<h1 align="center"> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Screenshot" width="700px"> </a> </p> </h1>
react-var-ui is a simple React component library for variable setting and preview, inspired by iOS settings, react-dat-gui and dat.gui.
While some code from react-dat-gui was used, this library functions in a completely different way. The codebase uses modern React code practices such as hooks and functional components. Instead of iterating over the children array, react-var-ui uses a Context. Creation of custom components is also easier.
What makes react-var-ui different when compared to similar libraries such as Leva or react-dat-gui, react-var-ui doesn't force itself to float over all your content, instead react-var-ui lives peacefully inside of the React node it is placed in. Unlike Leva and much more like react-dat-gui, react-var-ui relies on a local state variable, providing the developer with more flexibility. While this might seem less convenient, it allows for more customization and usage of multiple instances of react-dat-gui within one project.
Table of contents
- Installation
- Example usage
- Testing
- Utility components
- Input components
- Theme customization
- Custom input components
Install react-var-ui
with either npm or yarn:
yarn add react-var-ui
# or
npm install react-var-ui
Then include the CSS with:
/* In your CSS/SCSS file: */
@import 'react-var-ui/index.css';
// In your JS/TS file (assuming your bundler supports loading CSS files):
import 'react-var-ui/index.css';
Example usage
const [values, setValues] = React.useState({
toggle: true,
color: '#FF0000',
select: 1,
slider: 0.4,
xy: [0, 0.2],
string: 'Hello world!',
return (
<VarUI onChange={setValues} values={values}>
<VarCategory label="Example">
<VarColor path="color" label="Color" />
<VarToggle path="toggle" label="Toggle" />
{ key: 0, label: 'Zero' },
{ key: 1, label: 'One' },
<VarString label="VarString" path="string" />
<VarXY label="VarXY" path="xy" />
<VarButton buttonLabel="VarButton" onClick={() => alert('clicked!')} />
react-var-ui uses jest for automated unit tests and storybook for manually testing the UI.
You can run unit tests after installing by running:
yarn test
Storybook can be ran with:
yarn storybook
To run the example app, you first need to start the project with:
yarn start
And then enter the example directory and start the app:
cd ./example
yarn start
(make sure to run yarn install
Utility components
This is the main component which provides a Context for other components. It is not required to use this component - other components accept onChange
and value
properties which provide a similar functionality.
Required properties
| Property | Description | Type | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | | values | A JavaScript object or array to be mutated by the input components. | object | | onChange | The function to be called with the entire changed object. | (values: object) => void | | onChangeValue | The function to be called when one value is changed. | (path: string, newValue: any) => void |
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------ | | className | Additional class names for the wrapper object. | string |
Category component for grouping inputs.
Required properties
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | --------------- | --------- | | label | Category label. | ReactNode |
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | className | Additional class names on the wrapping div element. | string | | collapsible | Should display the Collapse/Expand button. | boolean |
Renders an array value as a list of elements.
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | className | Additional class names on the wrapping div element. | string | | disabled | Should the component and its children be disabled. | boolean | | children | Renders children with the array element as its context. | ReactNode | (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => ReactNode |
Creates a context with a certain path as base.
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | ----------------------------- | ------ | | path | Path to use as the base path. | string |
With ReactNode children:
<VarUI values={{ test: [{ prop: 'a' }, { prop: 'b' }, { prop: 'c' }] }}>
<VarArray path="test">
<VarInput path="prop" label="Example" />
With function:
<VarUI values={{ test: [{ prop: 'a' }, { prop: 'b' }, { prop: 'c' }] }}>
<VarArray path="test">
{(element, index) => <VarInput path="prop" label={`Element: ${index}`} />}
Input components
Base properties
Most input components accept the following base properties.
Does not apply to <VarButton />
Optional properties
T is component's value type.
| Property | Description | Type | | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | | label | Label to be shown left to the input. | ReactNode | | className | Additional class names on the wrapping div element. | string | | path | Variable path in the data object. | string | | value | Current value (only used if context and path aren't available).In most cases you aren't going to need this. | T | | defaultValue | Default value for components that support resetting (on double click for example). | T | | disabled | Should the component be disabled. | boolean | | readOnly | Should the component be read-only. | boolean | | onChange | On change event, called with the new value if provided.In most cases you aren't going to need this. | (value: T) => void | | children | Children. Only rendered when provided directly to the VarBase component. | ReactNode |
Angle picker component. Accepts and provides numbers (radians).
T = number (rad)
Base VarUI input component. Doesn't do anything besides displaying the label.
Used to construct other components from.
Button component.
Does not accept any of the base component properties.
Required properties
| Property | Description | Type | | ----------- | --------------- | --------- | | buttonLabel | Category label. | ReactNode |
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------- | | onClick | Called when the button is clicked. | () => void | | disabled | Should the component be disabled. | boolean |
Color picker component. Returns and accepts values in form of hex color strings.
