React Text Editor Kit is a customizable rich text editor component for React applications. It provides a flexible and easy-to-use interface for users to create and edit content with various formatting options. And also easy to integrate in react applicati
React Text Editor Kit
React Text Editor Kit is a customizable rich text editor component for React applications. It provides a flexible and easy-to-use interface for users to create and edit content with various formatting options. And also easy to integrate in react applications.
npm i react-text-editor-kit
Or Using Yarn
yarn add react-text-editor-kit
Live Demo
To test React Text Editor Kit on CodeSandbox, click here.
Simple Usage
import { useState } from "react";
import ReactEditor from "react-text-editor-kit";
function App() {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const handleChange = (value) => {
const image_handler = async (e) => {
let requestObj = {
method: "POST",
url: "your-api-end-point",
headers: {}, // attach required headers
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("image", e.image);
formData.append("width", "600");
requestObj["data"] = formData;
try {
let results = await axios(requestObj);
if ( === 200) {
} else {
return "";
} catch (error) {
return "";
const get_editor_ref = (value) => {};
return (
<div className="App">
getEditorRef={get_editor_ref} //if you want to get ref of editor
mainProps={{ className: "red" }} // these props with b used to most parent div of the editor
placeholder="Write your text here"
// image_handler={image_handler} // if you want to upload image on your server
export default App;
Toolbar and Navbar Customization
if you want to customise toolbar and navbar you can use selected options as you want
const navbar = [
name: "file",
options: ["new_document", "preview", "print"],
name: "view",
title: "View",
options: ["source_code", "full_screen"],
name: "insert",
title: "insert",
options: ["image", "link", "video", "hr_line", "special_char"],
name: "format",
title: "format",
options: [
const toolbar = [
if you want to show all child options in navbar you should not have to pass options array. You can use it like
const navbar = [
name: "file",
title: "File", // if you want to show title of the file function yourself
icon: "<File/>", // if you want to show icon of the file function yourself
// ...Other options
// Or So simple like
const navbar = ["file"]; // if you not need to customise title or icon
if you need customization in toolbar you can also do that just like
const handleClick = (item) => {
console.log(item, "item");
const navbar = [
name: "undo",
title: "Undo it", // if you want to show title of the file function yourself
icon: "<Undo/>", // if you want to show icon of the file function yourself
handleClick: handleClick, // if you need click function to do something but in this case handleClick will prevent the functionality that means now you have to perform functionality yourself but you also want functionality then you need to pass an extra paramter add_functionality just like below
add_functionality: true,
// ...Other optiosn
Removing options from toolbar and navbar
if you want to remove some of the options you can use remove_from_toolbar and remove_from_navbar as given below
{ name: "format", options: ["h1"] }, //options you want to remove from format dropdown
"select_all", //options you want to remove
{ name: "view", options: ["source_code"] }, //options you want to remove from view dropdown
Theme Configuration
if you want to change it's theme you can use given css variables
let theme_config = {
"background-color": "#fff",
"border-color": "#c4c4c4",
"text-color": "#414141",
"toolbar-button-background": "#fff",
"toolbar-text-color": "#414141",
"toolbar-button-hover-background": "#efefef",
"toolbar-button-selected-background": "#dee0e2",
"svg-color": "#414141",
"save-button-background": "rgb(9, 134, 62)",
<ReactEditor value={value} onChange={setValue} theme_config={theme_config} />;
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