A component library for building React applications faster
React-TypeScript Component Library
A component library for building React applications faster
Technology used
CSS, TypeScript, React
Web page
Cloning this repository
Fork this repository (click on the Fork icon on GitHub)
In your code editor (I use Visual Studio Code), open the folder where you want to add this project
(example: C:\myAwesomeProjects)
Open a terminal and clone the project
(copy and paste your fork's URL after "git clone"):git clone<YOUR-USERNAME>/react-ts-library.git
Open the project folder in your code editor
(example: C:\myAwesomeProjects\react-ts-library)
Install dependencies:npm install
Opening Storybook
Run Storybook to open a webpage showing examples of each component:npm run storybook
How to use this library in your project
Open your project's folder in your code editor and install the library:npm install react-ts-library
Once installed, import the components into your project as you would any other component.
Example project using this library
For an example of a project using this library, visit
Feel free to clone this example project to experiment with the component library (create a fork and clone following the same guidelines as above).
After installing the dependencies, run the project:npm run dev
Open the app on http://localhost:5173/
(CTRL+click on the link to open the web page, or type it on your browser)