A hook to make data structures rerenderable in React
react-userestruct is designed to efficiently manage mutable data structures with explicit control over re-renders. Built for performance, it allows you to work with complex data structures (like linked lists, stacks, trees, and more) in a React-friendly way while maintaining full control over when components re-render.
- Mutable Data Structures: Modify your data directly without needing to recreate state, unlike React's default useState hook.
- Explicit Rerender Control: Decide exactly when React should re-render your component by using a flexible rerender flag, preventing unnecessary updates and improving performance.
- Performance Focused: Ideal for managing large or complex data structures efficiently in React applications.
- Customizable: Compatible with any custom data structure—linked lists, trees, stacks, or even user-defined classes—without the need for immutability.
Use Cases:
- Applications requiring custom or complex data structures like linked lists, trees, or graphs.
- Performance-sensitive applications where unnecessary re-renders need to be minimized.
- Developers who want to maintain full control over React's rendering behavior without sacrificing the flexibility of mutable data.
Example usage
For example, you have your own custom LinkedList
// MyLinkedList.ts
export class LinkedListNode<T> {
public value: T
public next: LinkedListNode<T> | null = null
constructor(value: T) {
this.value = value
export default class MyLinkedList<T> {
public head: LinkedListNode<T> | null = null
public tail: LinkedListNode<T> | null = null
public push(value: T) {
const newNode = new LinkedListNode(value)
!this.head || !this.tail ? (this.head = newNode) : (this.tail!.next = newNode)
this.tail = newNode
Usage of this custom clas using react-restruct
import { useRestruct } from 'react-restruct'
// Your own custom datasctructure class
import MyLinkedList from './MyLinkedList'
// Example: Using a LinkedList in a React component
const App = () => {
const list = useRestruct<MyLinkedList<string>>(new LinkedList())
const handleAddDuplicate = () => {
list.append(false, 'new item') // Append withhout rerender trigger
list.append(true, 'new item') // Append with rerender trigger
// result - one rerender but two state changes
return <button onClick={handleAddDuplicate}>Add Item</button>