measure view bounds
yarn add react-use-motion-measure
This small tool will measure the boundaries (for instance width, height, top, left) of a view you reference. It is reactive and responds to changes in size, window-scroll and nested-area-scroll.
This is fork of react-use-measure modified to use MotionValue (from Framer Motion) instead of state. This allows to avoid unnecessary re-renders if you use element size/position only in animation. Everything else is same as in original package, for options and more info refer to its readme.
This project uses Framer Motion as peer dependency, don't forget to install it.
You can try live demo here.
import useMotionMeasure from 'react-use-motion-measure'
function App() {
const [ref, bounds] = useMotionMeasure()
// bounds.x, bounds.width, etc are MotionValue<number>
// and will be updated if component changes size
return <div ref={ref} />
interface MotionRectReadOnly {
readonly x: MotionValue<number>
readonly y: MotionValue<number>
readonly width: MotionValue<number>
readonly height: MotionValue<number>
readonly top: MotionValue<number>
readonly right: MotionValue<number>
readonly bottom: MotionValue<number>
readonly left: MotionValue<number>
type Options = {
// Debounce events in milliseconds
debounce?: number | { scroll: number; resize: number }
// React to nested scroll changes, don't use this if you know your view is static
scroll?: boolean
// You can optionally inject a resize-observer polyfill
polyfill?: { new (cb: ResizeObserverCallback): ResizeObserver }
// Measure size using offsetHeight and offsetWidth to ignore parent scale transforms
offsetSize?: boolean
options: Options = { debounce: 0, scroll: false }
): [ref: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | SVGElement>, bounds: MotionRectReadOnly, forceRefresh: () => void]