React interactive tree visualization library.
Allows you to store and manage information in different tree data structures.
:video_game: Code Sandbox
✨ Storybook
:gift: NPM
- :package: Only 4kb minified & gzipped / no dependencies
- :hammer_and_wrench: Perform tree operations with a simple function call
- :rocket: Components made with only JSX and CSS
- :nail_care: Make the components of your own with styling options
Data Structures Covered
- Binary Search Tree
Trie, AVL Tree and more coming soon :see_no_evil:
Who is this library for?
If you are looking for a way to not just only display your data in a tree format but also interact with it, react-tree-vis might be for you. You can simply pass an array of numbers to display it or use our API to insert, delete, search and much more. With react-tree-vis, you can style your tree component with props or override with CSS. Everything is documented below! Also, I would recommend checking out other similar libraries too.
# Yarn
yarn add react-tree-vis
npm install react-tree-vis
Quick start
We are displaying data in BST and interacting with it using useTree
. Play around with this example here.
import { BinarySearchTree, useTree } from 'react-tree-vis'
import { useState } from 'react'
export default function App() {
const { ref, insert, remove } = useTree()
const [insertValue, setInsertValue] = useState(0)
const [removeValue, setRemoveValue] = useState(0)
return (
<div className="App">
onChange={(elem) => setInsertValue(parseInt(elem.currentTarget.value))}
<button onClick={() => insert(insertValue)}>Insert</button>
<br />
onChange={(elem) => setRemoveValue(parseInt(elem.currentTarget.value))}
<button onClick={() => remove(removeValue)}>Remove</button>
<BinarySearchTree data={[2, 1, 3]} ref={ref} />
It organizes numbers in a binary search tree and exposes various styling options.
| Prop | Type | Required | Description |
| ------------ | ----------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ref
| React.MutableRefObject<any>
| :x: | Allows interaction with BST component. ref
object passed, is obtained from useTree()
. |
| data
| number[]
| :x: | Elements in the array are inserted into the tree on mount. |
| treeStyles
| object
| :x: | Allows overriding default style of the component. |
An object with properties described below can be passed to treeStyles
prop to override default styles.
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ------------------------------ | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| lineColor
| string
| Color of the line connecting nodes | #ccc
| lineHoverColor
| string
| Hover color of the line connecting nodes | #5f6674
| lineRadius
| string
| Radius of curves in the line | 5px
| nodeBorder
| string
| Border style of the nodes. Syntax of short-hand CSS border property is accepted here. | none
| nodeBorderRadius
| string
| Border radius of the nodes | 200px
| nodeBackgroundColor
| string
| Background color of the nodes | #fff
| nodeShadow
| string
| Shadow property of the nodes. Syntax of short-hand CSS shadow property accepted here. | -5px -5px 20px #fff, 5px 5px 20px #babecc
| nodeFontColor
| string
| Font color of the text inside the nodes | #666
| nodeTextShadow
| string
| Font shadow of text inside the nodes. | none
| nodeHighlightBorder
| string
| Border style of the highlighted nodes*. Syntax of short-hand CSS border property is accepted here. | none
| nodeHighlightBackgroundColor
| string
| Background color of the highlighted nodes | #fff
| nodeHighlightShadow
| string
| Shadow property of the highlighted nodes. Syntax of short-hand CSS shadow property accepted here. | -5px -5px 20px #fff, 5px 5px 20px #babecc
| nodeHighlightFontColor
| string
| Font color of the text inside the highlighted nodes | #fff
| nodeHighlightTextShadow
| string
| Font shadow of text inside the highlighted nodes. | 0 0 5px #fff, 0 0 10px #fff, 0 0 15px #00ff15, 0 0 20px #00ff15, 0 0 25px #00ff15, 0 0 30px #00ff15, 0 0 35px #00ff15
| nodeHoverBorder
| string
| Border style of the hovered nodes. Syntax of short-hand CSS border property is accepted here. | none
| nodeHoverBackgroundColor
| string
| Background color of the hovered nodes | #fff
| nodeHoverShadow
| string
| Shadow property of the hovered nodes. Syntax of short-hand CSS shadow property accepted here. | -1px -1px 5px #fff, 1px 1px 5px #babecc
| nodeHoverFontColor
| string
| Font color of the text inside the hovered nodes | #002574
| nodeHoverTextShadow
| string
| Font shadow of text inside the hovered nodes. | none
| nodeNullFontColor
| string
| Font color of the null nodes | #7c7c7c2f
| nodeNullHoverFontColor
| string
| Font color of the hovered null nodes | #ff0000b9
| transitionDuration
| string
| CSS transition duration | 0.5s
* Nodes searched successfully in the tree are highlighted.
This story allows you to play around with styles! (Refresh to apply styles. Working on improving UX here. Here is a rabbit for inconvenience caused. :rabbit:)
Feel styling options are limited? You can always override them with CSS. All the tree components are given id react-tree-vis
. Refer to this CSS file for selectors. Also check out this codesandbox example.
This hook allows you to interact with your tree. Insert, remove, search and so much more!
import { useTree } from 'react-tree-vis'
const tree = useTree()
It returns an object with the following properties.
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ref
| React.MutableRefObject<any>
| Pass this ref object to your tree component. It binds the functions returned by this hook to that component. |
| insert
| (value: number) => void
| Inserts the value |
| remove
| (value: number) => boolean
| removes the value |
| search
| (value: number) => boolean
| Searches the value and return true if found. Also, node found is highlighted |
| getData
| (traversalOrder: TraversalOrderType) => number[]
* | Return traversal of the tree |
| clear
| () => void
| Removes all nodes |
| balance
| () => void
| Balances the tree |
| generateRandomTree
| (countOfNodes: number) => void
| Removes all nodes and inserts countOfNodes
random values. |
| checkTreeType
| () => BinaryTreeCheckType[]
** | Checks whether the current tree is balanced, complete, perfect or full |
* TraversalOrderType = 'inorder' | 'postorder' | 'preorder'
** BinaryTreeCheckType = 'balanced' | 'complete' | 'perfect' | 'full'
yarn install
yarn storybook
Run tests
yarn test
👤 Vandan Rogheliya
- Twitter: @vandan_roghelia
- Github: @VandanRogheliya
- LinkedIn: @vandanrogheliya
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📝 License
Copyright © 2021 Vandan Rogheliya. This project is MIT licensed.