An app that allows you to create component templates from cli
A CLI tool for easy react app development.
Creating a component file and writng the same boilerplate code can be tedious. This package lets you create boiler code and files in your react project.
npm install -g react-template-create
Config file (optional)
By default it creates components folder in the src folder. But to customize the behaviour create a template.config.js file
Default config
module.exports = {
root : 'src',
component: 'components',
pages: 'views',
reactCompType: 'class',
styleExt: 'css',
testExt: 'spec.js',
reactExt: 'jsx',
autoCreateTest: false,
autoCreateStyle: false,
name | function ----- | ----- root | All files are created in the src folder by default. changing this option would change the folder name. component | All components are created in the [root]/component folder by default. changing this option would change the folder name. pages | Routes or pages are created in the [root]/views folder by default. changing this option would change the folder name. reactCompType | Class components are created by default if the -f flag is not passed in the terminal. changing it to 'func', creates functional components if -c flag is not passed styleExt | Styles are created with the .css extension by default. changing this option would change the extension. testExt | Test files are created with the .spec.js extension by default. changing this option would change the extension. reactExt | Styles are created with the .jsx extension by default. changing this option would change the extension. autoCreateTest | By default it doesn't create any test file. Making this option true create a sample test file using enzyme and snapshot testing. To overide this function in the command line you can pass the -no-test or -no-t flag. Otherwise leave the option as false and pass the -t or -test flags to manually create test files on every command. autoCreateStyle | By default it doesn't create any style file. Making this option true create style files. To overide this function in the command line you can pass the -no-style or -no-s flag. Otherwise leave the option as false and pass the -s or -style flags to manually create style files on every command
name | function | short-hand ----- | ----- |------ -comp |creates files in components folder depending on the name in your config file for 'component'| N/A -pages | creates files in views folder depending on the name in your config file for 'pages' | N/A -func | generates a functional based comp | -f -class | generates a class based component comp | -c -style | includes a style file | -s -test | includes a test file | -t -no-style | doesn't include a style file if the autoCreateStyle option is set to true in your config | -no-s -no-test | doesn't include a test file if the autoCreateTest opiton is set to true in your config | -no-t
To begin just type in your terminal of your working directory
! First argument should be the name of the component not a flag
r-create <and any other flags ...> For example
r-create navbar -comp
The above creates a src/components/Navbar folder with boiler plate code in the index.js file below
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Navbar extends Component {
render() {
return (
export default Navbar;
Example 2
r-create Home -page -func -style -test
r-create Home -page -f -s -t
Generates the following
src/views/Home/index.js with content
import React from 'react'; import './Home.scss' const Home = () => { return ( <div> </div> ) } export default Home;
src/views/Home/index.spec.js with content
import React from 'react'; import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme'; import Home from './index'; describe('Home Component', () => { it('renders and matches the snapshot', () => { const component = shallow(<Home />); expect(component).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // FURTHER TEST GOES HERE.. });
src/views/Home/Home.css file