toasts library
React toast library
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✨ Demo
npm install react-toaster-lib
Add container component to your App:
import { ToastContainer } from "react-toaster-lib";
<ToastContainer />
Container has default position "top-right", but you could use the next variants:
<ToastContainer position="top-left"/>
<ToastContainer position="top-center"/>
<ToastContainer /> //default position="top-right"
<ToastContainer position="bottom-left"/>
<ToastContainer position="bottom-center"/>
<ToastContainer position="bottom-right"/>
By default renders into div element with id="toasts-root" (it appends by library to document.body). But you could define your custom id for root element by using rootId ToastContainer attribute:
<ToastContainer position="top-left" rootId="your-custom-id" />
To create a Toast: import "toaster" library instance and use its addToast() method:
import { toaster } from "react-toaster-lib";
toaster.addToast("Toast text"); //minimum params required
toaster.addToast("Some text to show (required)", "Toast header (optional)", {
type: "success", //"default" (predefined) | "info" | "success" | "warning" | "danger"
lifeTime: 2000, // time in milliseconds, if used - toast will automatically close in this time
animationType: "ease", //"ease" |"ease-in" | "ease-out" | "ease-in-out" (predefined) | "linear" | "cubic-bezier"
showFrom: "left", // "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"
hideTo: "left", // "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"
bgColor: "#ffffff", //any valid color format
fontColor: "rgb(179, 56, 56)", //any valid color format
iconColor: "blue", //any valid color format
margin: "md lg sm 12", //use constants "md", "lg", "sm" and digits without "px"
padding: "md 7", //use constants "md", "lg", "sm" and digits without "px"
The signature of addToast method is: addToast(toastText [, toastHeader [, optionsObject]]) The single parameter required is toastText, other params are optional. You could use optionsObj as the second param if you do not need toast header.
addToast() options available:
- type - Toast type determines its Icon type and default background, font and Icon colors. Types available: "default" (predefined) | "info" | "success" | "warning" | "danger"
- lifeTime - time in milliseconds. If option not used or equals "0" - you could close Toast only manually by click on the cross or by swipe. If you use lifeTime with value > 0 (ms) - Toast will disappear automatically after time milliseconds
- animationType - effect using on toast show / hide. Types available: "ease" | "ease-in" | "ease-out" | "ease-in-out" (predefined) | "linear", "cubic-bezier" (use cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.7, 1, 0.1) function)
- showFrom - determine where from Toast will appear on the screen. Types available: "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" . showFrom param has predefined values according to ToastContainer positions: "left" if ToastContainer has "top-left" or "bottom-left" position, "right" if position is "top-right" or "bottom-right", "top" if position is "top-center" and "bottom" if position is "bottom-center"
- hideTo - determine direction where Toast disappear from the screen. Types available: "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" . hideTo param has predefined values according to ToastContainer positions: "left" if ToastContainer has "top-left" or "bottom-left" position, "right" if position is "top-right" or "bottom-right", "top" if position is "top-center" and "bottom" if position is "bottom-center"
- bgColor - custom background color, use any valid format. If not used or wrong value - library use default bg color according to Toast type
- fontColor - custom font color, use any valid format. If not used or wrong value - library use default font color according to Toast type
- iconColor - custom Icon color, use any valid format. If not used or wrong value - library use default Icon color according to Toast type
- margin - set custom Toast margins - match standard CSS margin value (1-4 values divided with spaces), but you could use ONLY digits (without "px") and constants "sm" (=5px), "md" (=10px) or "lg"(=15px).
- padding - set custom Toast paddings - match standard CSS padding value (1-4 values divided with spaces), but you could use ONLY digits (without "px") and constants "sm" (=5px), "md" (=10px) or "lg"(=15px).
Swipe to remove Toast feature available
👤 treyer [email protected]
- Github: @treyer
- LinkedIn: @Andrei Кazhanenka
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