Func | | Mouse Down action on table row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRowMouseUp | Func | | Mouse Up action on table row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRowRightClick | Func | | Right Click Mouse action on table row. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onScroll | Func | | Action on table scroll. Function params: See React-Window's docs. |
| onResizeColumn | Func | | Action on change column width. Function params: ({ dataKey, columnIndex, resizeDiff, newWidth })
. |
| overflowWidth | Number | | Width of vertical table overflow. |
| minColumnWidth | Number | | Minimal column width. |
| maxColumnWidth | Number | | Maximum column width. |
| dynamicColumnWidth | Bool | | Dynamic width for columns that was not resized. |
| listProps | Object | | Props for inner react-window
list component. @see See React-Windows docs |
| noItemsLabel | Node | | No items in data list label. |
| disableHeader | Bool | | Hide table header row. |
| autoScroll | Bool | | Auto scroll to list bottom. |
| className | String | | Optional custom CSS class name to attach to root container element. |
| id | String | | Optional custom id to attach to root container element. |
scrollTo(scrollOffset: number): void
scrollToItem(index: number, align: string = "auto"): void
For more info see React-Window's docs
<Column />
| Property | Type | Required? | Description |
| :----------------------- | :----- | :-------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| cellRenderer | Func | | Content cell render function. Function params: ({ dataKey, rowData, columnIndex })
. |
| columnHeaderCellRenderer | Func | | Column header cell render function. Function params: ({ label, dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| dataKey | String | | Field key containing data. |
| width | Number | | Default column width in pixels. |
<Row />
Use Row
component only if you want to low modify your table rows. (See example ./srs/stories/rowRenderer.js
| Property | Type | Required? | Description |
| :------- | :----- | :-------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| index | Number | | Row number |
| style | Object | | Row style |
| data | Object | | Additional row data ({dataList, rowProps})
where dataList
is table data and rowProps is additional row properties (see below) |
Additional row properties
Additional row properties are contained in row's
| Property | Type | Required? | Description |
| :------------- | :---- | :-------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| columns | array | | Table columns array |
| rowClassName | Func | | Row className determine function. Function params: (rowIndex)
. |
| getRowWidth | Func | | Get row actual width. |
| getDataRowItem | Func | | Function to get cell value. Function params: ({rowData, dataKey})
. |
| getColumnWidth | Func | | Function to get column width. Function params: (columnIndex)
. |
| getDataRow | Func | | Function to get row data item. Function params: (rowIndex)
. |
| onClick | Func | | onClick row handler. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onDoubleClick | Func | | onDoubleClick row handler. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onMouseOver | Func | | onMouseOver row handler. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onMouseOut | Func | | onMouseOut row handler. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
| onRightClick | Func | | onRightClick row handler. Function params: (event, { dataKey, columnIndex })
. |
MIT © avin