npm package discovery and stats viewer.

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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Table That Could Render Tree Structure





A kind of Table _(┐「ε:)_❤



I'm using fontawesome in my arrow button, if you don't want to custom the button, remember require it in your app


  • data[Array] data you want display on table (default leaf node property name is list)
  • childrenPropertyName[String] customize leaf node property, default is list
  • iskey[String] key of column
  • hashKey[Boolean] default is fasle, if data not have a unique key, then set it to true, react-treetable will init a uid default property name is __uid
  • uid[String] default is __uid, property for init uid
  • isTree[Boolean] default is true, tell table is data a tree. If you set it to false, when you want to render a normal table , to some extent, can save performance , but please don't set hashKey to true
  • remote[Boolean] if set true , which means you want to handle data change, react-treetable will give control of onPageChange, onSortChange, sortName, sortOrder to parent component
  • dataSize[Number] total size of data, only useful when remote enabled
  • sortOrder[String] sort order, asc or desc
  • sortName[String] sort field in table
  • onSortChange[Function(sortName, sortOrder)] sort function, sortOrder will be asc or desc
  • expandAll[Boolean] default is false, expand all rows initially
  • expandRowKeys[Array] expanded rows keys
  • clickToCloseAll[Boolean] collapse all leaf when click to collapse, default is true
  • startArrowCol[Number] set expand arrow button show start from startArrowCol column, default is 0
  • arrowRender[Function(open)] render function of expand arrow button
  • onArrowClick[Function(collapse, data,parent)] function when click expand arrow button, arguments -> collapse,data, parent, and one callback callback, be sure callback(data)(since I should deal width async😢. ps: if you want add leaf when expand like me, please use references of data)。collapse means whether or not you are collapsing the row ?
  • pagination[Boolean] default is false, set true to enable pagination
  • options[Object] configuration of pagination
    • page[Number] means the page you want to show as default
    • prevLabel[String | Number | Node] customize previous page button
    • nextLabel[String | Number | Node] customize next page button
    • startLabel[String | Number | Node] customize page button of back to first page
    • endLabel[String | Number | Node] customize page button of back to last page
    • sizePerPage[Number] size per page, default is 10
    • paginationSize[Number] pagination bar length, default is 6
    • onPageChange[Function(page, sizePerPage)] callback when page changed
    • paginationShowsTotal[Boolean | Function(start, to , total)] display a text that the total number and current lines displayed, default is false
  • selectRow[Object] configuration of row selection (be sure isTree is false
    • mode['none', 'radio', 'checkbox'] type of selector, default is none
    • bgColor[String] background color of tag tr when selected
    • selected[Array] selected row keys
    • hideSelectColumn[Boolean] hide select column or not default is false
    • onSelect[Function(isSelected, row)] callback when select
    • onSelectAll[Function(isSelected, data)] callback when select all
  • hover[Boolean] default is true
  • hoverStyle[Object] default is {backgroundColor: '#f5f5f5'}, will effect tag tr
  • width[Number | String] width
  • height[Number | String] height
  • title[Function(data) | String | Number | Node] table title
  • footer[Function(data) | String | Number | Node] table footer
  • nestedHead[Array] nestedHead([[],[]]), string or {label: '', colspan: 1, rowspan: 1}


  • dataField[String] key of column
  • dataAlign[String] text align of column
  • dataFixed[String] this column will be fixed when table scroll, left, right or auto, default is auto
  • dataSort[Boolean] enable table sorting, default is false(only sort the first level of data when isTree)
  • dataFormat[Function(cell, level, row, index, col)] customize format function
  • hidden[Boolean] hide this column or not, default is false
  • width[Number | String] width of column
  • showArrow[Function(cell, level, row, index, col) | Boolean] force to show expand arrow button(on startArrowCol basis)

example code⬇

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {
} from 'react-treetable';

import {
} from './fackData';

class Main extends Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            page: 1,
            list: [],
            length: 10,
            data: data,
            selected: [],
            expandRowKeys: []

    componentWillMount() {
        fetch('http://localhost:3000/list').then(res => {
            return res.json();
        }).then(json => {
                list: json

    handleClick(display, data, callback) {
        if (!display) {
            fetch('http://localhost:3000/get?a=8').then(res => {
                return res.json();
            }).then(json => {
        } else {

