Faster, simplier, additive, swipeable & multidimentional animation engine for React
Why another animation engine ?
Classic Tween engines can only output absolute values, which quickly results in very complex code when we have to gradually compose values from multiple sources (e.g. when merging multiple animations based on user drag interactions ) .
React-Voodoo use a delta-based interpolation engine that solves this problem, it allows:
- Additive tween
- Swipeable complex animations ( like Android & iOS )
- Fast & direct DOM updates ( not bound to the React rendering loop )
- Server Side Rendering of any scroll / swipe position
- Easily connect sensors / gestures to complex animations
- Hot switching scrollable anims ( responsive )
- Predictive inertia ( knowing where inertia will stop while animating )
- Multitouch dragging ( drag multiple things at once )
- Intuitive & flexible animation system
- Cool ( & performant ) React integration
- Automatically deal with multiple units using css "calc( ... )"
- etc...
Basic documentation here
Live demo & codesandbox here
Samples sources here
react-voodoo still miss some interpolator ( like background or borders ).
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"all in one" example :
import React from "react";
import Voodoo from "react-voodoo";
import {itemTweenAxis, tweenArrayWithTargets} from "./somewhere";
const styleSample = {
* Voodoo.Node style property and the tween descriptors use classic CSS-in-JS declaration
* exept we can specify values using the "box" unit which is a [0-1] ratio of the parent ViewBox height / width
height: "50%",
// the tweener deal with multiple units
// it will use css calc fn to add them if there's more than 1 unit used
width: ["50%", "10vw", "-50px", ".2box"],
// transform can use multiple "layers"
transform: [
// use rotate(X|Y|Z) & translate(X|Y|Z)
rotateX: "25deg"
translateZ: "-.2box"
blur: "5px"
const axisSample = [// Examples of tween descriptors
target : "someTweenRefId", // target Voodoo.Node id ( optional if used as parameter on a Voodoo.Node as it will target it )
from : 0, // tween start position
duration: 100, // tween duration
easeFn : "easeCircleIn", // function or easing fn id from [d3-ease](
apply: {// relative css values to be applied
// Same syntax as the styles
transform: [{}, {
translateZ: "-.2box"
from : 40,
duration: 20,
// triggered when axis has scrolled in the Event period
// delta : a float value between [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
entering: ( delta ) => false,
// triggered when axis has scrolled in the Event period
// newPos, precPos : float values between [0,1] position inside the Event period
// delta : a float value between [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
moving: ( newPos, precPos, delta ) => false,
// triggered when axis has scrolled out the Event period
// delta : a float value between [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
leaving: ( delta ) => false
const Sample = ( {} ) => {
* Voodoo tweener instanciation
// Classic minimal method
const [tweener, ViewBox] = Voodoo.hook();
// get the first tweener in parents
const [parentTweener] = Voodoo.hook(true);
// Create a tweener with options
const [twenerWithNameAndOptions, ViewBox2] = Voodoo.hook(
// Give an id to this tweener so we can access it's axes in the childs components
name: "root",
// max click tm in ms before a click become a drag
maxClickTm: 200,
// max drag offset in px before a click become a drag
maxClickOffset: 100,
// lock to only 1 drag direction
dragDirectionLock: false,
// allow dragging with mouse
enableMouseDrag: false
// get a named parent tweener
const [nammedParentTweener] = Voodoo.hook("root")
* once first render done, axes expose the following values & functions :
// Theirs actual position in :
// tweener.axes.(axisId).scrollPos
// The "scrollTo" function allowing to manually move the axes positions :
// tweener.axes.(axisId).scrollTo(targetPos, duration, easeFn)
// tweener.scrollTo(targetPos, duration, axisId, easeFn)
// They can also be watched using the "watchAxis" function;
// When called, the returned function will disable the listener if executed :
e => tweener?.watchAxis("scrollY", ( pos ) => doSomething()),
return <ViewBox className={"container"}>
id={"scrollY"} // Tween axis Id
defaultPosition={100} // optional initial position ( default : 0 )
// optional Array of tween descriptors with theirs Voodoo.Node target ids ( see axisSample )
// optional size of the scrollable window for drag synchronisation
// optional length of this scrollable axis (default to last tween desciptor position+duration)
// optional bounds ( inertia will target them if target pos is out )
bounds={{ min: 100, max: 900 }}
// optional inertia cfg ( false to disable it )
// called when inertia is updated
// should return instantaneous move to do if wanted
shouldLoop: ( currentPos ) => (currentPos > 500 ? -500 : null),
// called when inertia know where it will end ( when the user stop dragging )
willEnd: ( targetPos, targetDelta, duration ) => {
// called when inertia know where it will snap ( when the user stop dragging )
willSnap: ( currentSnapIndex, targetWayPointObj ) => {
// called when inertia end
onStop: ( pos, targetWayPointObj ) => {
// called when inertia end on a snap
onSnap: ( snapIndex, targetWayPointObj ) => {
// list of waypoints object ( only support auto snap 50/50 for now )
wayPoints: [{ at: 100 }, { at: 200 }]
id={"testItem"} // optional id
style={styleSample}// optional styles applied before any style coming from axes : css syntax + voodoo tweener units & transform management
axes={{ scrollY: axisSample }} // optional Array of tween by axis Id with no target node id required ( it will be ignored )
onClick={// all unknow props are passed to the child node
( e ) => {
// start playing an anim ( prefer scrolling Axes )
// make all tween target "testItem", "testItem")
( tweenAxis ) => {
// doSomething next
// make drag y move the scrollAnAxis axis
// xAxis={ "scrollAnAxis" }
// scale / inverse dispatched delta
// xHook={(delta)=>modify(delta)}
// React ref to the box, default to the parent ViewBox
// scale is as follow : (delta / ((xBoxRef||ViewBox).offsetWidth)) * ( axis.scrollableWindow || axis.duration )
// xBoxRef={ref}
yAxis={"scrollY"}// make drag y move the scrollY axis
// yHook={(delta)=>modify(delta)}
// yBoxRef={ref}
// mouseDrag={true} // listen for mouse drag ( default to false )
// touchDrag={false} // listen for touch drag ( default to true )
// button={1-3} // limit mouse drag to the specified event.button === ( default to 1; the left btn )
// * actually Draggable create it's own div node
Some content to tween
License ?
Using CC BY-ND, you can use it in commercial apps, but you can't distribute modified versions. Using AGPL, you can distribute modified versions but theses versions must be AGPL too.