React time slider component using JQuery-UI and Moment
Note: This is an initial alpha. I haven't even added CSS to the demo. More to come.
A common use case for the jQuery UI Slider is to allow the user to specify a date range which then impacts the other elements on the page.
Often, the dates impact the state of the app, which in turn is reflected in the URL via the router, though raw or formatted dates are not suitable for this purpose.
One solution is to ask the router to serialize the date into an Integer and ask the labels around the slider to format the date as desired, but the couples the two and creates extra work.
Instead, this component receives and returns Integers, allowing the user to specify a grain (annual, monthly, or daily) for the slider itself as well as the format for its labels.
Getting started
Install via npm:
npm install --save react-time-slider
Then simply require and pass configuration.
var TimeSlider = require('react-time-slider');
var Example = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var timeSlider = TimeSlider({
minFrom: 201402,
maxTo: 201411,
initialFrom: 201404,
initialTo: 201408,
onChange: function(values) {
return timeSlider;
The component receives and returns Integers, so the grain at which the slider is set naturally impacts the other component properties.
grain (Optional Enum, default monthly
The grain of the time slider can be set to daily
, monthly
, or annual
- If the grain is set to
, dates will be Integers of the formatYYYY
. - If the grain is set to
, dates will be Integers of the formatYYYYMM
. - If the grain is set to
, dates will be Integers of the formatYYYYMMDD
minFrom and maxTo (Required Numbers)
These properties reflect the overall valid range of the slider, passed as Integers of the specified grain. These values are immutable.
initialFrom and initialTo (Required Numbers)
These properties reflect the initial values of the range itself. They are only used in initializing the slider. Once initialized, the slider uses internal state to keep track of the current range values.
format (Optional String, default MMM YYYY
The format property is used by Moment.js to format its labels associated with the current state of the slider.
onChange (Optional Function, default $.noop)
The slider internally handles the jQuery UI Slider onSlide event to update its labels, but the values are only returned to the caller on the Change event.
See jQuery UI Slider's documentation for more detailed event descriptions.
The function is not passed the event and values arguments, but rather just an array of length two with the from and to values as Integers of the specified grain.