    handleArrowClick(collapse, data, cb) {
        if (!collapse && data.chdatalist && !data.chdatalist.length) {
            this.setState(old => {
                old.loading = true;
                return old;
            fetch(`http://localhost:3000/detail?year=${data.year}&time=${data.time}&datatype=0`).then(res => {
                return res.json();
            }).then(json => {
                data.chdatalist = json;
                this.setState(old => {
                    old.loading = false;
                    return old;
        } else {
            if (collapse) {
                this.setState(old => {
                    return old;
            } else {
                this.setState(old => {
                    old.expandRowKeys.splice(old.expandRowKeys.indexOf(data.uniqueKey), 1);
                    return old;

    headRender() {
        return [{
            id: 'columnName',
            name: ' '
        }, {
            id: 'rate',
            name: '提货费率'
        }, {
            id: 'averageCost',
            name: '提货单均成本'
        }, {
            id: 'cost',
            name: '提货成本'
        }, {
            id: 'orderMoney',
            name: '提货订单金额'
        }, {
            id: 'orderNum',
            name: '提货订单量'
        }, {
            id: 'customerNum',
            name: '提货客户数'
        }, {
            id: 'volume',
            name: '提货体积'
        }, {
            id: 'weight',
            name: '提货重量'

    showArrow(cell, level, row, index, col) {
        if (row.a == 1) {
            return false
        return true;

    render() {
        const dataFormat = {
            "a": function (cell, level, row) {
                return cell + ' I am level ' + level
            "b": function (cell, level, row, index, col) {
                if (level != 0) {
                    // let key = col[index - 1];
                    // return row[ || key];
                    return '';
                } else {
                    return cell + ' I am row b'
            "c": function (cell, level, row, index, col) {
                if (level != 0) {
                    let key = col[index - 2];
                    return row[ || key];
                } else {
                    return cell
            "d": function (cell, level, row, index, col) {
                if (level != 0) {
                    let key = col[index - 1];
                    return row[ || key];
                } else {
                    return cell + 1
        const options = {
            page: 1,
            sizePerPage: 1,
            sizePageList: [10, 20, 30],
            paginationShowsTotal: true,
            onPageChange: function (page, sizePerPage) {


        const selectRow = {
            mode: "checkbox",
            bgColor: "rgb(238, 193, 213)",
            selected: this.state.selected,
            hideSelectColumn: false,
            onSelectAll: (checked, currentSelected) => {
                if (checked) {
                    let checkedList = => {
                    this.setState(old => {
                        old.selected = checkedList;
                        return old;
                } else {
                    this.setState(old => {
                        old.selected = [];
                        return old;
            onSelect: (checked, row) => {
                if (checked) {
                    this.setState(old => {
                        return old
                } else {
                    this.setState(old => {
                        old.selected.splice(old.selected.indexOf(, 1);
                        return old;
        const style = {
            margin: "20px",
            background: "#fff"
        return (
                <div style={style}>
                            label: '全国',
                            colspan: 4,
                            rowspan: 2
                        }, 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a'], ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b']]}
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="a" dataFormat={dataFormat.a}>第一列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="b" dataSort={true} width={200}
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="c" dataSort={true}
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="d" hidden={false}>第四列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol width={200} dataField="d" hidden={false}>第五列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="d" hidden={false}>第六列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="d" hidden={true}>第七列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol width={150} dataFormat={()=> {
                            return <a href="#">freedom!</a>
                <div style={style}>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="a">第一列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="b">第二列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="c">第三列</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="d">第四列</TreeHeadCol>
                <div style={style}>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataField="id" dataAlign="center" dataFixed="left">id</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='regionRoleName'
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataSort={true}
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='systemRoleName'>系统角色</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='region'
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='createTime'>创建时间</TreeHeadCol>
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataField='description'
                        <TreeHeadCol dataAlign='center' width="150px" dataFormat={()=> {
                            return <a href="#">freedom!</a>
                <div style={style}>
                    <TreeTable iskey='uniqueKey'
                               childrenPropertyName='chdatalist' expandRowKeys={this.state.expandRowKeys}
                               data={this.state.list} hover={false} onArrowClick={this.handleArrowClick.bind(this)}
                            this.headRender().map((item, index)=> {
                                return <TreeHeadCol key={index} dataAlign='center' showArrow={true}

ReactDOM.render(<Main/>, document.querySelector('.main'));

run example

    npm install
    npm run mock
    npm run dev

then open



really tired to calculate column width (:з」∠)