React component for simple voting system, easy to customize and internationalize
React Vote
React component for simple voting system, easy to customize and internationalize
How to install
npm install react-vote --save
Change in v3
All options such as multiple, expansion, downvote, autoClose, showTotal, etc. are now available in the data object. You can now control the whole vote system with one data object. Thus, multiple, expansion, total, downvote, autoClose props are omitted.
How to use
For a new voting system, Do NOT put the data prop.
Put onCreate, onEdit, onUpvote, onDownvote, onClose, onReset, onExpand callback functions to get voting data and connect with database.
Use unique identifier of client IP address as clientId to check whether the client already voted or not.
You can only create, edit, reset or close vote when isAdmin prop is true. Make it false when you open vote to others.
var ReactVote = require('react-vote'); // or import ReactVote from 'react-vote';
You can get voting data as a parameter inside the callback function. See Props section below for more information.
function onCreate (data, diff) {
// Save data into the databasehere!
console.log(data); // { title: 'title of this vote', items: [{ title: 'option1', count: 5, voters: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] }, { title: 'option2', count: 3, voters: ['f', 'g', 'h'] }], closed: false, multiple: false, expansion: false, voters: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'] }
For ongoing vote or voting result, fetch vote data from the database and put it into the data prop. This component will read the data prop and execute it. The structure of data prop is detailed below.
data={data} // put data object here and you will get ongoing vote
I didn't put any css codes for your customization. You can use styles prop to style it in your own way. styles prop is detailed in below. Also, you can change texts by using text prop.
isAdmin: Boolean, Default: false
Tell react-vote whether the client is an admin or not. Only admins can close and reset vote.
clientId: String/Number
Put unique identifier of client here. React-vote will check whether that client already voted or not. Good example of identifiers are IPs or ObjectIds
data: Object
Object that contains the whole information about the vote
title: String, // Title of vote
items: [ // Array of vote options
title: String, // Title of option
count: Number, // Number of votes
total: Number, // Number of total votes(including downvote)
reason: Boolean, // Need to put reason why voted
reasons: [String], // Array of reasons why voted
voters: [String/Number] // Array of unique identifers of all voters for this option
downvoters: [String/Number] // only downvoters
upvoters: [String/Number] // only upvoters
adder: String/Number // Unique identifier of the one who added this item(for expandable vote)
closed: Boolean, // Whether this vote is closed or not. If this prop is true, you can only see the result, otherwise you can toggle between voting view and result view.
voters: [String/Number] // Array of unique identifiers of all voters.
autoClose: Number // Number which closes vote when reached
multiple: Boolean // Whether voters can choose multiple options
expansion: Boolean // Whether voters can add new option
downvote: Boolean // Whether to allow downvote
showTotal: Boolean // Whether to show total votes in result view
creator: String/Number // Unique identifier of the one who create this vote.
onCreate: Function(data: Object)
It's an callback function triggered when you create a new vote. The only parameter is a whole vote data.
onEdit: Function(data: Object)
It's an callback function triggered when you edit an existing vote. The only parameter is a whole vote data(edited)
onUpvote: Function(data: Object, diff: Object)
It's an callback function triggered when you upvote. The first parameter is a whole vote data, the second is the difference between previous and current data.
// diff object
index: Number,
item: Object,
voter: String/Number
onDownvote: Function(data: Object, diff: Object)
It's an callback function triggered when you downvote. The first parameter is a whole vote data, the second is the difference between previous and current data.
onClose: Function(data: Object)
It's an callback function triggered when the vote is closed. The only parameter is a whole vote data.
onReset: Function(data: Object)
It's an callback function triggered when the vote is reset. The only parameter is a whole vote data.
onExpand: Function(data: Object, item: Object)
It's an callback function triggered when you add a new option. The first parameter is a whole vote data, the second is the added item.
styles: Object
A group of classNames in this voting component. You can change these for style customization by mapping classNames with css files.
- voteWrapper: The ancestor of all divs
- voteTitle
- titleInput
- addWrapper: Wrapper of addInput, checkboxes, and addButton
- addInput
- addButton
- itemTitle
- itemCount
- itemWrapper: Wrapper of itemTitle and itemCount
- buttonWrapper: Wrapper of bottom buttons
- removeButton
- createButton
- resultButton
- goBackButton
- voteButtons: Wrapper of voteButton and downvoteButton
- voteButton
- downvoteButton
- votedText
- closeButton
- resetButton
- errorMessage
- expansionButton
- expansionInput
- settingButton
text: Object
A group of texts in this voting component. You can change these for i18n(internationalization).
- addButtonText: 'Add',
- titleInputPlaceholder: 'Title of this vote',
- addInputPlaceholder: 'Title of a new option',
- removeButtonText: '×',
- closeButtonText: 'Close vote',
- resetButtonText: 'Reset vote',
- createButtonText: 'Create',
- resultButtonText: 'Show result',
- goBackButtonText: 'Go back',
- voteButtonText: 'Upvote',
- downvoteCheckbox: 'Allow downvote?',
- downvoteButtonText: 'Downvote',
- votedText: 'Voted',
- totalText: 'Total',
- multipleCheckbox: 'Multiple choice?',
- expansionCheckbox: 'Expandable?',
- showTotalCheckbox: 'Show total?',
- expansionPlaceholder: 'Add an option yourself',
- expansionButtonText: 'Add',
- autoCloseText: 'AutoClose number: ',
- autoClosePlaceholder: 'AutoClose number',
- settingButtonText: 'Settings',
- editButtonText: 'Edit',
- closeCheckbox: 'Closed?',
- reasonCheckbox: 'Need reason?'
- reasonInputPlaceholder: 'Type reason why you voted this'
errorMessage: Object
Messages of error, triggered when you try something invalid.
- notEnoughItems: Default: 'Need at least 2 item!', When you create vote with less than two items.
- noTitle: Default: 'Need a title', When you create vote without title.
- ban
Wanna Contribute?
Please contribute to this package via Pull Request, or you can open Issues!