Uses @uiw/react-color-sketch to render the color picker.
T = string (#XXXXXX)
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | alpha | Should allow picking alpha values?If true, the result hex code will contain extra two characters representing the alpha value, from 00 to FF. | boolean |
A simple component that displays a string or a numeric value.
Only accepts path and value. Does not change any values.
T = string | number
A simple file input component. Accepts and provides File instances.
T = File
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | accept | List of accepted file types. | string | | displayMetadata | Whether file information should be displayed in the field. (default: true) | boolean |
A simple image input component. Accepts and provides blob/data URLs.
T = string
Media (audio/video/image) input component. Accepts and provides a blob URL.
If acceptImage, acceptAudio and acceptVideo are all false, the component will accept all 3.
T = string
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | acceptImage | Whether the component should accept image/* files. | boolean | | acceptAudio | Whether the component should accept audio/* files. | boolean | | acceptVideo | Whether the component should accept video/* files. | boolean |
Integer/float number component. Accepts and provides numbers.
T = number
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | min | Minimum value. | number | | max | Maximum value. | number | | step | Step. | number | | integer | Should the end result be rounded to an integer value. | boolean | | showInput | If true will display an editable input, otherwise shows a read only value. | boolean | | showButtons | If true will display buttons that increase and decrease the value by step. | boolean |
Select component. Returns and accepts either value
from option object or key
when value
is not provided.
T = any
Required properties
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | ------------------------ | ------------------ | | options | Options to be displayed. | IVarSelectOption[] |
Interface: IVarSelectOption
| Property | Description | Type |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
| key | Key for the option. Also used as value if value
is not specified. | ReactText |
| label | Option label. | string |
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | | value | Option value. Key will be used if not specified.Note: Will be serialized to JSON and deserialized when selected. | any |
Integer/float slider component. Accepts and provides numbers.
T = number
Required properties
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | -------------- | ------ | | min | Minimum value. | number | | max | Maximum value. | number | | step | Step. | number |
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | integer | Should the end result be rounded to an integer value. | boolean | | showInput | If true will display an editable input, otherwise shows a read only value. | boolean | | showButtons | If true will display buttons that increase and decrease the value by step. | boolean |
String input component. Accepts and provides a string value.
T = string
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | --------- | ------------------------------- | ------- | | maxLength | Maximum length of the text. | number | | multiline | Should the field be a textarea? | boolean |
Checkbox/toggle component. Accepts and returns a boolean (true/false).
T = boolean
XY offset picker. Accepts and provides an array in form of [x, y].
T = [number (x), number (y)]
Optional properties
| Property | Description | Type | | -------- | -------------- | ------------------------ | | min | Minimum value. | [number (x), number (y)] | | max | Maximum value. | [number (x), number (y)] | | step | Step. | [number (x), number (y)] |
Theme customization
The colors can be customized as such (provided are default values):
.react-var-ui {
/* Foreground color, used for text. */
--react-var-ui-foreground-color: #ddd;
/* Background color, used for category header backgrounds. */
--react-var-ui-background-color: #11111a;
/* Accent color, used for active parts of sliders, toggles and XY. */
--react-var-ui-accent-color: #77f;
/* Input background color. */
--react-var-ui-input-background-color: #353542;
/* Input background color (when hovered). */
--react-var-ui-input-background-hover-color: #424253;
/* Input background color (when pressed). Only applies to buttons. */
--react-var-ui-input-background-pressed-color: #2b2b37;
/* Label background color. */
--react-var-ui-label-background-normal-color: #22222a;
/* Label background color (when hovered). */
--react-var-ui-label-background-hover-color: #2a2a33;
/* Label border color. */
--react-var-ui-label-border-color: #33333a;
Custom input components
react-var-ui provides a <VarBase />
component and a useVarUIValue
hook designed to facilitate creation of custom components.
Example usage
import React from 'react';
import { useVarUIValue, IVarBaseInputProps, VarBase } from 'react-var-ui';
// Please specify the <T>.
export interface IVarCustomProps extends IVarBaseInputProps<string> {}
* Custom input component. In this example, it's a simple text input.
export const VarCustom = ({
}: IVarCustomProps): JSX.Element => {
* currentValue will contain the current value from the value object
* (at a given path) or value from properties if that's not available.
* setCurrentValue will set the value onto a given path in the object
* and call onChange if available.
* All arguments are optional, path/object-based value changes take
* precedence.
const [currentValue, setCurrentValue] = useVarUIValue(path, value, onChange);
* We're wrapping our component in VarBase which provides the default
* label.
* It is necessary to wrap what should appear on the right in a <span>.
* If this behavior is undesired, a <div> with grid-column: 1 / 3; can
* be used.
return (
<VarBase label={label} disabled={disabled} className={className}>
onChange={e => setCurrentValue(}